New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio made some stunning remarks on CNN, declaring protests in the streets were perfectly acceptable while canceling other large events through September. De Blasio joined CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Thursday evening, discussing the evolving pandemic and policy response by City Hall to mitigate the spread in the city. He said social justice warriors were too important after months of protests have yet produced an outbreak in cases. "This is a historic moment of...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
The Benghazi Tragedy Is A Result of Bad Ideology
The tragedy of Benghazi can be attributed to stupidity and bad ideology. The much talked about Hillary Clinton testimony does not challenge the ideology of interventionism. The...
Why Is The US Silently Bombing Syria’s Electricity Network?
The Aleppo power plant is a 1,000 megawatt thermal plant in five units build by Mitsubishi Heavy Industry in 1995-1998. It is situated some 25 kilometers east of Aleppo city...
New Report: US Aid to Afghanistan Basically Wasted or Stolen
As Obama fails on another campaign promise, this one to end the war in Afghanistan, and as that war moves into its 15th year, it is important to remember the US has spent around...
The Danger Of America’s Assassination Program
On today's Liberty Report, we covered the US government's assassination program. You'll surely recall when President Obama issued an executive order that said the President has...
Snowden: NSA, GCHQ Using Your Phone to Spy on Others (and You)
You are a tool of the state, according to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. The NSA in the U.S., and its equivalent in the UK, GCHQ, are taking control of your phone not just to...
Into Africa: Obama’s Newest War
What to do when an intervention has completely imploded, contributing to 200,000 deaths, destroying a country, and pushing the US closer to a nuclear conflict with Russia than at...
Ron Paul: ‘Greatest Resistance’ to Federal Reserve Audit is Desire to Keep International Activities Secret
In an interview Monday with host Ameera David on RT, former United States House of Representatives member Ron Paul (R-TX) noted that the biggest resistance to his effort to...
How Did ISIS Get All Those Toyota Trucks?
Recently the Department of the Treasury, responsible for keeping track of sanctions and violations of sanctions, turned its bureaucratic eye toward the massive convoys of Toyota...
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