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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

At first, coronavirus was sold as a very dangerous disease for everyone. Some people still believe that line, but the facts were clear months ago that for healthy, younger individuals the risk of severe illness or death from coronavirus is very low. And the risk diminishes the younger one is, with children being at nearly zero risk of death and tending to have no to minor symptoms if infected. As these facts have become more generally known, politicians and media have shifted the emphasis in...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

Navalny False-Flag Authors Invent New Twist to Cover Lies

So now the Navalny poison episode takes on a new twist with German military intelligence subsequently claiming they found traces of Novichok on a bottle of water the Russian dissident had purportedly been drinking from. Rather, it sounds more like the authors of this false-flag operation have “bottled” – meaning became unnerved by the absurdities inherent in their own narrative. Last week the German government announced that a Bundeswehr military laboratory had detected Novichok in the body...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

ACLU Staffer Attacks University For Admitting Nick Sandmann While Professor Denounces His 'Anti-Intellectual' Views

I have previously written, as a long supporter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), about my concern over how the venerable group has changed under its current leadership, including a departure from its long robust defense of free speech. Recently, the ACLU has abandoned its famed neutrality and has not supported some on the right while supporting those on the left. Now, the ACLU’s Samuel Crankshaw in Kentucky has targeted Transylvania University for admitting Nick Sandmann, who was...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms on the Road from 9/11 to COVID-19

You can map the nearly 20-year journey from the 9/11 attacks to the COVID-19 pandemic by the freedoms we’ve lost along the way. The road we have been traveling has been littered with the wreckage of our once-vaunted liberties, especially those enshrined in the Fourth Amendment. The assaults on our freedoms that began with the post-9/11 passage of the USA Patriot Act laid the groundwork for the eradication of every vital constitutional safeguard against government overreach, corruption and...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

Pandemic Skeptics…Proven Right!

Was the whole coronavirus panic set off by a faulty understanding of the difference between infection fatality rate and case fatality rate? One doctor in the UK makes a strong case that the mania was set off by a math mistake. Also today, more mainstream outlets concluding that lockdowns were a terrible mistake. SF government gyms remain open while commercial gyms driven out of business. Baseball madness, as Nationals general manager ejected from game...for no mask in his own private booth in...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

Australia’s Covid Police State

Last week’s arrest of Zoe Buhler by Australian police, the video of which swept the world, should terrify every person who believes in liberal democracy. Buhler, a 28-year-old pregnant mother, was arrested at her home near Ballarat, Victoria, on Wednesday. She was handcuffed in front of her family, had her computer and phones confiscated, and was led out of her house by the police. What had she done that was deserving of such heavy-handed treatment? What had she done that made it worth...

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Horowitz: Thousands of Cases but ZERO Hospitalizations in Colleges: This is GOOD News. But States and Colleges Force Draconian Lockdowns

Horowitz: Thousands of Cases but ZERO Hospitalizations in Colleges: This is GOOD News. But States and Colleges Force Draconian Lockdowns

Remember the goal of flattening the curve? Ensuring that hospitals weren’t overrun? Well, what do you call a scenario where thousands of cases result in zero hospitalizations? I’d call it the ultimate flat curve – or downright flat line. Yet rather than recognizing the detection of mild cases among college students as portents of good news, universities continue to sow panic for no good reason. If we had in place the strict eligibility threshold for COVID-19 testing that we had in March when...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

The One Percent Blunder: How a Simple But Fatal Math Mistake by US Covid-19 Experts Caused the World to Panic and Order Lockdowns

In February, US Covid guru Anthony Fauci predicted the virus was ‘akin to a severe flu’ and would therefore kill around 0.1 percent of people. Then fatality rate predictions were somehow mixed up to make it look ten times WORSE. When you strip everything else out, the reason for lockdown comes from a single figure: one percent. This was the prediction that Covid, if left unchecked, would kill around one percent of us. You may not think that percentage is enormous, but one percent of the...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

The Fed's Brilliant Plan? More Inflation and Higher Prices

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently announced that the Fed is abandoning “inflation targeting” where the Fed aims to maintain a price inflation rate of up to two percent. Instead, the Fed will allow inflation to remain above two percent to balance out periods of lower inflation. Powell’s announcement is not a radical shift in policy. It is an acknowledgment that the Fed is unlikely to reverse course and stop increasing the money supply anytime soon.Following the 2008 market...

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MORE Act Sole Republican Cosponsor Says the Bill Is Not the Way to Legalize Marijuana Now

MORE Act Sole Republican Cosponsor Says the Bill Is Not the Way to Legalize Marijuana Now

The United States House of Representatives appears set to have a floor vote this month on the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act (HR 3884). The bill would legalize marijuana at the national level, but, as I pointed out in a July article, the MORE Act’s “inclusion of race-based provisions and marijuana business subsidies make the bill seem incapable of gaining much Republican support.” Such provisions included in the bill being pushed to the House floor by the House’s...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

Journalism’s New Propaganda Tool: Using 'Confirmed' to Mean its Opposite

One of the most humiliating journalism debacles of the Trump era played out on December 8, 2017, first on CNN and then on MSNBC. The spectacle kicked off on that Friday morning at 11:00 a.m. when CNN, deploying its most melodramatic music and graphics designed to convey that a real bombshell was about to be dropped, announced that anonymous sources had provided the network with a smoking gun proving the Trump/Russia conspiracy once and for all: during the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump, Jr. had...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

US-Russia Tensions Flare Up on Multiple Fronts

Amidst the escalating tensions with China, the United States should have kept the troubled relationship with Russia on an even keel. But the opposite is happening. For the first time since the presidential election in Belarus on August 9, Washington has openly sided with the protests in Minsk and dared Russia to intervene.  Berlin has simultaneously announced that the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned by Novichok nerve agent. Curiously, Germans went public with the...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

Right and Wrong Ways for a Politician to Have a Haircut in Violation of Coronavirus Mandates

This week, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, has been the subject of much attention because of her on the sly visit at a salon in her hometown of San Francisco despite such being forbidden under the local coronavirus crackdown and despite Pelosi being one of the most prominent coronavirus fearmongers in America. A few months before Pelosi’s salon visit, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was similarly in the spotlight. A picture circulated in April of...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

The Collapsing Universities – And What We Can Do About It

America’s universities have been taken over by the left, but the way they are reacting to the fake Covid-19 crisis gives us a chance to reconstitute higher education on sound free-market principles. In the name of “diversity,” academic standards have been gutted. Here are some examples. Emily Walton, a sociology professor at Dartmouth, teaches her students about ‘white blindness’: Everyone learns, but I find that the small handful of white students in the class usually learn the most. That’s...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

A new book says looting’s fine as it’s fun and people get free stuff. It costs $27.57, but perhaps you can steal it instead

In Defense of Looting is one of the most ridiculous books ever committed to print and would be laughable if the paper-thin philosophy behind it weren’t perniciously making its way into public life. For most of human history, we have agreed that nicking other people’s stuff is bad. The Bible includes “thou shalt not steal” in the Ten Commandments alongside murder, blasphemy and adultery as things you shouldn’t be getting up to. Sharia law takes such a dim view of larceny that in its strictest...

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Coronavirus Policy Has Been Hurting, Not Helping, Older and Less Healthy People

The CDC Is America's New Landlord

This is astonishing, even by 2020 standards. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, operating under the US Department of Health and Human Services, has asserted jurisdiction over private residential leases nationwide. It intends to curtail evictions until at least the end of the year, and in fact its new directive threatens federal criminal penalties against landlords who ignore tenant "declarations" made using CDC forms. It is unclear, to put it mildly, exactly how this jurisdiction...

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