RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Flashback: How Yeltsin Gleefully Drove Bill Clinton to Tears. Who’s Crying Now?

Flashback: How Yeltsin Gleefully Drove Bill Clinton to Tears. Who’s Crying Now?

Yeltsin grinned while Clinton cried. The Russian president had just blurted out his unfiltered reaction to American news reporting. It was October, 1995. Clinton and Yeltsin had just spoken at the United Nations 50th anniversary meeting. The next day the two presidents got together at Hyde Park, New York for a bilateral meeting followed by a press conference. It was then that Yeltsin told the media his take on his US visit. He said that when he came here that October he did not have the degree...

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Dumpster Fire: White House Press Office Faced Internal Criticism Over the Rewriting of President Biden’s Garbage Comments

Dumpster Fire: White House Press Office Faced Internal Criticism Over the Rewriting of President Biden’s Garbage Comments

Since the “Let’s Go, Brandon” incident, the media has been repeatedly accused of reframing news or rewriting words to benefit the President or the Biden-Harris Administration. This week, the White House Press Office and various media outlets like Politico and MSNBC have been ridiculed for denying that President Joe Biden called Trump supporters “garbage.” It has created a weird dissonance as Democratic politicians denounced what the White House and many in the press denied was said....

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Tweedledee and Tweedledum

Tweedledee and Tweedledum

My family and friends are angry with me because I won’t tell them for whom I plan to vote for president. I have not voted for the Republican or Democrat for president since 1984, when I happily voted for Ronald Reagan. Since those days, the Democrats have gravitated to principles of big government that would make FDR blush, and the Republicans have abandoned all principles. I will give the Democrats credit. They do not believe that the Constitution restrains the federal government. They say...

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The Media Musk? Why the Cancel Campaign Targeting Jeff Bezos Could Backfire

The Media Musk? Why the Cancel Campaign Targeting Jeff Bezos Could Backfire

Below is my column on Fox.com on the expanding boycott of the Washington Post by Democratic politicians, pundits, and members of the press. The reason? Because owner Jeff Bezos wants to stay politically neutral and leave the matter to the public. In an age of advocacy journalism, the return to neutrality is intolerable. The reaction is itself revealing. In a heated meeting this week at the Post, writers were apoplectic with attacks on Bezos and alarm over the very notion of remaining...

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Why is EU’s rotating presidency praising a country that flipped off the bloc?

Why is EU’s rotating presidency praising a country that flipped off the bloc?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban took a break this week from annoying the EU establishment at home to annoy it abroad. “For so many years now, the people of Georgia have been striving and fighting for democracy,” unelected European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen proclaimed in the wake of the Georgian parliamentary elections. “They have a right to know what happened this weekend.” Well, since she apparently needs it spelled out, it would seem that 54% of...

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Some Of Our Leaders Are Putting Other Countries First

Some Of Our Leaders Are Putting Other Countries First

Some of our leaders seem to care more about other countries, e.g., Ukraine and Israel, than they do about our own. Once again, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has come to Washington, begging for even more money, this time some $8 billion dollars. The U.S. Congress has already approved $175 billion for Ukraine in the last 2½ years. Added to over $52 billion from the European Union and $43 billion from the World Bank (17.5% of which comes from U.S. taxpayers), Ukraine has had more money...

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Russia Keeps Rolling Forward While Iran Contemplates Retaliation Against Israel

Russia Keeps Rolling Forward While Iran Contemplates Retaliation Against Israel

espite my hope that Iran would “take a win” in repelling most of the Israeli cruise missiles launched on Saturday against Iranian military targets, it appears that Iran will hit back in the near future. I base that conclusion on these two recent statements from Iranian senior officials. Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, Deputy Coordinator of the IRGC: “In the coming days, you will witness another crushing blow to the Zionist regime.” Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Esmaeil...

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How Media Continue To Discredit Themselves

How Media Continue To Discredit Themselves

Do they not understand how boring this nonsense is? How Russia, China and Iran Are Interfering in the Presidential Election (archived) - New York TimesEight years after Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, foreign influence with American voters has grown more sophisticated. That could have outsize consequences in the 2024 race. Written by three 'journalists' and published at the top of the NYT's homepage the intro reads: When Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S....

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The Politics of Fear: Laying the Groundwork for Fascism, American-Style

The Politics of Fear: Laying the Groundwork for Fascism, American-Style

America is in the midst of an epidemic of historic proportions. The contagion being spread like wildfire is turning communities into battlegrounds and setting Americans one against the other. Everywhere you turn, those on both the left- and right-wing are fomenting distrust and division. You can’t escape it. We’re being fed a constant diet of fear: fear of terrorists, fear of illegal immigrants, fear of people who are too religious, fear of people who are not religious enough, fear of...

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Israel’s ‘zugzwang’ Moment with Iran

Israel’s ‘zugzwang’ Moment with Iran

A senior US official told Washington Post that the toned-down early morning Israeli strike Saturday on military targets in Iran was a “proportional strike,” which “was moderate enough to quiet the conflict without provoking Iran into a counterattack.”  However, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted in a speech on Sunday: “We hit hard Iran’s defence capabilities and its ability to produce missiles that are aimed at us. The attack in Iran was precise and powerful, and it...

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Government Gaslights People about the Economy

Government Gaslights People about the Economy

Public opinion polls consistently show the economy is one of the top issues, if not the top issue, for American voters. This may strike some as odd, since official government statistics show low unemployment and declining price inflation, suggesting the Federal Reserve has engineered a “soft landing” bringing down inflation without causing a recession. So why the concern over the economy? One reason is more people are realizing government economic figures hide the truth about the economy....

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The Kims Are Coming!

The Kims Are Coming!

This article first appeared as an exclusive for Ron Paul Institute subscribers. Subscribe for free here. After a few cat and mouse days of Defense Secretary Lloyd "Raytheon" Austin's denials, the Pentagon finally yesterday affirmed that there was evidence of a North Korean military presence in Russia. Asked what they were doing in Russia, Austin replied, “What exactly they are doing? Left to be seen. These are things that we need to sort out.” For days, South Korea (no conflict...

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I Have Video Evidence that Iran Stymied Israel’s Attack

I Have Video Evidence that Iran Stymied Israel’s Attack

Social media is lit up like Times Square on New Year’s Eve with reports that Israel, finally, delivered on its vow to attack Iran. And attack it did. Here is the video. Ok. I sent this to my brother-in-law and he asked, “Are you fu*king with me?” No, not really. Yes, that is a clip from the Matrix Reloaded, but it is an accurate representation of the failure of Israel’s attack. The explosions heard around Tehran reportedly came from the Russian-supplied air defense systems, which launched and...

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American Healthcare Workers Plead For End To Gaza Bombing

American Healthcare Workers Plead For End To Gaza Bombing

On October 3, 2024, 99 American healthcare workers in Gaza released an open letter to the White House pleading for an end to Israel’s bombing of little children. The letter was sent by American physicians, surgeons, nurse practitioners, and nurses who had volunteered a combined five years to treat the besieged people of Palestine. The letter said: “Every day that we continue supplying weapons and munitions to Israel is another day that women are shredded by our bombs and children are murdered...

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War and the Constitution

War and the Constitution

Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged? These questions should be addressed in a national debate over the U.S. military involvement in Ukraine and Israel. Sadly, there has been no debate. The media are mouthing what the CIA is telling them, Congress is in lock-step, and only a few websites and podcasts -- my own, “Judging Freedom” on YouTube, among them -- are...

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Joe Biden Allowed His Friend Bibi to Destroy His Presidency and Legacy

Joe Biden Allowed His Friend Bibi to Destroy His Presidency and Legacy

In 2020, amid lockdowns, Joe Biden prevailed in the election, running his campaign from his home. Biden was clearly experiencing significant cognitive decline, so the American people were presented with a carefully choreographed message that a vote for Biden was a return to normalcy. Since Donald Trump descended the golden escalator, Americans have been subject to a non-stop barrage from establishment media and politicians wailing that we are in an existential battle for our country's soul. We...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Biden’s war on Gaza

Dangerous embrace – when Joe Biden bear-hugged Benjamin Netanyahu, he embraced the Zionist agenda and all its deadly consequences. No matter how the American administration wants...

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