The security services put an extraordinary amount of media priming effort into explaining why the alleged novichok attack on the Skripals had a delayed effect of several hours, and then failed to kill them. Excuses included that it was a cold day which slowed their metabolisms, that the chemical took a long time to penetrate their skins, that the gel containing the novichok inhibited its operation, that it was a deliberately non-fatal dose, that rain had diluted the novichok on the doorknob,...
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Brussels – Unrelated to Interventionist Foreign Policy?
What is the meaning of the Brussels bombings? "Experts" will make endless self-serving suggestions about how to better fight terrorism -- these "solutions" will always include...
Ron Paul: Trump Will Win Nomination Despite Convention Tricks, but May Face Third-Party Challenger
Speaking Friday with hosts John Berman and Kate Bolduan at CNN, former three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul predicted that shady maneuvers, like the rules changes and...
Syrians Free to Choose Future…As Long As Washington Likes Their Choice
Anyone wondering just how bad is US foreign policy need only turn to the daily press briefing by the US State Department for an answer. And let me tell you, the answer is it's...
Ron Paul: Bernie Sanders is Principled, but Not Consistently Antiwar
Fox Business host Kennedy asked Ron Paul on Wednesday to address the similarities between Paul and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), whose presidential campaign, Kennedy noted, has...
5M5I: Warmongers Party, Obama Distortion, Trump on War, Lying Cops, Free Speech
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted today. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find all episodes of the show at SoundCloud, YouTube, and...
Judge Napolitano: Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee is Pro-Government on Big Constitutional Issues
Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst and former New Jersey State Judge Andrew Napolitano declared in a Fox News interview today that President Barack Obama’s new Supreme Court...
Ron Paul on the ISIS War, Authoritarian Presidential Candidates, Paul’s Exercise Routine, and More
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Chairman and Founder Ron Paul returned Monday to the Tom Woods Show for another intriguing interview. Among the wide range of topics...
US Setting Up African Quagmire
While much attention is focused on the United States government’s decades of military intervention in the Middle East, the US government is behind-the-scenes developing another...
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