When it came to a proposed mandatory quarantine for his colleagues, and not the American general public, Dr. Fauci was singing a very different tune on quarantines, which the government health bureaucrat has now been championing in the United States for the better part of an entire year. In 2014, at the height of the Ebola outbreak in Africa, concerns were rising in America about the possibility of the disease spreading across the country. With a genuinely horrifying 40 percent case fatality...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
A Tipping Point for Liberty: An Important and Timely Book
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity has done a service to everyone looking for intellectual ammunition against statist lies and propaganda. They've published A...
Clinton Admits That It Is ‘Fair’ To Question Her Truthfulness But Then Denies That The FBI Found That Any Of Her Emails Were Classified
Hillary Clinton admitted this Sunday that it is “fair” for voters to have questions about her truthfulness. However, she then proceeded to make the very type of statement that...
Dennis Kucinich: To Diminish Terrorism, Stop Funding It and Stop Bombing Countries
Interviewed last week at the Democratic National Convention, two-time Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich offered a succinct explanation of what the United States...
Breaking: US Airstrikes Hit Libya to Bolster UN-Created Government
The Pentagon has announced today that the US has begun conducting military airstrikes against Libya with the stated intent of defeating ISIS in that country. According to the...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Paul Conventions, Barney Frank, Sanders Supporters, Giuliani Plan, My Book
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Friday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher,...
Hillary to Deliver Syria to Jihadists?
According to Hillary Clinton's foreign policy advisor, Jeremy Bash, if Clinton is elected she will order a "re-set" of US policy toward Syria to emphasize the "murderous" nature...
The Disposable Veterans
The obituary says he “lost his battle with PTSD.” He lost his battle for freedom and a quality life once he signed up to be used as cannon fodder for the US Government. Quote:...
Robert Wenzel’s Early Praise for A Tipping Point for Liberty
Robert Wenzel is publisher of the enormously popular websites Target Liberty and Economic Policy Journal. Today he posted a terrific early review of RPI's new book release, A...
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