Joe Biden’s speech following the Afghanistan debacle made for compelling television for one main reason: here is a government official – the man who holds the office once called the “leader of the free world” – recognizing the limits of government. No matter how long the US stayed, no matter how many troops the US deploys, no matter how much blood and treasure are expanded on this war, the US could not accomplish its ends. “How many more lives, American lives, is it worth? How many endless...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
NATO’s scaremongering about ‘Russia threat’ to Baltic States ‘is all about money’
The US security establishment is trying to justify its existence, says Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, commenting on a new report which lists...
Winning Wars?
“We have to start winning wars again,” President Trump told the nation’s governors today. No, Mr. President, America must stop military interventionism. As you have said America...
Al-Qaeda Gets An Oscar
Hollywood is all about fake. That is what movies are - fake depictions of a fake reality that only exist in the mind of scriptwriters, directors and a usually gullible audience....
Five Minutes Five Issues: Poland Troops, Marijuana Crackdown, Jail Time, Mohammed’s Letter, Symposium Speakers
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues is out. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes,...
US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley: We Must Sanction Assad Over Chemical Weapons!
Recently, we had a look at the ways President Trump's Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, is making her predecessor, Samantha "humanitarian bomber" Power, look like a model...
Andrew Napolitano: Rescinding of School Bathrooms Mandate is a ‘Win for the Constitution’
The Trump administration’s rescinding of the May 2016 US government guidelines directing schools regarding their bathroom and locker room policies is “a win for the...
The War Hawks Rolled Donald Trump
President Trump's first National Security Advisor Mike Flynn got kicked out of office for talking with Russian officials. Such talks were completely inline with Trump's declared...
Ron Paul: End Unlimited Presidential War Power
Interviewed Tuesday by host Kennedy at Fox Business regarding efforts by United States House of Representatives members to limit US wars overseas, former House member Ron Paul...
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