If one boldly asserts the importance of the right of freedom of speech, it is almost inevitable that another will respond with one of the most common apologetic arguments for the government limitation of speech, “But you can’t yell ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater.” The non sequitur argument is supposed to humble the right of free speech in favor of some government restriction. This argument fails logically because it does not follow that because a theater may restrict speech of those it admits...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
US Arms Makers’ Stocks at Record Highs on Saudi Deal
The weekend finalization of a US arms deal with Saudi Arabia which officials say will be worth at least $350 billion over the next decade sent the stocks of politically...
Trump Advisers Want at Least 50,000 US Troops in Afghanistan
Publicly US strategy in the Afghan War has been based around the conceit that the conflict is in a “stalemate,” despite mounting losses by the Afghan government. Advisers have...
Why Washington Took al-Qaeda in Syria off the Terrorist List
It might come as a surprise to many Americans that their government does not classify al-Qaeda in Syria as a terrorist organization. The reason it refuses to make the...
NATO’s Biggest Challenge — Make ‘Frightened’ Europe Pay Up!
The Baltic countries, and some of their Scandinavian neighbors, are mortally terrified of Russia. Or so they would have us believe. They clamored to join NATO as soon as the...
Saudis Plan $40 Billion US Investment To ‘Cement Ties With Trump’
Having gone all-in on a Hillary Clinton victory ahead of the elections, Saudi Arabia has quickly pivoted in its "appreciation" of the Trump administration, and having realized...
Trump Is Making Good Diplomatic Progress With Russia
It's always important from the standpoint of peace that America and Russia, two major nuclear powers, continue to practice diplomacy.The 20th century, with hundreds of millions...
Texas House to Consider Marijuana Decriminalization Bill
The Texas state House of Representatives is scheduled to consider Thursday HB 81, legislation that would decriminalize marijuana in the state. The legislation, should it become...
Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey
President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey this evening in a surprise move. Various politicians and the media have openly referred to the act as “Nixonian” and “another...
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