The key to China’s security riposte to the US is linked to two words that go unstated in US formal policy documents, but whose silent presence nevertheless suffuses and colour-washes the text of the 2022 National Defence Authorisation Act. The term ‘containment’ never appears, neither does the word ‘encirclement’. Yet, as Professor Michael Klare writes, the Act “provides a detailed blueprint for surrounding China with a potentially suffocating network of US bases, military forces, and...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Trump Signs Sanctions Bill – Another Deep State Victory
With the new Russia sanctions bill passed and signed into law, President Trump's room to improve relations with Russia is nearly non-existent. He will not be able to remove the...
Trump’s US National Security Strategy – New Wine In Old Bottles?
In a recent interview, Sebastian Gorka, an aide to President Trump, denounced "stale thinking" on national security policy over the past 30 years. He said that the White House...
New Russia Sanctions Come as Hacking Narrative Falls Apart
Why more sanctions on Russia now over the 2014 Ukraine coup and aftermath? Why new sanctions now as the claims that Russia "hacked" the US election seem to be based on ever more...
Andrew Napolitano on Natural Law and Positivism
Speaking last week at the Ludwig von Mises Institute’s annual Mises University, Andrew Napolitano presented a captivating speech regarding legal issues, including an examination...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Russia Sanctions, Veterans Marijuana, DOJ Policy, Colin Kaepernick, RPI Conference
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues is out. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show atStitcher, iTunes, YouTube,...
A Nonintervention Lesson from Ron Paul
Sometimes, nonintervention advocate and former United States presidential candidate Ron Paul is given an opportunity in an interview to address in detail his view on US foreign...
Libya Report: New Wrinkle in US Plan For Gaddafi-Free Libya
Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar, head of the Libyan National Army, has stated that former Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi's son, Saif Islam, "is free and in a safe place." Haftar...
Killing and Dying for Minerals
Americans might soon have a new reason to thank the troops for their service, at least in Afghanistan, where the troops have been killing and dying for almost 16 years. According...
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