Peace and Prosperity Blog

Hybrid War

There is no shortage of growing tensions in eastern Europe. There is the growing EU-Belarus standoff over illegal migration. There are western reports that Russia is amassing troops within its own borders. And of course, there is the self-inflicted crisis of European...

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No Peace Dividend Again

No Peace Dividend Again

Back when the Soviet Union fell apart, there was much talk of a peace dividend — a big reduction in the United States government’s spending on militarism. The peace dividend did not arrive. Instead, the US government proceeded to spend big on the military and engage...

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Taking the Next Step Toward Mandatory Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots for Younger Children, Pfizer and BioNTech Seek FDA Approval of Shots for Children Ages 5-11

Taking the Next Step Toward Mandatory Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots for Younger Children, Pfizer and BioNTech Seek FDA Approval of Shots for Children Ages 5-11

Children have virtually no risk of major sickness or death from coronavirus. And experimental coronavirus “vaccines” such as the one produced by the Pfizer and BioNTech do come with major known health risks of their own. Additional potential side effects of these...

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