It’s official. Donald Trump is now a full-blown neocon.This was obvious even before he appointed the war criminal John Bolton to be his senior advisor. In fact, as predicted before he was elected, it was inevitable he would join the neocon club, although most neocons...
Neocon Watch
Memo to Lindsey Graham on Syria
by Michael S. Rozeff | Apr 2, 2018 | Neocon Watch
Senator Graham: Your recent views on Syria, expressed here, are mistaken and confused. If we withdrew our troops anytime soon ISIS would come back… This prediction is mistaken. If ISIS reconstitutes, the Syrian coalition (Syria, Syrian Kurds, Hezbollah, Iran and...
Nikki Haley’s Compulsion Flouts the Law of Nations
by Michael S. Rozeff | Mar 13, 2018 | Neocon Watch
Flip Wilson had a comedy routine “The Devil Made Me Do It”. Nikki Haley is far from funny when she uses the same kind of excuse, telling us that the US is prepared to attack Syria again. Why? Compulsion, or the devil made me do it. In her words: “…there are times when...
Meaningless Words Alert: Neoconservatives are Now ‘Classical Liberals
by Jeff Deist | Feb 27, 2018 | Neocon Watch
Mona Charen The term "classical liberal" always has been a misnomer, in that it presupposes an earlier or undiluted form of liberalism that must be distinguished semantically and temporally. and But the great historian Ralph Raico disabused us of this empty...
Rex Tillerson: Neocon
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 27, 2018 | Neocon Watch
In case it is not clear, the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is a neocon. Strong evidence of this unfortunate fact is his speech on January 17, 2018 at Stanford’s Hoover Institute. After warmly acknowledging his debt to Dr. Condoleezza Rice and George Shultz,...
How President Trump Normalized Neoconservatism
by Ilana Mercer | Jan 17, 2018 | Neocon Watch
It's fact: Neoconservatives are pleased with President Trump’s foreign policy. A couple of months back, Bloomberg’s Eli Lake let it know he was in neoconservative nirvana: "… for Venezuela, [Donald Trump] came very close to calling for regime change. 'The United...
Surrounded by Neocons
by Philip Giraldi | Jan 9, 2018 | Neocon Watch
Award winning journalist James Risen has recently described in some detail his sometimes painful relationship with The New York Times. His lengthy account is well worth reading as it demonstrates how successive editors of the paper frequently cooperated with the...
Trump and Haley: Shut Up About Iran
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 3, 2018 | Neocon Watch
The US government has chosen to be against Iran’s government. Neocon Elliott Abrams says “We should be expressing support” for protests. Given his record and views, we therefore can be quite sure that this is exactly what should not be done. Mere support sounds...
How to Make Quick Peace with North Korea: Let Lindsey Graham Move to Seoul
by Robert Bridge | Dec 4, 2017 | Neocon Watch
Sen. Lindsey Graham said the US is ‘getting close to a military conflict’ with Pyongyang, adding that Pentagon officials should stop sending their families to South Korea. But following Pyongyang’s latest missile launch, will they be any safer in the US?In a deeply...
State Department’s New Victoria Nuland…is Just Like the Old Victoria Nuland!
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 3, 2017 | Neocon Watch
Yesterday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson swore into office a new Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Dr. A. Wess Mitchell became the Trump Administration's top diplomat for Europe, "responsible for diplomatic relations with 50 countries...
Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act Hijacked by Neocons
by William J. Murray | Sep 29, 2017 | Neocon Watch
The Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2017 (HR-390) which passed in the House without one dissenting voice and was supported by many relief agencies and social conservative organizations, has been transformed by Senator Corker into a...
Spies, Hollywood, And Neocons Team Up To Create New War Propaganda Firm
by Caitlin Johnstone | Sep 20, 2017 | Neocon Watch
“We have been attacked. We are at war.”So begins a video released today by The Committee to Investigate Russia, an organization founded by When Harry Met Sally director Rob Reiner and neoconservative senior editor of The Atlantic David Frum. The video, which stars...
Nikki Haley Meltdown: Assad Must Go…and War With North Korea!
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 16, 2017 | Neocon Watch
There must be something about being named US Ambassador to the UN that brings out the inner mass murderer in people. Madeline Albright famously admitted that she thought 500,000 dead Iraqi children due to US sanctions was "worth it." John Bolton never met a...
Neocon Creep
by Karen Kwiatkowski | Sep 2, 2017 | Neocon Watch
Those of us who closely observed, and tried to stop, the neoconservative takeover of the Presidency, and the nation’s security and intelligence leadership between 1999 and 2004, may have thought it was so well publicized and so destructive that it couldn’t happen...
With New DC Policy Group, Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons
by Glenn Greenwald | Jul 17, 2017 | Neocon Watch
One of the most under-discussed yet consequential changes in the American political landscape is the reunion between the Democratic Party and the country’s most extreme and discredited neocons. While the rise of Donald Trump, whom neocons loathe, has accelerated this...
Unhinged Neocon War Propagandist Uses the “N” Word on Television
by Thomas DiLorenzo | Jul 12, 2017 | Neocon Watch
Retired U.S. Army Colonel (a.k.a. military/industrial/spying complex employee) Ralph Peters, who has been a “special guest” on FOX News for years advocating new wars with, well, just about every other country in the world, said Tucker Carlson was like a Nazi...
Ambassador Nikki Haley vs. President Trump
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 9, 2017 | Neocon Watch
Donald Trump came to the White House with a reputation as a top notch businessman. He built an international real estate empire and is worth billions. He then went into reality television, where his signature line as he dismissed incompetent potential employees was,...
Knock, Knock, Knocking on Insanity’s Door
by Robert Wenzel | Jul 6, 2017 | Neocon Watch
Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, upped the ante in Washington’s rhetorical war with North Korea and its backers, warning Wednesday that Washington is prepared to halt trade with countries that do business with North Korea, and possibly use force...
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Jun 28, 2017 | Neocon Watch
One of the most fascinating aspects of living under imperialism is the lexicon that this philosophy brings into existence. It’s called Empire-Speak. Given the complexity of this specialized language, it usually takes people years of education and training to master...
Neocon Anne Applebaum: Give Me Money to Fight ‘Russian Disinformation’!
by Daniel McAdams | May 8, 2017 | Neocon Watch
Neocon Anne Applebaum has never seen a bed she did not expect to find an evil Russian lurking beneath. More than a quarter of a century after the end of the Cold War, she cannot let go of that hysterical feeling that, “The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are...
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