The Liberty Report

Things We Are Thankful For, Thanksgiving 2016

We’ve spent the year urging fixes to what is wrong with our foreign, domestic, and monetary policy. In today’s Liberty Report we prefer to discuss things we are thankful for. Dr. Paul recollects his childhood, how he is grateful for the opportunities he has had through his life, and more. We are thankful also for our Liberty Report viewers. Watch the episode here:

Ron Paul: The War on Drugs is a War on Liberty, Choice, and Responsibility

Ron Paul lays out the case for legalizing all drugs and ending the war on drugs in a new interview released Tuesday. The chairman of the Ron Paul Institute and former Republican House of Representatives member from Texas tells interviewer Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation that the war on drugs is really a “war on liberty.” Paul elaborates that the drug war is a war on people making their own choices and taking responsibility for their choices.

Paul further argues in the interview that the war on drugs “has been extremely successful for those who want to build an authoritarian government, a centralized government, and a police state.” This, Paul suggests is a necessary result of prohibition because only via authoritarianism can government “make people behave better by not using drugs.” Paul says “the case could be made” that the drug war is “the most — or close to being the most — significant event for the undermining of true civil liberty.” Supporting this conclusion, Paul comments on the high incarceration rate in America, much of which is related to the drug war.

While Paul points to the enormous harm the war on drugs has caused, including increased violent crime, he is optimistic about the future. “People are waking up,” says Paul. The process starts with education, explains Paul, who states, “first the ideas have to change and then the policies will follow.” Paul also notes states exercising “nullification” by enacting laws removing themselves from participation in portions of the drug war. “We will see a lot more of that,” Paul predicts.

In response to states’ liberalization of marijuana laws, Paul observes that “the federal government has thrown up their hands.”

This trend of state and local governments opting out of portions of the drug war is particularly strong in regard to marijuana laws. In line with Paul’s comment that policy changes follow changes in ideas, states’ actions to roll back the war on marijuana, which have largely been accomplished via popular votes for ballot measures, have progressed as public support for marijuana legalization — now the majority view in America — continues to grow.

Watch Paul’s complete interview here:

Memo To Congress: Bring Back Earmarks!

One of the essential battles in the effort to move toward a more peaceful and prosperous United States is the effort to restore the proper balance among the three branches of our government. The rapid concentration of power in the Executive Branch has led to more wars with less Congressional oversight, trampling of our civil liberties with no resistance from our Representatives, and out of control military spending. Contrary to what many people believe, the Congressional ability to earmark spending to specific projects was an important function of the Legislative Branch. When earmarks were abolished, spending did not decrease. It was just hidden. We discuss the need for their return in today’s Liberty Report:

For A Libertarian Foreign Policy: Five Key Fixes

We are often asked, when criticizing the foreign policy of the past several Administrations, “oh yeah, what would you do?” Well we decided to come up with five specific fixes to the prevailing foreign policy that we believe would make a huge difference and would move us much closer to a foreign policy of peace and prosperity. Our top five today on the Liberty Report:

China And Middle East Hot Spots: Diplomacy Or Militarism?

Both the Middle East and the South China Sea area are hot spots that can potentially lead to major wars. Will the US and Russia clash over Syria policy? What about the US and China at odds over China’s reclaimed islands off their coast? As a new US Administration readies itself to tackle some of these issues, today’s Liberty Report speaks with distinguished US diplomat, Ambassador Charles Freeman, to see what we might expect. Will the neocons keep the administration on a bellicose and militaristic approach to the rest of the world, or will real diplomacy be given a chance?

Assad Must Stay: US Policy Shift In Syria?

According to the Washington Post, President Obama did a 180 degree turn in Syria and will begin attacking al-Qaeda’s affiliate in the country. The five year “Assad must go” strategy lies in tatters, as Assad will likely still be in power when it’s time for Obama to go. What are the implications of this shift? We discuss on today’s Liberty Report:

Tug Of War Between NATO And Trump: Who Will Win?

As a candidate, Donald Trump has repeatedly said that the US should try to get along with Russia. It may well be that his seeming reluctance to take the US into World War III — unlike his opponent — may have contributed significantly to his victory. What is going to happen when in a few months’ time a President Trump who wants better relations with Russia confronts a NATO and a Pentagon that continues to put troops and weapons on Russia’s borders? Will Trump blink or will he face down Brussels and the deep state inside the Beltway? We look at the possibilities in today’s Liberty Report:

Post-Election Roundup: How Did Liberty Do?

There is much to discuss and digest about yesterday’s “surprise” victory of Donald Trump in the presidential race. The role of the media is a big one. Regardless of what one thinks of Trump or his policies, the mainstream media clearly saw itself as part of the campaign — on Clinton’s side — rather than as mere observers and reporters of the campaign. What are our hopes and fears as we face a Trump Administration? Plus, we look at some of the different initiatives across the country dealing with guns, the drug war, soda pop, and more. All in today’s election roundup Liberty Report:

Election 2016 – Prediction Of Things To Come

We know that one of the major candidates will win today’s presidential election. We don’t know which one. But we do have a few predictions for what will change and what will stay the same regardless of who wins. Foreign policy – will it change? How about Congress – will they finally begin standing up to their Constitutional obligations? The Supreme Court – is the next nominee so important and what Congress can do. In today’s Liberty Report we balance our cynicism with a solid dose of silver lining in discussing what to look for in the immediate future:

Raqqa/Mosul: Politicians Fiddle As Middle East Burns

While Americans were obsessing about tomorrow’s election, the Obama Administration launched a serious military escalation in Syria. US Special Forces on the ground and jet fighters in the air are deployed in an operation to take Raqqa from ISIS control. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Dunford announced over the weekend that the US and Turkey agreed on a long-term plan for “seizing, holding and governing” the Syrian city. Is this the beginning of a US-recognized rival Syrian government, as Benghazi was in Libya? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:

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