The Liberty Report

Bloodbath: Biden Chewed Up By Former Mainstream Media Protectors

CNN, NY Times, WaPo, etc – after years of carrying water for Joe Biden, the mainstream media is turning against him. All of a sudden his age and seeming cognitive decline are fair game. Is it a Dem-led desperation move to salvage something from expected big November losses? Where does the party go if Biden doesn’t run…or doesn’t finish this term? Also today: Europeans are fed up with Ukraine as European governments begin to fall. And US attacks Hungary…for lowering its taxes!! Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Uprising! BoJo Dumped In UK As Farmers Dump Manure On Dutch Government!

As UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson finally had his stiff white knuckles pried from power yesterday, the rest of Europe – starting with Holland – is erupting in massive protests. Is this the beginning of the end for Europe’s Covid-lockdowning, Ukraine-obsessed, WEF-hob-nobbing elite? Mises Institute President Jeff Deist joins today’s Liberty Report. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Canada's Health Minister: 'You'll NEVER Be Fully Vaxxed!'

Canada’s Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos has called for continuous Covid-vaxxing of Canadians, claiming that the concept of being fully vaxxed against the virus is “out of date.” But Canadians are increasingly opposed to their authoritarian rulers as recent polls show. Also today: Mexico’s president tells the US to lay off of Assange…or tear down the Statue of Liberty! Finally – a UK terrified of a Putin invasion has announced…troop cuts! Make sense? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Scam Alert! Ukraine Demands $750 Billion…For 'Reconstruction'!

As Ukraine continues to lose ground in the east, its leaders are inexplicably demanding three-quarters of a trillion dollars to “reconstruct” areas controlled by Russia. Once widely considered the most corrupt country in Europe, Western leaders have already dumped in billions with zero oversight. Will they keep writing checks? Also today, Saudis laugh at Biden’s request for more oil. And…JP Morgan warns of $380/barrel oil. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Biden: High Gas Prices For 'As Long As It Takes' To Defeat Russia

In a rare press conference after the Madrid NATO Summit today, President Biden was asked how long Americans should expect to pay high gas prices over the Ukraine conflict. Biden’s response was flippant: “for as long as it takes.” He also blamed high food prices on “Russia, Russia, Russia.” Are Americans buying it? Also today: They’re turning West Point into “Woke Point” and some retired grads are steaming! Watch today’s Liberty Report:

G7 Leaders Pledge Endless Money To Ukraine – 'As Long As It Takes'!

After two days in a luxurious German castle, President Biden and the rest of the G7 leaders pledged to continue shipping an endless pipeline of dollars to Ukraine, even as the war continues to be lost. With western enthusiasm waning, however, is this just hot air? Also today at G7: Don’t say Covid! Finally today – US military recruiters find little interest among young Americans. Why? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

NYT 'Bombshell' – CIA Massively Engaged On-Ground In Ukraine

In another case of who is leaking and why, the New York Times has revealed that the CIA is heavily involved in training and advising Ukraine in its war with Russia. As former CIA official Larry Johnson writes, this is a very selective leak from the US government. So we need to read between the lines to answer why. Also today…one day before NATO’s Madrid summit the talk is all about escalation. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

The Heat: US Gun Reform & January 6th Hearings – W/RPI's Daniel McAdams

This week, election officials and workers described what they say was a pressure campaign by former President Donald Trump to change the outcome of the 2020 election. And the U.S. Senate could vote later this week on measures to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous, unstable people. The proposed laws call for enhanced background checks and provide funds for expanded mental health resources in communities and schools.

Joining the discussion: Michael Maloof is a former Senior Pentagon Strategist Analyst. Joseph Williams is a former Senior Editor with U.S. News and World Report. Spencer Critchley is a Democratic Strategist and author of “Patriots of Two Nations.” Daniel McAdams is the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute & co-host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Supremes Rule: NY Gun Grab Law 'Unconstitutional'!

In a stunning 6-3 decision, the US Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional the New York requirement that applicants for a concealed carry handgun permit must show a special cause for the request. The Second Amendment “protects an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home,” wrote Justice Clarence Thomas in the majority opinion. Also today: Biden’s top economic advisor claims the best way out of inflation is…more government spending! Today on the Liberty Report:

Global Elites Starve Africa To 'Punish' Russia

UN World Food Program head David Beasley announced yesterday that global food rations for refugees will need to be cut in half due to the unprecedented food crisis. How much of this crisis is man-made as the elites use food as a weapon in what has turned out to be a futile effort to punish Russia? How much of the food and energy crisis is actually being cheered by those pushing the “green” agenda? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

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