Jacob G. Hornberger

The Military Base Dole

The Military Base Dole

During my recent visit to my hometown of Laredo, Texas, as I was heading out of town toward Corpus Christi, I passed by the former site of Laredo Air Force Base. Serving as a training base for new pilots, the base was a prominent part of Laredo life when I was growing...

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Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots

In the last few days, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal have contained the following news stories: 1. “North Korea Cuts UN Line With US.” The story showed how the US government’s latest round of sanctions against North Korea failed, once again, to bring...

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Orlando: Islam or Blowback?

Orlando: Islam or Blowback?

According to the Telegraph newspaper, “Omar Mateen, the Orlando gunman, told his victims the attack was revenge for American bombing of Afghanistan, but allowed black Americans to be released because ‘they have suffered enough.’” The person who recounted what Mateen...

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Coming to Terms With Iraq

Coming to Terms With Iraq

It seems that Iraq will continue to haunt the American people for the indefinite future. And it should. Including the Persian Gulf intervention, the 11 years of sanctions, the no-fly zones, the post-9/11 invasion and and occupation, and the post-occupation bombing,...

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From Crisis Comes Leviathan

From Crisis Comes Leviathan

Lovers of big government love crises because crises are the sure-fire way to get big government. It is during crises that many people go into a fright-filled panic, demanding that government assume extraordinary powers to keep them safe. Government officials, of...

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