Daniel McAdams

Did Hand-Washing Kill The Flu?

Astonishingly, the UK public health authority has announced that this flu season has not seen a single case of influenza. The US and elsewhere are showing similar numbers. Has the flu disappeared? If so, why? The "experts" are claiming that hand-washing, masks, and...

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Covid 500K?

Mainstream media is reporting the "grim milestone" of 500,000 Covid deaths. Is the number accurate? Are such headlines meant to keep the fear turned up to 10, or to inform the audience? A Wall Street Journal op-ed over the weekend predicts "herd immunity" soon. Is it...

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Will Biden Blockade Florida?

According to the Miami Herald, the Biden Administration is considering imposing travel restrictions on some states, including Florida, to combat what it claims is the spread of "mutated" coronavirus. Is this science...or politics? Also today: Newsom recall effort...

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