Speaking with host Neil Cavuto on Fox Business, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul addresses President Barack Obama’s distressing emphasis in the State of the Union Speech on expanding presidential power and using executive orders to bypass the Congress. While Paul...
Adam Dick
Sen. Wyden Slams Intelligence Officials Over ‘Culture of Misinformation’
by Adam Dick | Jan 29, 2014 | Congress Alert
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), in a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing today, presents succinctly and forcefully the case that senior officials overseeing the US government’s mass spying program have relied on “secret interpretations of the law” and “years of misleading...
Ron Paul: Obama NSA Reform Speech Is “Nonsense,” Public Can Defeat Politicians on Spying
by Adam Dick | Jan 24, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul, interviewed this week on Fox Business, calls President Barack Obama’s mass spying reform speech “a lot of nonsense.” Paul proceeds to express that he is “hopeful and optimistic” that the American people, whose sentiment is shifting...
Judge Napolitano: Obama’s NSA Proposals Maintain Totalitarian Hallmarks
by Adam Dick | Jan 23, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking Tuesday with host Steve Doocy on Fox News, Judge Andrew Napolitano, an RPI Advisory Board member, concludes that the mass spying program reform proposed in President Barack Obama’s Friday speech maintains the program’s “hallmarks of a totalitarian...
Krauthammer Agrees with Paul on Obama’s NSA Reform Speech — Sort Of
by Adam Dick | Jan 19, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Columnist Charles Krauthammer says he agrees with RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul — "the ACLU and Ron Paul are right" — that President Barack Obama’s mass spying reform speech Friday is “90-percent smoke and mirrors and very little substantive change.” The catch is...
Ron Paul: Congress’ Failure to Check Executive Branch Would Astound Founders
by Adam Dick | Jan 19, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
"I’m sure the Founders would be astounded," says RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul, "that this responsibility of the Congress to keep the executive branch in check was given up so easily."Speaking with Charles Goyette on Friday during their weekly podcast, Paul...
Ron Paul on the “Total Failure” of US Intervention in Iraq
by Adam Dick | Jan 16, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking with Charles Goyette during their weekly podcast conversation on Friday, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul details the “total failure” of the United States government’s decades-long intervention in Iraq. Paul also addresses the George W. Bush Administration’s...
A Tipping Point For Liberty Against Leviathan
by Adam Dick | Jan 14, 2014 | Featured Articles
Continuing revelations of the extensive scope of the US government’s mass spying program, piled on top of decades of foreign intervention and liberty suppression at home, can lead Americans to question if they should give up their work for peace and liberty....
Rep. Walter Jones: Declassify 9/11 Report and End Afghanistan War
by Adam Dick | Jan 7, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Rep. Walter Jones, on the Alex Jones Show Thursday, discusses his resolution in the United States House of Representatives calling for making public the 28 classified pages of a congressional 9/11 report “so we can wake up America to who financed 9/11.” Rep. Jones, an...
Dennis Kucinich for Ohio Governor?
by Adam Dick | Jan 2, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Larry Durstin offers some speculation at the Cleveland Leader about Dennis Kucinich, an RPI Advisory Board Member, running for Ohio Governor: Dennis Kucinich: With Ed FitzGerald’s campaign for governor looking weaker by the day, Dennis Kucinich will attempt a “Last...
Ron Paul Rewind: End US Marijuana Prohibition and War on Drugs
by Adam Dick | Dec 31, 2013 | The Liberty Report
Despite Colorado implementing on January 1 the legal sale and purchase of marijuana for recreational use, marijuana growers, vendors, and purchasers in Colorado will continue looking over their shoulders concerned that US government police may bust them for violating...
Sen. Bernie Sanders Exposes Bloated Military and Intelligence Spending
by Adam Dick | Dec 21, 2013 | Congress Alert
Sen. Bernie Sanders, in a US Senate floor speech Thursday explaining his “no” vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (HR 3304), exposes “wasteful, inefficient, and often fraudulent” Department of Defense spending. Sanders also addresses the bloated nature of...
Judge Andrew Napolitano Explains Court Ruling on NSA, Describes Conspiracy Against US Constitution
by Adam Dick | Dec 19, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In interviews Monday and Tuesday, Judge Andrew Napolitano explains the Monday United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruling that certain US National Security Agency mass spying activities are “almost certainly unconstitutional”—a ruling that...
Ron Paul Discusses US Antiwar Sentiment And More With Alex Jones
by Adam Dick | Dec 14, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On the Alex Jones Show Thursday, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul and Jones engage in a wide-ranging discussion regarding matters including how the American people overcame the push for an attack on Syria and can win more victories in the future. Watch the...
Rep. Jim McGovern: ‘It is Time to Get Out of Afghanistan’
by Adam Dick | Dec 14, 2013 | Congress Alert
Speaking on the United States House of Representatives floor Thursday, Rep. Jim McGovern delivered a comprehensive speech urging Congress to stop wasting $80 billion a year and Americans’ lives in US military action in Afghanistan. “It is time to get out of...
RPI Board Members Denounce Mass Spying by Police on Cell Phone Users
by Adam Dick | Dec 11, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In interviews this week, RPI Advisory Board Members Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. and Judge Andrew Napolitano denounce mass spying on cell phone users by state and local police who are often employing technology paid for by the US government. Watch Duncan’s comments on...
Ron Paul: Freedom Is Not a Partisan Issue
by Adam Dick | Dec 9, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking Friday with Charles Goyette in their weekly podcast conversation, RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul discusses his recommendations for young people interested in becoming involved in politics, including Paul’s guidance that people may advance freedom under...
New House Resolution Calls for Declassifying Secret Portion of 9/11 Report
by Adam Dick | Dec 5, 2013 | Congress Alert
Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) introduced a resolution this week in the House of Representatives urging President Barack Obama to declassify 28 pages of a joint House and Senate Intelligence Committee report that includes information concerning foreign governments'...
House ‘Improves’ TSA Instead of Ending It
by Adam Dick | Dec 3, 2013 | Congress Alert
Following another Thanksgiving travel period with the Transportation Security Administration subjecting travelers to infuriating harassment, the House of Representatives leadership has scheduled for House floor consideration Tuesday three bills that will tinker with...
Free Speech Repressing Bureaucrat Threatens Alex Jones and Hundreds at Dallas Gathering
by Adam Dick | Nov 22, 2013 | Featured Articles
Wednesday night in front of the headquarters of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas I witnessed bureaucratic tyranny in action. There a mild-mannered and soft-spoken representative of the Dallas police threatened talk show host Alex Jones and over 200 people with $500...
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