People are commenting regarding the “diverse” signers of a Tuesday open letter at Harper’s Magazine supposedly championing tolerance and open debate. Don’t believe the hype. How diverse are the views of these signers? The letter they signed singles out one person in...
Adam Dick
A Great, Short Audio-Visual Introduction to Coronavirus and Actions Taken in the Name of Countering Coronavirus
by Adam Dick | Jul 6, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On Sunday, Lew Rockwell shared at his website a six-minute video that gives a great introduction to coronavirus and some of the anti-liberty actions governments have taken in the name of countering coronavirus. Watch the video here, and consider...
Should Professional Athletes be More Worried about Coronavirus or Lightning?
by Adam Dick | Jul 5, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Znamya Truda, a Russian professional soccer team, has announced that Ivan Zaborovsky, a goalkeeper for the team, went to intensive care after being struck by lightning during training. People being seriously harmed or killed by lightning strikes is rare. In America,...
When Spouting Coronavirus Idiocy Helps the Bottom Line
by Adam Dick | Jul 2, 2020 | Featured Articles
Here we are months into the coronavirus scare when it has become obvious that coronavirus for most people poses little to no threat. Yet, we see businesses and other entities repeatedly trumpeting the danger of coronavirus as if each and every person should view the...
How About ‘All Lives Matter’ or ‘White Lives Matter’ on an NBA Jersey?
by Adam Dick | Jun 29, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Golden State Warriors basketball team name is not being changed to the Golden State Social Justice Warriors, at least not yet. But, it does look like National Basketball Association (NBA) players may soon have the option, as related in a Sunday article, to...
It Could Be Worse: Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Wants a National Mask Mandate
by Adam Dick | Jun 26, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
It is bad enough that many people across America are living, working, and visiting in places where state or local governments have mandated that people wear masks or, instead, have mandated that businesses mandate that people wear masks when they go about their daily...
President Donald Trump’s ‘Racist Joke’
by Adam Dick | Jun 24, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
“Trump Made a Racist Joke in a Phoenix Megachurch and the Crowd Went Wild.” That is the title of a Wednesday The Intercept article by Robert Mackey. Sounds like a major story that could sink President Donald Trump’s chance of reelection, heh? However, it is clear from...
‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ … Say What?
by Adam Dick | Jun 23, 2020 | Featured Articles
Near the top at a Dallas County, Texas government COVID-19 web page, just below a link people can click on to find out about a “job opportunity” in the county’s new “contact tracing” surveillance program begun in the name of countering coronavirus, there is a chart...
‘Pro-liberty’ Texas Governor Greg Abbott Supports Governments Ordering Businesses to Order People to Wear Masks
by Adam Dick | Jun 19, 2020 | Featured Articles
Texas Governor Greg Abbot, in an April 27 executive order concerning coronavirus, declared: “Individuals are encouraged to wear appropriate face coverings, but no jurisdiction can impose a civil or criminal penalty for failure to wear a face covering.” This executive...
Neighborhood Residents Use Bolt Cutters to Open New York City Playground Shut Down in Coronavirus Crackdown
by Adam Dick | Jun 16, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Daniel McAdams has written about police on two occasions backing down in their efforts to stop children of a group of families from using playgrounds in Texas that had been designated off limits in the coronavirus crackdown. In those instances, parents discussed the...
Saying No to the ‘New Normal’
by Adam Dick | Jun 14, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Sometimes a video can communicate important political ideas very well and quickly. That is the case with the two-minute video “No New Normal” at the Essential People YouTube page. Starting off, it seems as if the video, like many others, is promoting that people make...
Welcome to College, Now Wear Your Mask
by Adam Dick | Jun 12, 2020 | Featured Articles
When students at two prominent Texas state government universities — the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M — return to the universities’ campuses in the fall semester, after being booted in the spring semester due to purported worries about coronavirus,...
Libertarian Party Chairman Invites Prominent Nonlibertarians in American Politics to Join the Party
by Adam Dick | Jun 8, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Have you heard about these prominent American libertarians? A former United States Marine Corps general who was a secretary of defense in the Donald Trump administration while taking a break from serving on the Board of Directors of General Dynamics, one of the...
Black Lives Matter Plaza: Turning a Political Slogan into a Street Name in Washington, DC
by Adam Dick | Jun 5, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On Friday, Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that a portion of 16th Street near the White House had been renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza. That day a street sign bearing the new name was installed. “Black lives matter” was painted in huge yellow letters on...
The Absurdity of Enforcing Coronavirus Mandate Business Restrictions While Mass Protests, Rioting, and Looting Abound
by Adam Dick | Jun 5, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Across America over the last week large groups of people have been protesting. Many people have also crowded together rioting and looting, often with no police taking any action to stop the out-in-the-open assaults and theft. Meanwhile, in many of the same cities and...
The US Government’s Shady Mask Advice
by Adam Dick | Jun 2, 2020 | Featured Articles
A lot can change in three months. In March, the message from the United States government, communicated through individuals including Surgeon General Jerome Adams and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, was that people should...
Protesters, Rioters, Looters, and Revolutionaries, Be Aware There Are Government Agents Among You
by Adam Dick | May 30, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
With protests, riots, looting, and revolutionary acts rising over the last few days across the country, here is a bit of information for participants in these activities to keep in mind: There are likely government agents among you. These government agents are...
Virginia’s Statewide Mask Mandate
by Adam Dick | May 27, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Starting Friday, people ten years old and older who are indoors just about anywhere in Virginia other than in private homes will be required by a new executive order of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to “cover their mouth and nose with a face covering, as described...
Jacob Hornberger Comes in Second for Libertarian Presidential Nomination
by Adam Dick | May 24, 2020 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger failed to win the Libertarian Party presidential nomination in Saturday evening online voting by party delegates. Hornberger, who has spoken at Ron Paul Institute (RPI) events and whose articles have been...
Will the Texas Supreme Court Follow the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Rejecting Much of the Coronavirus Crackdown?
by Adam Dick | May 23, 2020 | Featured Articles
Last week the Wisconsin Supreme Court became the first among the highest state courts in America to void much of a state government’s coronavirus crackdown. With legal challenges being pursued in response to liberty suppression through the expanding of government...
Recent Posts
- America the Unspeakableby Philip Giraldi
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- The First Steps Toward a Liberty Platformby Ron Paul
- Trump Winning the Presidential Debate May Be No Big Dealby Adam Dick
- The 2024 Ron Paul Peace and Prosperity Conference: The Liberty Platform Revealedby Ginny Garner
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