Adam Dick

Saying No to the ‘New Normal’

Sometimes a video can communicate important political ideas very well and quickly. That is the case with the two-minute video “No New Normal” at the Essential People YouTube page. Starting off, it seems as if the video, like many others, is promoting that people make...

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Welcome to College, Now Wear Your Mask

Welcome to College, Now Wear Your Mask

When students at two prominent Texas state government universities — the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M — return to the universities’ campuses in the fall semester, after being booted in the spring semester due to purported worries about coronavirus,...

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Danger: Cops are on the Road

Danger: Cops are on the Road

“Once police stop you, a ticket is the least of your worries,” writes Jacob Sullum early on in his new Reason article “10 Ways a Roadside Police Stop Can Go Wrong.” After starting off with a short examination of the discretion police have to pull over vehicles on the...

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