Month: July 2016

Who Hacked the DNC?

Who Hacked the DNC?

We haven’t seen this kind of hysteria since the darkest days of the cold war: a spy scare that is being utilized by one political party against another in a national election, with charges of disloyalty and even “treason” being hurled by one side against the other....

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The Disposable Veterans

The Disposable Veterans

The obituary says he “lost his battle with PTSD.” He lost his battle for freedom and a quality life once he signed up to be used as cannon fodder for the US Government. Quote: Ketchum had been struggling with PTSD and substance abuse after returning home from his...

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Just Who Is The War Party?

As many neocons shift over to support Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, there are appearing a few bumps in the road. Last night at the convention, for example, former CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta found himself drowned out by...

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Trump: Siberian Candidate?

Has Vladimir Putin taken over the US electoral process? That has been the media mantra over the past 24 hours or so, since a Wikileaks data dump revealed a deeply flawed presidential selection in the Democratic Party. Rather than address how Democratic National...

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A Tipping Point for Liberty

How many of us does it take to move the US in a direction toward a more peaceful foreign policy and the restoration of civil liberties at home? Not as many as people might think. But what is critical is that we educate ourselves and then do our best to help educate...

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Can Bombs Win War on ISIS?

The US-led coalition fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq has dropped its 50,000th bomb recently, yet the end of the two-year effort is nowhere in sight. Meanwhile civilians are being killed by the hundreds by US bombs on Syria. Is that not also a form of terrorism and is...

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