Month: July 2015

Kiev’s Contradictions

With the extremist "Right Sector" militias beginning to foment unrest in western Ukraine, will US-backed president Poroshenko move against his most dedicated storm troopers or will they move against him? Ukraine is breaking apart and no amount of EU or US goodwill...

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Greece Today, America Tomorrow?

Greece Today, America Tomorrow?

The drama over Greece’s financial crisis continues to dominate the headlines. As this column is being written, a deal may have been reached providing Greece with yet another bailout if the Greek government adopts new “austerity” measures. The deal will allow all sides...

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Do Flags Kill People?

Do Flags Kill People?

No sooner had a sociopath carried out the murder of nine black people at a South Carolina church, than the voice of Boobus Americanus rose up, as one, to get to the cause of the slayings: the Confederate battle flag! The South Carolina legislature hurriedly passed a...

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