Month: April 2015

Jade Helm: A Military Takeover?

Why are US special forces holding a massive exercise in the US southwest this summer? Is it something civil libertarians should be worried about? The Texas governor announced that the Texas State Guard would be monitoring US military moves in Texas. Was it a smart...

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Who's Starving Yemen's Children?

This week Saudi Arabia bombed an airfield in Yemen to prevent an Iranian aid plane from landing. Yemen's population is suffering severe food and water shortages after five weeks of US-backed Saudi bombing. As Ron Paul says in his latest Liberty Report below, this is...

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Unending War on Terror

Unending War on Terror

The admission by the White House that two western hostages were killed by an errant drone strike in Pakistan serves as only an ugly little footnote to what has been nearly fifteen years of undeclared war waged by Washington against a large part of the world. The New...

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The Real War on the Middle Class

The Real War on the Middle Class

One of the great ironies of American politics is that most politicians who talk about helping the middle class support policies that, by expanding the welfare-warfare state, are harmful to middle-class Americans. Eliminating the welfare-warfare state would benefit...

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Libya Migrant Crisis: Whose Fault?

Thousands are desperate to escape from a Libya that is increasingly in the hands of ISIS and other murderous gangs. This past week more than a thousand drowned in the Mediterranean on rickety boats. The mainstream media will never report the real cause of this mass...

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