They say “all wars must end.” Yet how does this actually happen? First, all parties must agree — to go down that path together. Next, they must enter into formal negotiation, which almost always means horse trading, compromise, and accommodation. Finally, and most important, all belligerents must want the war to end. Russia almost certainly wants this. Its minimum territorial objectives are within reach. Moreover, the destruction of Ukrainian military potential — equipment,...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Glenn Greenwald Dissects the Anti-Trump and Pro-Harris Bias Permeating the Moderation of the Trump-Harris Presidential Debate
Glenn Greenwald is a skilled communicator regarding media bias. He delivered in a new video monologue an insightful and succinct rundown of ways in which the Tuesday presidential...
Peter Schiff Rebuts Donald Trump’s Plan for a US Sovereign Wealth Fund
At his Peter Schiff Show, host Peter Schiff specializes in throwing cold water on the assertions of politicians and people in the media concerning American economic matters....
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US Military to Leave Iraq
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Facing mounting deaths, injuries, and exhaustion among its troops in its ongoing war in Gaza, while desiring to escalate the war in Lebanon and beyond, the Israel government...
Want to Reduce Drug Overdose Deaths? Legalize Drugs.
Government excels at messing things up and then, in the name of fixing the problem that it created, creating more problems. This at least is how things look from the perspective...
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