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How America Weaponised the West

How America Weaponised the West

In the month that has passed since Emmanuel Macron issued his call for greater European strategic autonomy, two rival camps have gone to battle over its legacy. The first is populated by Atlanticists such as European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, outraged by Macron’s alleged ingratitude towards US security guarantees and his suggestion that Europe must consider its own strategic interests independent from Washington. The second contains Macron’s neo-Gaullist and pan-European...

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US hopes to snatch victory from jaws of defeat in Ukraine

US hopes to snatch victory from jaws of defeat in Ukraine

The G7 Leaders’ 2700-word statement on Ukraine, issued in Hiroshima after their summit meeting glossed over the burning question today — the so-called counter-offensive against the Russian forces.It is a deafening silence, since rumours are swirling about the disappearance of the commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces. Significantly, President Vladimir Zelensky himself is making himself scarce from Kiev touring world capitals — Helsinki, Hague, Rome, Vatican, Berlin, Paris, London and...

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Top spy chiefs, heads of state, and global business titans begin secret Bilderberg meetings in Portugal

Top spy chiefs, heads of state, and global business titans begin secret Bilderberg meetings in Portugal

The world’s most powerful and influential geopolitical voices are meeting from Thursday to Sunday in Portugal to navigate several global crises (many of which they’ve they’ve helped to facilitate), and oddly enough, the corporate media has no interest in reporting on this secretive gathering of powerful figures. The attendees list for this year’s infamous Bilderberg Meetings has just been released, and just like years prior, global heavyweights inundate the 2023 roster. The list includes...

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Wait! Washington Post’s Bump Makes the Last Pitch for Russian Collusion

Wait! Washington Post’s Bump Makes the Last Pitch for Russian Collusion

Shortly before the release of the Durham report, I wrote about the concern that we have a de facto state media in the United States. The column explored the pattern of false claims replicated across media platforms in the last four years. Then the Report was released and the media seemed intent to prove the point. However, even in this determined group, the Washington Post (which won the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on the Russian collusion) set a new level of denial with a column by Philip...

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Turkiye rallies behind Erdogan

Turkiye rallies behind Erdogan

It comes as no surprise that the United States and the European Union didn’t have the face to commend the performance of Recep Erdogan and his party in the presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkiye on Sunday. The election results do not serve the geopolitical interests of the US and its European allies. It is apparent that the entreaties and media management in the run-up fell on deaf ears.  The western powers hoped for a weak unstable government and are instead worrying that a...

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The Peace Candidate Versus the Freedom Candidate in the Republican Presidential Primary

The Peace Candidate Versus the Freedom Candidate in the Republican Presidential Primary

Donald Trump continued last week his effort to present himself as the peace candidate in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. Trump took another big step in this this endeavor when, during a Wednesday CNN “town hall” event in New Hampshire, he stated, when asked if as president he would continue the United States government sending money and weapons to the Ukraine government and whether he supports Ukraine winning its war against Russia, that the important thing to do is stop all the...

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Biden's new NIH director nominee, who was selected by Fauci, received $290 million in grant funding from Pfizer

Biden's new NIH director nominee, who was selected by Fauci, received $290 million in grant funding from Pfizer

The White House has nominated a Pfizer-tied doctor to become the next director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In a statement released by the White House, President Biden declared Dr. Monica Bertagnolli “a world-class physician-scientist whose vision and leadership will ensure NIH continues to be an engine of innovation to improve the health of the American people.” The NIH is currently led by Lawrence Tabak, a Bill Gates stooge who replaced longtime NIH chief Francis Collins....

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Khmelnytskyi — Did Russia Vaporize Depleted Uranium Shells?

Khmelnytskyi — Did Russia Vaporize Depleted Uranium Shells?

Russia’s aerial attack on the Ukrainian city of Khmelnytskyi is catching quite a bit of attention because of reports of a spike in Gamma rays following multiple, massive explosions. Educated speculation believes that the increase in Gamma radiation may be a consequence of Russian bombs blasting British supplied depleted uranium rounds into dust. The photo above shows the intact weapons storage facility just outside Khmelnytskyi taken some time before the Russia strike. Khmelnytskyi sits 217...

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Big Gambles Heading Into Gusting Headwinds

Big Gambles Heading Into Gusting Headwinds

The economic forces – those post war strong tailwinds – that have shaped the last 35 years, and which accelerated gilded journeys through the western “plentiful era,” are no longer blowing in a favourable direction. They were already slowing, but now are reversing. The winds now have shifted 180° in direction – they are gusting headwinds. This is a structural shift within a long cycle. There are no quick “silver bullet” solutions. The “Cabaret” good-time years are gone. We will have to “make...

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Gun Control Debate Ignores the Real Problems

Gun Control Debate Ignores the Real Problems

Gun control advocates continue to claim that only restrictions on gun ownership will keep people safe from mass shooters and other criminals. However, good people with guns can stop bad people with guns. And bad people will still have guns despite gun control laws. Further weakening the argument that restricting private firearms ownership will reduce violent crimes is the fact that states with “constitutional carry” — where individuals are free to exercise their Second Amendment rights without...

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Bogus Foreign Policy Narratives Go Unchallenged

Bogus Foreign Policy Narratives Go Unchallenged

One maddening feature of foreign policy debates in the United States is how frequently journalists and policy experts fail to challenge dominant narratives even when those narratives have glaring defects. Such malfeasance has facilitated a growing list of Washington’s policy blunders and outright debacles. Yet the tendency to accept the US government’s version of the issues at stake in any new crisis appears to be getting worse rather than better. An examination of developments just during the...

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America’s State Media: The Blackout on Biden Corruption is Truly 'Pulitzer-Level Stuff'

America’s State Media: The Blackout on Biden Corruption is Truly 'Pulitzer-Level Stuff'

Below is my column in The Hill on the continued media blackout on evidence of influence peddling and corrupt practices by the Biden family. The coverage of the recent disclosure of dozens of LLCs and bank accounts used to funnel up to $10 million to Biden family members captured the growing concerns over a de facto state media in the United States. Under the current approach to journalism, it is the New York Times that receives a Pulitzer for a now debunked Russian collusion story rather than...

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Involuntary Servitude in Russia, Ukraine, and the US

Involuntary Servitude in Russia, Ukraine, and the US

One of the interesting aspects of the Russia-Ukraine war is that the regimes in both countries have resorted to conscription to get soldiers to “serve their country.” One would think that if a war is just, citizens would not have to be forced to fight in it.With conscription, the state commands a citizen to report to a military facility, where he is forced to become an employee of the state, at a wage set by the state. Even worse, his forced labor consists of killing people. Thus, conscription...

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Kemalism vs Kemalism in Turkish elections

Kemalism vs Kemalism in Turkish elections

From a geopolitical perspective, the Turkish presidential election on Sunday may appear to be one of the most crucial non-violent political events of this year. But appearances can be deceptive in Turkish politics.  In the surcharged polarisation of “West versus Rest” in international politics, western media is rooting for the defeat of incumbent President Recep Erdogan so that one of the leading proponents of multipolarity and strategic autonomy in the emerging world order who is setting a...

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Danger Within: The Government Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone

Danger Within: The Government Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone

How far would you really go to secure the nation’s borders in the so-called name of national security? Would you give the government limitless amounts of money? Surround the entire country with concrete walls and barbed wire? Erect a high-tech, virtual wall of AI-powered surveillance cameras and drones that does a better job of imprisoning those within its boundaries than keeping intruders out? Empower border police to trample on the rights of anyone who crosses their path, including legal...

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The Zombie Domino Theory Returns

The Zombie Domino Theory Returns

An especially damaging development in the history of US foreign policy was President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s promulgation of the domino theory. Adoption of its assumptions led directly to America’s disastrous military intervention in Vietnam. Although the simplistic doctrine was widely ridiculed after the Vietnam debacle, it has continued to have its adherents. Worse, the domino theory has seemed to make a full comeback with respect to Washington’s current attitudes toward both Russia and the...

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