RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Michael Rubin: More Egyptian Blood!

Michael Rubin: More Egyptian Blood!

If you really want to get a sense of the dark side of neoconservatism, look no further than Michael Rubin’s thoughts on Egypt. He writes today, as the streets continue to flow with blood: The notion that the United States should castigate or abandon the Egyptian army because it caused more deaths than the Muslim Brotherhood is short-sighted and based on the corrosive notion that the stronger side has a responsibility for restraint.Too many in the media and the State Department suffer from the...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

The appointment of Robert Ford as the new American ambassador to Egypt was indeed an ominous sign that the Obama administration expected civil war conditions to arise in Egypt. Ford’s forte during his hugely successful “diplomatic’ assignment in Baghdad in the middle of the last decade was to organize the notorious death squads, which tore Mesopotamia apart and destroyed Iraq almost irreparably. Equally, Ford played a seminal role in his subsequent ambassadorial assignment in Damascus in 2011...

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Egypt May Cost Us Money, Sen. Graham Fears

Egypt May Cost Us Money, Sen. Graham Fears

Senator Lindsey Graham, tweets: “A failed state in #Egypt will likely create ripple effects which impact American pocketbooks here at home.” Graham is concerned about “American pocketbooks” now? After all the financial damage that neocons’ aggressive foreign policy has wrought, how can anyone take this sudden concern seriously? Just in Egypt alone over the past 30 years, some $60 billion American taxpayer dollars were sent over to former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. Even today, while Egypt...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

McCain and Graham's Strange Egyptian Adventure

What was President Obama thinking? Last week's trip to Egypt by the neoconservative dynamic duo, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, seemed like an improbably bad idea from the start. In the highly delicate situation inside Egypt, where the military is expected at any moment to initiate another bloody crackdown against supporters of the ousted president, Mohamed Morsi, Graham and McCain would not be most people's choice to smooth tensions. Nevertheless it was reported that they traveled...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

Why Are We At War in Yemen?

Most Americans are probably unaware that over the past two weeks the US has launched at least eight drone attacks in Yemen, in which dozens have been killed. It is the largest US escalation of attacks on Yemen in more than a decade. The US claims that everyone killed was a “suspected militant,” but Yemeni citizens have for a long time been outraged over the number of civilians killed in such strikes. The media has reported that of all those killed in these recent US strikes, only one of the...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

How Ron Paul Changed My Heart and Mind on War

My wife and I were in the middle of a three-month cross-country road trip in the Fall of 2011. We had just driven for over three hours to a small community center in northwestern Iowa where I found myself shaking hands with a man who had transformed my thinking. I was nervous, and the only words I could get out for my big moment of meeting Ron Paul were “thank you”. But maybe that was enough. I grew up in a very conservative Christian home where timeless principles such as the Golden Rule were...

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Neocons Seek ‘Control’ in Egypt

Neocons swindle their constituents into believing that they want to spread American values throughout the world. They talk about things like “bringing stability,” yet only chaos has followed neocon-prescribed international interventions. The cold hard truth is that what neocons really want is control. Everything else is just commentary. Let’s take recent events in Egypt for example. The unelected Hosni Mubarak, who the U.S. propped up financially for 30 years, was finally removed from power....

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

Washington’s Drive For Hegemony Is A Drive To War

It was five years ago that the president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvilli, who was installed in power by the Washington supported “Rose Revolution,” launched a military invasion of South Ossetia, a break-away province under its own government. The Georgian attack killed Russian peace-keeping troops and numerous Ossetians.The Russian military response overwhelmed the US trained and equipped Georgian army in 5 days to the embarrassment of Saakashvilli and his Washington sponsors.Washington began...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

Does Washington Post Purchase Create Spooky Conflict of Interest?

Everyone is talking about Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos's recent purchase of the Washington Post. Less noticed is the conflict of interest between his ownership of the Post and Amazon’s potentially significant profits from computing and data storage contracts with numerous US government agencies including the CIA. The question is whether the newspaper will be able to even-handedly report on the US government despite Bezos's financial interest in US government contracts. Though not as well...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

US Egypt Policy: Democracy Promotion?

When the Obama administration announced on July 25 that it was free to violate U.S. law by continuing to finance the Egyptian military to the tune of $1.5 billion annually, even though it was responsible for overthrowing the democratically elected president of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, in a coup d'tat on July 3, the message was understood loud and clear in Cairo. Two days later, the Egyptian military massacred over 70 demonstrators who were protesting Morsi's ouster. The commander of the Egyptian...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

Welcome to Post-Constitution America: The Weapons of War Come Home

On July 30, 1778, the Continental Congress created the first whistleblower protection law, stating “that it is the duty of all persons in the service of the United States to give the earliest information to Congress or other proper authority of any misconduct, frauds, or misdemeanors committed by any officers or persons in the service of these states.”Two hundred thirty-five years later, on July 30, 2013, Bradley Manning was found guilty on 20 of the 22 charges for which he was prosecuted,...

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The Ron Paul Channel Will Launch August 12th

The Ron Paul Channel Will Launch August 12th

Exciting news posted by Lew Rockwell:August 7, 2013 (Clute, Texas) – Today, former-Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul announced the Ron Paul Channel (www.RonPaulChannel.com) would launch the week of August 12, 2013, and new details about the Channel. Known for refusing to play by the establishment’s rules, Dr. Paul will air all original programming several times a week. Since announcing the Ron Paul Channel’s creation solely on Facebook and Twitter, more than 200,000 people have...

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How Dare The Iranians Elect a Moderate?

How Dare The Iranians Elect a Moderate?

Last week the US House voted 400-20 to dramatically increase sanctions on Iran, including measures to cripple Iran’s oil exports. Two days ago three-fourths of the US Senate sent a letter to President Obama demanding that the US “toughen sanctions and reinforce the credibility of our option to use military force” against Iran. Ominously, the Senate warned the president that the “time for diplomacy is nearing its end,” demanding a “convincing threat of the use of force that Iran will believe.”...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

Are Police in America Now a Military, Occupying Force?

Despite the steady hue and cry by government agencies about the need for more police, more sophisticated weaponry, and the difficulties of preserving the peace and maintaining security in our modern age, the reality is far different. Indeed, violent crime in America has been on a steady decline, and if current trends continue, Americans will finish the year 2013 experiencing the lowest murder rate in over a century. Despite this clear referendum on the fact that communities would be better...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

President José Mujica Versus the United Nations

Uruguay's President José Mujica is standing up to United Nations bureaucrats at the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) who are chastising Uruguay for advancing legislation that will allow the legal growth, sale, and purchase of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. Mujica plans to defend his nation's marijuana law reform in a speech before the UN General Assembly in September. For a preview, read here excerpts from Mujica's Thursday radio address to Uruguayans after the...

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Egypt's Junta Has Nothing to Lose

Why Won’t They Tell Us the Truth About NSA Spying?

In 2001, the Patriot Act opened the door to US government monitoring of Americans without a warrant. It was unconstitutional, but most in Congress over my strong objection were so determined to do something after the attacks of 9/11 that they did not seem to give it too much thought. Civil liberties groups were concerned, and some of us in Congress warned about giving up our liberties even in the post-9/11 panic. But at the time most Americans did not seem too worried about the intrusion. This...

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Pelosi's Reckless Taiwan Junket

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made good on her threat to be the first US House Speaker to visit Taiwan in a quarter of a century. The Chinese government is furious and...

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