What a tumultuous week it has been. It began with United States president Barack Obama’s speech in the UN General Assembly last Monday signaling that the era of American dominance of the Middle East is ending. But the signal is already being acted upon before the week ended. That is what the stunning announcement in Ankara on Thursday signifies – over the decision by the Turkish government led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to select a Chinese defence firm, China Precision Machinery...
Featured Articles
A Grand Bargain for Liberty?
by Ron Paul | Sep 29, 2013 | Featured Articles
As I write this, it appears that the federal government is about to shut down because the House and Senate cannot agree on whether to add language defunding or delaying Obamacare to the “Continuing Resolution”. Despite all the hand-wringing heard in DC, a short-term government shut down (which doesn’t actually shut down the government) will not cause the country to collapse. And the American people would benefit if Obamacare was defeated or even delayed. Obamacare saddles the American health...
Jennifer Rubin on the Big Bad Russians
by Chris Rossini | Sep 28, 2013 | Neocon Watch
As RPI's Daniel McAdams, pointed out recently, the UN Syria deal displayed how the Russians cleaned the “humanitarian interventionist” clocks of the Obama Administration.With all beatings that the neocons have taken lately, Jennifer Rubin felt the need to breakaway from the present, and start setting sights on 2016, when Republicans can counter those wily Russians: The Syria debacle and now the Obama administration tip-toe toward a phony deal with Iran should be instructive on a number of...
East Ghouta: False Flag Chemical Attack
by Nikolai Malishevski | Sep 28, 2013 | Featured Articles
The International Institute for Peace, Justice and Human Rights (ISTEAMS) has just published a comprehensive report on the chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of East Ghouta. The document is called The Chemical Attacks on East Ghouta to Justify Military Right to Protect Intervention in Syria. With video clips and the evidence provided by witnesses to support the conclusions, the report has been submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council and spread among foreign diplomats. The...
McCain’s Moderates Join Al-Qaeda
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 27, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Senator John McCain was just sure he could pick moderates in Syria worth supporting. To prove his point he made a trip to Syria this spring to demonstrate how much the insurgents were just like us, struggling for democracy and equal rights for all. But his trip was organized by the Syria Emergency Task Force's Mouaz Moustafa, who not long ago headed up the Libyan Council of North America. Both organizations are partly funded by the US State Department through a mirrored wilderness of NGO...
NSA Wolves in Reformers’ Clothing
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 27, 2013 | Congress Alert
There is nothing so dangerous as when Washington starts "reforming" something. Usually it means that despite best obfuscation efforts the administration or Congress has been caught doing something -- or not doing something -- sufficiently outrageous to create a public stir. Once caught, said government body does not simply cease and desist or make good on its mistake. Instead, a commission is formed made up of current and former government officials and other Washington insiders, an expensive...
Obama at the UN: Syrian Blues and a Persian Puzzle
by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar | Sep 25, 2013 | Featured Articles
The general expectation was indeed that the United States President Barack Obama’s annual address at the United Nations General Assembly session on Tuesday would contain some major pronouncements of new American policy direction on the Syrian conflict and over the situation around Iran. No doubt, the Middle East dominated his speech and all but edged out other global issues such as climate change or the US’ rebalancing strategy in Asia or global disarmament. This in itself is stunning:...
Kenya Mall Attack: The Bitter Fruits of Interventionism
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 25, 2013 | Featured Articles
In his speech yesterday at the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama devoted little time to the recent slaughter of some 62 shoppers at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya.Said Obama, in toto: But even a glance at today’s headlines indicates that dangers remain. In Kenya, we’ve seen terrorists target innocent civilians in a crowded shopping mall. And our hearts go out to the families of those who’ve been affected. Yes, what happened in Kenya is a terrorist act. But for Obama to tell...
US Policy is to Prolong the Violence in Syria
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Sep 24, 2013 | Featured Articles
Although the threat of U.S. strikes against Syria has for the time being abated due to intervention from Russian President Vladimir Putin and an agreement from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to declare its stockpiles of chemical weapons to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague to be eventually turned over and destroyed, the ultimate goal of U.S. policy remains regime change.The U.S. has long been supporting the armed rebels seeking to overthrow the...
Washington's Tyranny
by Paul Craig Roberts | Sep 24, 2013 | Featured Articles
The war criminal Barack Obama has declared his “outrage” over the 62 deaths associated with the takeover of a Nairobi, Kenya, shopping mall by al-Shabaab fighters. But the attack on the shopping mall was Obama’s fault. Al Shabaab spokesmen said that the attack on the Nairobi mall was a retaliatory response to the Kenyan troops sent to fight against them in Somalia. The Kenyan troops, of course, were sent to Somalia as a result of pressure from Washington. Just as the outbreak of violence in...
Michael Rubin Grabs A Page From W’s Playbook
by Chris Rossini | Sep 23, 2013 | Neocon Watch
The Muslim Brotherhood has been on quite a roller-coaster ride in Egypt over the last year. In 2012, Mohamed Morsi was elected as Egypt’s very first President who was not a part of the military.This past summer, just one year later, the military overthrew Morsi and took back control. To add insult to injury, today the news was released that an Egyptian court has completely banned the Muslim Brotherhood.Talk about a turnaround!Neocon Michael Rubin gives his stamp of approval: ..the Egyptian...
Can Washington Reciprocate Iran's 'Constructive Engagement'?
by harley | Sep 23, 2013 | Featured Articles
As New York prepares for the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly next week, the volume of Western media speculation about the prospects for a U.S.-Iranian diplomatic breakthrough is mounting to impressive levels. Predictably, much of this speculation amounts to little more than wondering how many concessions the Islamic Republic’s new president, Hassan Rohani, is willing and will be able to make, especially on the nuclear issue.As usual, we prefer looking at facts and...
The ‘Promoting Democracy’ Trick
by Chris Rossini | Sep 22, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Neocons love to wrap themselves in the cloak of promoting “democracy” to justify their constant calls for war and destruction. Just last month, Max Boot explained this tough job that the neocons have assigned to themselves: “Promoting democracy can be messy in the short-run and isn’t always possible in every circumstance but, in general, it is the best long-term bet for promoting American interests.” Neocons sure know how to make it “messy”. That’s about it. The rest is all a ruse.“Promoting...
Lawrence Wilkerson Interview: 'John McCain and Lindsey Graham Need to Shut Their Mouths'
by Lawrence Wilkerson | Sep 22, 2013 | Featured Articles
(Transcript) JESSICA DESVARIEUX, TRNN PRODUCER: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Jessica Desvarieux in Baltimore. And welcome to this edition of The Wilkerson Report. Now joining us is Larry Wilkerson. He was the former chief of staff to Colin Powell and is an adjunct professor at William & Mary College. Thanks for being with us, Larry.COL. LAWRENCE WILKERSON: Good to be here.DESVARIEUX: So, Larry, what we'd like to discuss this week is the Iranian government's attempts to thaw...
Ron Paul Institute at LPAC Conference
by harley | Sep 21, 2013 | Featured Articles
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is participating in the Liberty Political Action Conference this weekend. Founder and CEO Ron Paul visits our booth. So many wonderful people interested in our work!More photos here.
Did Sen. Reid Let Slip Secret Plan to Use Navy Yard Killings as Excuse for New Medical Privacy Violations?
by Adam Dick | Sep 19, 2013 | Congress Alert
There is reason for concern that the US Congress and the National Rifle Association may soon work together to use the Washington, DC Navy Yard killings earlier this week as an excuse to expand a US government database of all Americans' private medical information.The day after the Navy Yard killings, US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was talking about bringing expanded gun transfer background checks to a vote in the Senate. Bloomberg reports: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada...
New Poll: Americans Unmoved By Jan. 6th Hearings
Despite relentless propaganda and juicy threats of impending arrests, a new poll of Americans shows the January 6th "insurrection" hearings are not shifting any opinions on the...
New Poll: Americans Unmoved By Jan. 6th Hearings
Aug 10, 2022
Despite relentless propaganda and juicy threats of impending arrests, a new poll of Americans shows the January 6th "insurrection" hearings are not shifting any opinions on the...
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