If the US State Department's Victoria Nuland had not said "F**k the EU," few outsiders at the time would have heard of Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, the man on the other end of her famously bugged telephone call. But now Washington's man in Kiev is gaining fame as the face of the CIA-style "destabilization campaign" that brought down Ukraine's monumentally corrupt but legitimately elected President Viktor Yanukovych. "Geoffrey Pyatt is one of these State Department high officials who does what...
Featured Articles
‘Non-Neocon’ Cal Thomas Attacks Ron Paul’s ‘Isolationism’
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 24, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Cal Thomas is a survivor. "America's most widely syndicated op-ed columnist" understands that to go against the rising tide of opinion in the US is to say goodbye to an enormously lucrative paycheck for relatively little work. The question Thomas struggles with is how to continue to push a neocon agenda in US foreign policy while not alienating the majority of Americans who have clearly stated their preference for Ron Paul's foreign policy of non-interventionism.The answer, he has concluded,...
US ‘Democracy Promotion’ Destroys Democracy Overseas
by Ron Paul | Mar 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
It was almost ten years ago when, before the House International Relations Committee, I objected to the US Government funding NGOs to meddle in the internal affairs of Ukraine. At the time the “Orange Revolution” had forced a regime change in Ukraine with the help of millions of dollars from Washington. At that time I told the Committee: We do not know exactly how many millions—or tens of millions—of dollars the United States government spent on the presidential election in Ukraine. We do know...
War in Syria Set to Intensify
by Eric Margolis | Mar 22, 2014 | Featured Articles
As Syria lies dying, western media cries, “we must save Syria’s suffering children.” Indeed so, among Syria’s nine million internal and external refugees, some 450,000 are children. All civil wars are bloody and cruel, but Syria’s strife has reached new extremes of violence and mass civilian suffering as the US and Saudi Arabia use this once beautiful, bountiful nation as a proxy battleground against Iran.I extensively covered Lebanon’s 1975-1990 civil war; its ghastly memory still makes me...
Kto Kogo?* The NATO Syndrome, the EU’s Eastern Partnership Program, and the EAU
by Anne Williamson | Mar 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
In 2009, Poland and Sweden, ever attentive to the US’s geostrategic goals of isolating Russia and gaining control of China thereafter, initiated the Eastern Partnership program, which its sponsors said was intended to tighten ties with former Soviet Republics, such as Moldova, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine. A trade pact is a part of the Partnership’s Association Agreement (AA) deal. What the Russians saw in the EU initiative was a repeat of the “NATO Syndrome,” in that what was promised...
Drug Warriors Just Don’t Get It
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Mar 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
U.S. Marine Corps General John F. Kelly, commanding general of the U.S. Southern Command, just doesn’t get it. Testifying before Congress, he lamented the movement toward legalizing drugs here in the United States. He suggested that Latin American officials, who have long been exhorted to fight the war on drugs, are losing faith in the United States and are viewing Americans as hypocrites. He also asserted, “The levels of violence that our drug problem has caused in many of these countries is...
Crimean Referendum Ilegal? Nonsense!
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Mar 20, 2014 | Featured Articles
On the question of why the U.S. government considers the Crimean referendum on secession from Ukraine to be illegal, Michael S. Rozeff points to an interview with John B. Bellinger III, Adjunct Senior Fellow for International and National Security Law at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), whose answer consists of (a) Alice-In-Wonderland-worthy illogic and (b) lying about what international law has to say about the right to self-determination. Bellinger’s full response to the question is...
McCain’s Eleven Point Plan For War
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 19, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Sen. McCain to the rescue. He looks on in horror as the dramatic threats of the Obama administration against Russia on Ukraine are not only undeterring but in fact mocked by the Russians. He has developed an eleven point plan to hoist the administration back up onto a war footing with Russia. Never let a good crisis go to waste.McCain would start of course with money. Not his own but ours. His first point is to pass the one billion dollar loan guarantee to Ukraine currently stalled in the...
Simple Stuff About Ukraine
by Philip Giraldi | Mar 18, 2014 | Featured Articles
On March 6th President Barack Obama signed an executive order "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine" which permits Washington to seize the assets of any "United States person" who opposes current US policies vis-à-vis that country. The order claims absurdly that the status quo in Ukraine and the Crimean referendum constitute a "national emergency" for the United States. Anyone who directly or indirectly is involved in "actions or policies that threaten...
Is John McCain Running For The Ukrainian Parliament?
by Chris Rossini | Mar 17, 2014 | Neocon Watch
John McCain has sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution. The results are in, and evidence shows that his swearing into office was nothing but his first "official" lie. No matter how long you stare at the words of the U.S. Constitution, you will never find a single justification for the following statement from McCain: Good conversation @CNN - I will never stop fighting for a free and independent #Ukraine, which includes #Crimea — John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) March 16, 2014 Those words sound like...
The Use of Force, the Reflexive Resort to Economic Sanctions, and the Trials of America’s Hegemonic Mindset
by Going to Tehran | Mar 17, 2014 | Featured Articles
As negotiations toward a “final” nuclear deal between the P5+1 and Iran continue, it is important to consider to what extent the world might be witnessing a fundamental change in American foreign policy. We are inclined to think that the Obama administration would not have gone as far down the diplomatic road with Iran as it has in the absence of President Obama’s self-inflicted debacle over his declared intention to attack Syria after chemical weapons were used there in August 2013. This...
Disband NATO!
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Mar 17, 2014 | Featured Articles
In a recent New York Times op-ed, John McCain, the man who hoped to be president, said that Russia’s invasion of Crimea has nothing to do with NATO expansion into Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Oh? Well, now, let’s see how McCain would be responding if the shoe were on the other foot. Let’s assume that when the Cold War ended, the United States disbanded NATO. That, of course, wouldn’t have been too illogical given that NATO was brought into existence to protect Western Europe from Soviet...
If Spying on Senate is So Bad, Why is it OK For Them To Spy On Us?
by Ron Paul | Mar 17, 2014 | Featured Articles
The reaction of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to last week’s revelations that the CIA secretly searched Senate Intelligence Committee computers reveals much about what the elites in government think about the rest of us. “Spy on thee, but not on me!” The hypocrisy of Sen. Feinstein is astounding. She is the biggest backer of the NSA spying on the rest of us, but when the tables are turned and her staff is the target she becomes irate. But there is more to it than that. There is an attitude in...
After the Referendum…
by Patrick Armstrong | Mar 16, 2014 | Featured Articles
If, as seems to be generally expected, today’s referendum in Crimea produces a substantial majority in favour of union with the Russian Federation, what will Moscow’s reaction be? I strongly expect that it will be…… Nothing. There are several reason why I think this. One is that Moscow is reluctant to break up states. I know that that assertion will bring howls of laughter from the Russophobes who imagine that Putin has geography dreams every night but reflect that Russia only recognised the...
Neocons Have Weathered the Storm
by Robert Parry | Mar 15, 2014 | Featured Articles
By the middle of last decade, the storm clouds were building over the neocons: their “regime change” in Iraq was a disaster; President George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech was a running joke; news articles were appearing about their “dark side” behavior in the “war on terror”; and the public was tired of the blood and treasure being wasted.You might have expected that the neocons would have been banished to the farthest reaches of U.S. policymaking, so far away that they would never...
McCain: Why Aren’t We At War Already?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 14, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Sen. John McCain is furious with President Obama. Even though the president's bellicosity over a relatively insignificant piece of land more than 5,000 miles away threatens not only our terminally ill economy but actually threatens World War III, McCain still views the president as weak and accommodating. We should be at war already, dammit!At least an overt proxy war, that is.Today McCain released a statement attacking President Obama for reportedly refusing a request by the coup-installed...
Homeland Security Chief: Americans Who Don't Trust Government Are Biggest Terror Threat
The head of the Department of Homeland Security has identified the latest terrorist threat to the United States...and it is us. People who do not trust the government and who...
Homeland Security Chief: Americans Who Don't Trust Government Are Biggest Terror Threat
Sep 14, 2022
The head of the Department of Homeland Security has identified the latest terrorist threat to the United States...and it is us. People who do not trust the government and who...
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