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Let’s Not Forget The Neocons Who Cheered The Egyptian Military Into Power

Earlier this year, the Egyptian military overthrew the democratically elected Mohammed Morsi. Much has happened since the initial violent crackdown on Morsi’s supporters. The Muslim Brotherhood, which has been around some 80 years, has been labeled a “terrorist organization” by the Egyptian government, and now even bloggers who speak out against the military are being jailed. Plenty of neocons cheered the military coup from the sidelines when it occurred. With all of their flap about the US...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

It has become the custom in independent Ukraine that there is not a single government ministry or agency and not a single political party in parliament besides the communists, where “quiet Americans”, or British, or Germans, do not stand by side to tell the Ukrainian politicians and officials how they should run the country. And this is not likely to change if Vitali Klitschko becomes the next president of Ukraine. More likely this affliction will then be manifested in full. Lacking the...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Turkey’s Role in Syria’s Unfolding Crisis

Under Prime Minister Erdogan, Turkey became directly involved in the Syrian crisis as his support for the Muslim Brotherhood brought an ideological context to Turkey’s hostile stance against Assad’s government. At the beginning of 2011, continuing protests against Assad finally led to the end of the 48-year state of emergency in Syria and an amnesty for political prisoners, not without US and EU pressure. But several months later a well-known US whistleblower Sibel Edmonds claimed that the US...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Saudi Anger Has Many Faces

During the past fortnight, Saudi Arabia raised the bar by several notches in its rhetoric to express fury over US regional policies in the Middle East, especially over Syria and Iran. The rhetoric reached a high pitch last week with two key figures in the Saudi regime alternatively lampooning and threatening the Obama administration.  Is this strategic defiance of the US by the Saudi regime sustainable or will turn out to be mere bravado or even a defensive strategy to cover up dark fears?...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Ron Paul Rewind: Who Warned Us About Sudan?

The new state of South Sudan, another product of US interventionism, is falling apart. President Obama is sending in the US Marines. As the US frenzy to "protect" southern Sudan pervaded the early 2000s, with the eventual US-sponsored creation of a South Sudan client state, Ron Paul had been warning that this intervention would only result in disaster. Read Ron Paul in July 2004 warn that US "humanitarian" concern for southern Sudan could lead to US military intervention. Read Ron Paul in...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

We're The Good Guys

My Christmas holiday frequently includes a series of reunions with other former CIA people, often grouped by the overseas stations that we served in. This year the Istanbul gathering preceded Spain and the Rome Station ca. 1980 soon followed. Some of the retirees are still working for the government as contractors so I try to keep a low profile at such functions, rarely asking questions about what anyone might be doing and seldom venturing into any detailed critiques of current government...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

NSA Task Force Member Says Program Should Be Expanded Not Limited

Last week, I wrote about the dangers of tasks forces bearing gifts for civil libertarians and noted how Obama stacked the task force on NSA surveillance with hawks to guarantee the preservation of the program. One of those was former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell who served during the secret development and use of the program. Obviously, if he were to conclude that the program was illegal, it would have meant that he was part of the violations. Not only did the task force maintain the...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Ron Paul Rewind: North Korea?

When North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, ordered the arrest and execution of his uncle, the status quo in the country was strongly shaken. As can be expected, the American chattering class is attempting to come up with an angle for more U.S. troublemaking. Here is Dr. Paul on Meet The Press back in 2007. He discusses the only sensible (and lawful) policy that the U.S. should have with both North & South Korea: Ron Paul: “Troops in Korea? Since I’ve been in high school? It doesn’t make...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Progress Toward Peace in 2013, But Dark Clouds Remain

It is the time of year we feel a sense of joy and optimism. We are preparing for the holidays and looking to spend time with our families and friends. This year as we look back we see several developments that leave us feeling optimistic. A US attack on Syria was averted to a large degree because the American people did not want another Middle Eastern war. Public pressure was so strong that President Obama was forced to back down from his threats to launch missiles at Syria over an alleged...

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Sen. Bernie Sanders Exposes Bloated Military and Intelligence Spending

Sen. Bernie Sanders, in a US Senate floor speech Thursday explaining his “no” vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (HR 3304), exposes “wasteful, inefficient, and often fraudulent” Department of Defense spending. Sanders also addresses the bloated nature of US military spending compared to military spending by other governments as well as the tens of billions of dollars sucked yearly into US intelligence agencies’ “black budget.” Below are the video and, from the Congressional Record,...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Washington Acts Like Government-in-Exile For Ukraine

Americans may be deluded with “God-given exceptionalism”, self-congratulating propaganda known euphemistically as independent journalism and news, and a massive brainwashing diet of syrupy entertainment that reinforces the vacuous vanity of supposed American values – but do they really think the rest of the world is likewise comatose? Apparently, their officials think so. In an interview this week with Radio Free Europe (a US “independent news publication” with strong ties to the CIA), Michael...

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Jennifer Rubin’s Gunboat Diplomacy

We can all be thankful that Obama doesn’t use neocon commissar Jennifer Rubin as one of his negotiators. Rubin, who almost daily mentions that Israel should “act” (i.e., drop bombs on Iran) is fed up with US negotiations. This is how she sees it: What Obama is doing is taking away the Hobson’s choice the West wants to present Iran: Give up your nuclear weapons or watch your economy and regime crumble. First of all, Iran does not have any nuclear weapons to “give up.” Rubin does understand...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

A Christmas To-Do List for a Better World

The Christmas hope for peace and good will toward all men can no longer be dismissed as a kind of pious dream of some utopian. If we don’t have good will toward men in this world, we will destroy ourselves by the misuse of our own instruments and our own power. Wisdom born of experience should tell us that war is obsolete. We must either learn to live together as brothers or we are going to perish together as fools.”—Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., Christmas Eve sermon, 1967 In an age of...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Washington Has Discredited America

Years ago when I described the George W. Bush regime as a police state, right-wing eyebrows were raised. When I described the Obama regime as an even worse police state, liberals rolled their eyes. Alas! Now I am no longer controversial. Everybody says it. According to the UK newspaper, The Guardian, the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, had an angry exchange with Obama in which Merkel compared Obama’s National Security Agency (NSA) with the East German Communist Stasi, which spied on...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Syria Conflict: You Can’t Make Sound Policy by Disregarding Reality

The U.S. posture toward the conflict in Syria exemplifies some of the worst aspects of America’s Middle East policy. In recent years, the limits on America’s ability to shape important outcomes in the region unilaterally have been dramatically underscored by strategically failed military interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. Just this year, President Obama’s largely self-inflicted debacle over his publicly declared intention to attack Syria after chemical weapons were used there on...

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Vitali Klitschko's American Coaches

Sen. McCain, Interventionism's ‘Energizer Bunny’

If there are US-backed groups anywhere seeking the overthrow of their government, you will find John McCain in their midst. He is the Energizer Bunny of interventionism. Fresh off his trip to Libya, where he was granted an award by the military on the same day the Libyan parliament declared Sharia law, McCain was this weekend on the streets of Kiev. McCain walked among the protestors, giving encouragement to those who have occupied and trashed government buildings in attempt to overthrow the...

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