Undoubtedly the attacks were timed to occur on the eve of the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations, so “Coalition” partners could cluster behind the decision to bomb a sovereign state, uninvited. The irony, of course, is that they are doing so at the UN – the global political body that pledges to uphold international law, peace and stability, and the sanctity of the nation-state unit. The goal this week will be to keep the “momentum” on a “narrative” until it sinks in. On...
Featured Articles
Dennis Kucinich Drops In On Hemp Activists at US Capitol
by Adam Dick | Sep 25, 2014 | Congress Alert
Industrial hemp activists from around the country visited United States Representatives’ and Senators’ offices in Washington, DC this week to make the case for repealing decades-old US government restrictions related to the plant. When the activists were meeting together after their congressional office visits, RPI Advisory Board Member and former US Rep. Dennis Kucinich dropped in and offered some comments regarding hemp. Watch the six minute video below for a taste of the gathering;...
Welcome To Barack Obama’s Syrian Gong Show
by David Stockman | Sep 25, 2014 | Featured Articles
Folks, this war is only three days old and its already a gong show. Its become at least a four-front affair — with Obama’s “broad” coalition amounting to little more than a few stealth Arab nations renting back to Washington the equipment and American trained pilots it had earlier provided them. The President’s shock-but-not-awe campaign apparently incepted not with bombs on the Islamic State’s capital of Raqqah but via a tomahawk barrage on some Nusra Front rebels in northwestern Syria. These...
The Real Reason We Are Bombing Syria
by Dennis J. Kucinich | Sep 24, 2014 | Featured Articles
The administration's response to the conjunction of this weekend's People's Climate March and the International Day of Peace? 1) Bomb Syria the following day, to wrest control of the oil from ISIS which gained its foothold directly in the region through the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan funding and arming ISIS' predecessors in Syria. 2) Send the president to UN General Assembly, where he will inevitably give a rousing speech about climate and peace, while the destruction of the...
Apocalypse Now, Iraq Edition
by Peter van Buren | Sep 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
I wanted to offer a wry chuckle before we headed into the heavy stuff about Iraq, so I tried to start this article with a suitably ironic formulation. You know, a déjà-vu-all-over-again kinda thing. I even thought about telling you how, in 2011, I contacted a noted author to blurb my book, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, and he presciently declined, saying sardonically, “So you're gonna be the one to write the last book on failure in...
Breaking: US Attacks Syria!
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
The Obama Administration has initiated a bomb and land-based missile attack against Syrian territory without permission from the Syrian government, without a request for assistance from the Syrian government, and without a UN Security Council resolution. This is an act of US aggression against a foreign nation and a violation of international law. The attacks were also made with no declaration of war or authorization from the US Congress. This is an illegal act according to US law, a violation...
Turning Americans into Snitches for the Police State: ‘See Something, Say Something’ and Community Policing
by John W. Whitehead | Sep 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
“There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors.”—Professor Robert Gellately If you see something suspicious, says the Department of Homeland Security, say something about it to the police, call it in to a government hotline, or report it...
Lieberman: ‘Attack Assad AND ISIS!’
by Chris Rossini | Sep 22, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Joe Lieberman finds no reason to keep up the facade of the backdoor-to-war with Syria. He flat out said on Face The Nation Sunday: “We should attack Assad and fight ISIS.” The neocons, who were rebuked by the American public when Obama initially wanted to attack Syria, are back in the saddle. A couple of ISIS YouTube videos and it’s back to war with Assad -- who also happens to be at war with ISIS! Keep Robert Parry’s thoughts in mind as this story continues to unravel: In the weeks ahead,...
by Eric Margolis | Sep 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
NATO has struck in Iraq. Or, more precisely, two French Rafale warplanes bombed a storage depot in northern Iraq believed to be used by ISIS. Washington cheered the French attack as the first wave of NATO military operations against the new enemy du jour, ISIS or the Islamic State. French president Francois Hollande, whose abysmal popularity ratings are now lower than Robespierre’s, butcher of the French Revolution, was elated by his show of machismo even if French voters were not. What the...
Congress Votes for More War in the Middle East
by Ron Paul | Sep 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
Last week, the House and Senate voted to rubber stamp President Obama’s war plans for the Middle East. Both bodies, on a bipartisan basis, authorized the US to begin openly training and arming the rebels who have been fighting for three years to overthrow the Assad government in Syria. Although the Syrian government has also been fighting ISIS and related extremist groups for three years, the US refuses to speak to the Syrians and has warned Assad not to interfere with the coming US attack on...
The Disastrous Myth of Airpower Victory
by Franklin C. Spinney | Sep 20, 2014 | Featured Articles
President Obama’s strategy to “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS depends crucially on precision bombing by drones and airplanes. The heavy lifting on the ground is supposed to be accomplished by our "allies" in Iraq and the Syrian opposition, but as any reader of the news knows, these allies are, to put it charitably, unreliable and prone to panic and/or treachery. So, despite Obama’s rhetoric, our new war against ISIS will be an air power war. The key ideas in Obama's bombing strategy will...
Anarchy in Washington: Is Anybody in Charge?
by Justin Raimondo | Sep 19, 2014 | Featured Articles
Pentagon chief contradicts Obama on ground troops – Obama contradicts him back The President pledges "no combat troops" in Iraq. The head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, says he may recommend combat ground troops in the battle against ISIS. The President, in a speech, reiterates "no ground troops," and "no combat troops." While Hillary Clinton, Obama’s presumptive heir, waits in the wings as her scheme to arm the Syrian rebels is implemented and the fuse is lit on the...
The Tower Of Babel Comes To Paris: The Folly Of Obama’s War On ISIS
by David Stockman | Sep 18, 2014 | Featured Articles
US imperialism was once a fearsome force—mainly for ill. Under the latter heading, Washington’s savage destruction of Vietnam four decades ago comes readily to mind. But now the American Imperium has become just a gong show on the Potomac—even as its weapons have gotten more lethal and its purposes more spurious and convoluted.There is no more conspicuous proof than Obama’s quixotic “war” on ISIS. The quote marks are necessary, of course, because the White House insists that this is merely a...
Rep. Walter Jones: Don’t Arm ‘Moderates’ in Syria!
by rep. walter b. jones jr | Sep 17, 2014 | Congress Alert
Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) has just released a statement strongly opposing the McKeon Amendment to the Continuing Resolution (HJ Res 124) scheduled for a vote today. The amendment would grant Congressional approval for the president's plan to arm and train "moderate" rebels fighting in Syria to overthrow the Assad government. Repeating the words of a former US Marine Commandant, Rep. Jones asks, "are we arming another Taliban?"Here is a video of Rep. Jones' Floor statement:Below is a transcript...
Poroshenko in Washington: A Marriage Made in Heaven?
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 17, 2014 | Featured Articles
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s visit to Washington tomorrow (Thursdsay) is the consummation of a marriage made back in February, when the Obama administration ripped up a compromise agreement between elected president Yanukovich and the rebels who were seeking to overthrow him. Overnight, the US government endorsed the rebels’ seizure of power, and it has not wavered in its support of the coup leadership from that point. Poroshenko will arrive in town buoyed by Congressional passage of...
8 Reasons Why Congress Should Vote No on Training and Funding Syrian Rebels
by Dennis J. Kucinich | Sep 17, 2014 | Featured Articles
Today Congress will vote on the McKeon Amendment, a piece of legislation most Americans haven't heard of. But the consequences of the vote today are grave: funding Syrian "rebels" will precipitate a new and wider war in the Middle East. Here are eight reasons why Congress should vote NO on the McKeon Amendment: 1. It is a waste of money. We'd be on the hook for a projected $21 billion price tag over three years. The Pentagon plans to train 5,000 rebels in the next year, which at $1 million for...
Lawless! Biden Side-steps Constitution In Promise To Write Off Student Loans
In a blatantly unconstitutional move, President Biden yesterday announced that his Administration would be obligating upwards of half a trillion dollars - or more - to "forgive"...
Lawless! Biden Side-steps Constitution In Promise To Write Off Student Loans
Aug 25, 2022
In a blatantly unconstitutional move, President Biden yesterday announced that his Administration would be obligating upwards of half a trillion dollars - or more - to "forgive"...
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