Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) provided some refreshing counterweight to the war promoting statements of the United States House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee chairman and ranking member at the committee’s Ukraine hearing on Wednesday with sole witness Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. Rohrabacher, who chairs the committee’s subcommittee with Ukraine jurisdiction — the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats — begins his exchange with Nuland by...
Featured Articles
The Long History of Israel Gaming the ‘Iranian Threat’
by Gareth Porter | Mar 6, 2015 | Featured Articles
Western news media has feasted on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s talk and the reactions to it as a rare political spectacle rich in personalities in conflict. But the real story of Netanyahu’s speech is that he is continuing a long tradition in Israeli politics of demonising Iran to advance domestic and foreign policy interests. The history of that practice, in which Netanyahu has played a central role going back nearly two decades, shows that it has been based on a conscious strategy of vastly...
‘Nuland Ensconced in Neocon Camp Who Believes in Noble Lie’
by RT | Mar 5, 2015 | Featured Articles
RPI Director Daniel McAdams is interviewed on RT. Transcript below; video here.Victoria Nuland’s anti-Russian rhetoric comes from the neocon camp of US politics, seeking to stir the Ukraine crisis, thrilled by the prospect of defense industry expansion and more arms sales, Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Peace Institute told RT. RT: World leaders and international monitors agree the situation in Ukraine is generally improving. Why are we still witnessing aggressive rhetoric from some US...
America Must Reject Netanyahu’s War Cry on Iran
by Sheldon Richman | Mar 4, 2015 | Featured Articles
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to Washington this week to prepare the American people for war against Iran. Backed by American neoconservatives, the Israel lobby, and assorted other war hawks, Netanyahu insists that Iran intends to build a nuclear weapon and thus is an “existential threat” to Israel. He has no confidence that President Obama will negotiate an agreement that once and for all will end Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions. Thus the prime minister’s objective is...
McCain ‘Troubled’ by Iranian Help With ISIS
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 3, 2015 | Neocon Watch
Although the enemy of an enemy is not necessarily a friend, it should seemingly go without saying that if a foreign country has dedicated its resources to the defeat of an avowed enemy of one's own country it would be welcomed and even encouraged. For example, if the avowed enemy of the US government is ISIS, which has emerged as its chief declared antagonist following the US defeat of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, would it not be welcomed that a country close to the action has decided to dedicate...
Private Police: Mercenaries for the American Police State
by John W. Whitehead | Mar 3, 2015 | Featured Articles
Corporate America is using police forces as their mercenaries.” —Ray Lewis, Retired Philadelphia Police Captain It’s one thing to know and exercise your rights when a police officer pulls you over, but what rights do you have when a private cop—entrusted with all of the powers of a government cop but not held to the same legal standards—pulls you over and subjects you to a stop-and-frisk or, worse, causes you to “disappear” into a Gitmo-esque detention center not unlike the one employed by...

Department of Homeland Security: What is it Good For?
by Ron Paul | Mar 1, 2015 | Featured Articles
Late Friday night, Congress passed legislation funding the Department of Homeland Security for one week. This vote followed weeks of debate over efforts to attach a prohibition on funding President Obama’s executive order granting amnesty to certain illegal immigrants to the Homeland Security funding bill. Despite the heated rhetoric from both sides, no one seriously believes that Congress will allow Homeland Security funding to lapse. Most in Congress believe that, without the Department of...
Liberty in Search of Protector – Interview With Vaclav Klaus
by Global Gold | Feb 28, 2015 | Featured Articles
Please see below excerpts from a Global Gold interview with former Czech President and Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus. To read the entire interview, please click here. -ed.Liberty is a fundamental human right; it is the cornerstone of our existence. But liberty is under attack from all directions, whether through higher state control or individuals themselves. Liberty is in search for its protector. We were given the opportunity to talk to a vanguard of liberty, former President of the Czech...
State Department Gives 87 Percent of Afghan Funds to Only Five Recipients
by Peter van Buren | Feb 27, 2015 | Featured Articles
The Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) issued a scathing report showing the Department of State gave a staggering 87 percent of all Afghan reconstruction funds to only five recipients. In fact, 69 percent of all taxpayer money spent went to just one contractor. Much Money into Few Hands SIGAR tells us the top-five recipients of State Afghanistan reconstruction awards by total obligations accounted for approximately $3.5 billion, or 87 percent, of total State...
Sen. Cory Booker: Use War on Drugs Resources to Expand War on Guns
by Adam Dick | Feb 26, 2015 | Congress Alert
Be cautious, advocates for liberty who are cheering the apparent winding down of the United States government’s war on marijuana and that war’s replacement with a patchwork quilt of revised state and local laws more tolerant of marijuana growth, distribution, and use. This trend is good news, and it carries hope for similar results regarding the broader war on drugs. The bad news is that some politicians, including Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), want to move drug war resources into new government...
‘US Spends Millions on Overseas Propaganda, But No One is Buying it’
by RT | Feb 26, 2015 | Featured Articles
(RT interviews RPI's Daniel McAdams - watch it here.)Despite the US’ bottomless PR budget to influence overseas, people are not attracted by what’s on offer as they are tired of US interventionism, exceptionalism, and the bombing of their countries, Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute told RT. US Secretary of the State, John Kerry, said he is concerned the US is falling behind when it comes to putting out information. He stressed that RT’s influence is growing worldwide and the US doesn’t...
Domestic Fear is the Price of Empire
by Sheldon Richman | Feb 26, 2015 | Featured Articles
If you find no other argument against American intervention abroad persuasive, how about this one? When the US government invades and occupies other countries, or when it underwrites other governments’ invasions or oppression, the people in the victimized societies become angry enough to want and even to exact revenge — against Americans. Is the American empire worth that price? We should ask ourselves this question in the wake of the weekend news that al-Shabaab, the militant Islamist...
Ukraine: A Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse
by William R. Polk | Feb 24, 2015 | Featured Articles
In a rather ghastly 19th century experiment, a biologist by the name of Heinzmann found that if he placed a frog in boiling water, the frog immediately leapt out but that if he placed the frog in tepid water and then gradually heated it, the frog stayed put until he was scalded to death. Are we like the frog? I see disturbing elements of that process today as we watch events unfold in the Ukraine confrontation. They profoundly frighten me and I believe they should frighten everyone. But they...
Sen. McCain: ‘I’m Ashamed of America’
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 23, 2015 | Neocon Watch
John McCain, from his usual perch atop the Sunday morning political shows, was in a foul mood this week. While the German and French leaders continue to work for a political solution to the ongoing nightmare in Ukraine, McCain cannot believe that the US is not already at war in the country. It is a disgrace to the United States, said McCain, that President Obama has not already started shipping lethal weapons to the government in Kiev so that it can finish off the independence-seeking regions...
The Washington Post’s Gross Mischaracterization of Ron Paul’s Message
by Adam Dick | Feb 23, 2015 | Featured Articles
Irrespective of the commonly held view that the Washington Post is the newspaper of record of America or at least of United States politics, David A. Fahrenthold’s January 25 Washington Post article purporting to report on Ron Paul’s participation the previous day at a Ludwig von Mises Institute event provides anything but an accurate record. Instead, Fahrenthold’s article presents a gross mischaracterization of Paul’s message. Before the widespread use of the Internet, people could be more...
Another Nail in The Coffin of The Case for Libyan ‘Intervention’
by Ian Sinclair | Feb 23, 2015 | Featured Articles
Though the British press have chosen to ignore it, a recent report in the Washington Times newspaper is the latest nail in the coffin that is the mainstream narrative of the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya. An intervention, perhaps not coincidentally, which received the support of the vast majority of the British newspapers and 557 wise MPs, with just 13 opposed. The mainstream narrative runs something like this. After the Tunisian-inspired protests erupted in February 2011, the Libyan...
Rumble Says "Non!' To French Government Censors, Pulls Out Of Country
Faced with French Government demands that free-speech video platform Rumble censor Russian news channels, the company's CEO simply said "no." No more Rumble for France. It's a...
Rumble Says "Non!' To French Government Censors, Pulls Out Of Country
Nov 2, 2022
Faced with French Government demands that free-speech video platform Rumble censor Russian news channels, the company's CEO simply said "no." No more Rumble for France. It's a...
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