RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Turkey’s ‘Bear Trap’ Option in Syria

Turkey’s ‘Bear Trap’ Option in Syria

The two incidents involving Turkey and the Russian aircraft operating in northern Syria on successive days in the weekend throw into bold relief the single most crucial template of the Syrian conflict in the coming months. Turkey happens to be the only regional power that could actually create a “quagmire” for Russia in Syria – similar to the role Pakistan performed in the eighties vis-à-vis the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. Like in the case of Pakistan (which started nurturing Islamist...

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This Has Become Routine

This Has Become Routine

In his comment on the mass shootings at the Oregon community college, President Obama said: “This has become routine.” So have police shootings of unarmed and unresisting Americans. So have numerous other undesirable and deplorable happenings, such as the foreclosure on the homes of millions of Americans, while the “banks too big to fail” are bailed out with trillions of dollars, and such as foreign policy lies that have destroyed seven countries, bringing the US and Europe millions of...

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Ron Paul on Fox Business: ‘No Reason in the World for us to Be Involved in Syria’

Interviewed Tuesday on Fox Business, three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul rejected the ongoing United States intervention in Syria, stating emphatically that he sees “no reason in the world for us to be involved in Syria.” Referring to the US government’s oft-repeated directive that Syria President Bashar al-Assad “must go” — be removed from power in the Middle East nation — Paul explains in the interview that it looks like that effort will fail while creating “a lot bigger chance that...

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Senate Criminal Justice Reform Bill Would Create New Mandatory Minimum Sentences

Senate Criminal Justice Reform Bill Would Create New Mandatory Minimum Sentences

No wonder Americans have such disdain for Congress. On Thursday, a bipartisan group of nine United States senators joined together to introduce the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. In a press release heralding the bill’s introduction, sponsor Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and several of the bill’s cosponsors commend the bill as mitigating overly-harsh aspects of the US criminal justice system, including mandatory minimum sentences. Left...

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How to Sustain Perpetual War (It’s Easy!)

How to Sustain Perpetual War (It’s Easy!)

Sustaining America’s state of post-9/11 perpetual war requires skillful manipulation of the public at home. The key tool used for this purpose is the bloodless narrative, a combination of policy, falsehoods and media manipulation that creates the impression that America’s wars have few consequences, at least for Americans. How can the American government sustain its wars in the face of dead soldiers coming home? Why is there no outcry among the American people over these losses? The answer is...

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Seize the Chaos: Israel, the Neocons, and their Bloody, Blundering ‘Art’ of War

Seize the Chaos: Israel, the Neocons, and their Bloody, Blundering ‘Art’ of War

Israel lacks a national motto. If its leaders are looking for a Latin one, “carpe chaos” would be an apt and honest choice. “Seize the chaos” is half of Israeli foreign policy in a nutshell (the other half being the instigation of that chaos in the first place). Indeed, even its friends in the media cannot help but put it in such terms. For example, The New York Times recently reported about the: …many Israeli leaders and thinkers seizing on the chaos in Syria to solidify Israel’s hold on...

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The Russian Bear Growls

The Russian Bear Growls

Frankfurt, Germany –Could anyone in the Obama administration have been so slow-witted to imagine that Russia wouldn’t move hard to counter US efforts to overthrow Moscow’s ally, Syria? The Syrian war began almost five years ago by the US, France, Britain and Saudi Arabia to overthrow Syria’s Iranian and Russian-backed government. The result so far: 250,000 dead, 9.5 million refugees flooding Europe and Syria shattered. This is nothing new: the first CIA coup attempt to overthrow a Syrian ruler...

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I Wish Nobody Was Bombing Syria

I Wish Nobody Was Bombing Syria

The US regime change policy for Syria has been a catastrophe. More than 200,000 killed and an entire country reduced to rubble at least partly because President Obama decided that “Assad has lost his legitimacy.” How is it that the president of a country 6,000 miles away has the authority to decide whether another leader belongs in office or not? What if Rouhani in Iran decided that Obama had lost his legitimacy for killing a number of American citizens by drone without charge or trial? Would...

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A Useful Prep-Sheet on Syria for Media Propagandists

A Useful Prep-Sheet on Syria for Media Propagandists

Here are some State Department talking points on Syria for cable news anchors: 1) Keep mentioning the barrel bombs. Do not mention how their use was pioneered by the Israeli Air Force in 1948, and how they were used by the US Air Force in Vietnam in Operation Inferno in 1968. Keep repeating, “barrel bombs, barrel bombs” and stating with a straight face that the Syrian regime is using them “against its own people.” Against its own people. Against its own people. Against its own people. 2) Keep...

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War Party Hates Putin and Loves al-Qaeda

War Party Hates Putin and Loves al-Qaeda

As Russian fighter jets target al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria, the Western media is up in arms – and in denial. They deny the Russians are taking on ISIS – and they are indignant that Putin is targeting al-Qaeda, which is almost never referred to by its actual name, but is instead described as “al-Nusra,” or the more inclusive “Army of Conquest,” which are alternate names for the heirs of Osama bin Laden. And there are no ideological lines being drawn in this information war: both the left and the...

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Obama’s Ludicrous ‘Barrel Bomb’ Theme

Obama’s Ludicrous ‘Barrel Bomb’ Theme

The US government has dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs on Iraq alone in the last dozen years – and even hailed the start of the bombing campaign in 2003 as “shock and awe” – but now has coyly and repeatedly decried the Syrian government’s supposed use of crude “barrel bombs.” This hyper-hypocritical propaganda theme was given voice in President Barack Obama’s Sept. 28 speech to the United Nations General Assembly when he denounced anyone who doesn’t favor “regime change” in Syria...

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John McCain Wants to Shoot Down Russian Planes

John McCain Wants to Shoot Down Russian Planes

Sen. John McCain has a personal stake in the ISIS and al-Qaeda members currently being targeted by Russian fighter planes. It was just two years ago that McCain found himself in the embarrassing position of having to explain his sleepover with a group of ISIS-affiliated terrorists in Syria. He has repeatedly called for more direct US military involvement to overthrow the Syrian government. Repeated stories of the failures of the US rebel training program have only steeled his resolve. Facts...

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The Government We Deserve?

The Government We Deserve?

The problem with the twenty-four hour news cycle is that everything being reported comes and goes too quickly to connect the dots. I noted a number of stories during the past several weeks that should have raised all kinds of red flags, particularly if considered together, but they frequently received such limited media coverage and were gone so quickly that there was hardly any reaction to them, which is precisely what the government relies on. People concerned about the state of permanent...

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Orwell at the UN: Obama Re-Defines Democracy as ‘a Country That Supports US Policy’

Orwell at the UN: Obama Re-Defines Democracy as ‘a Country That Supports US Policy’

In his Orwellian September 28, 2015 speech to the United Nations, President Obama said that if democracy had existed in Syria, there never would have been a revolt against Assad. By that, he meant ISIL. Where there is democracy, he said, there is no violence or revolution. This was his threat to promote revolution, coups and violence against any country not deemed a “democracy.” In making this hardly-veiled threat, he redefined the word in the vocabulary of international politics. Democracy is...

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Obama Deifies American Hegemony

Obama Deifies American Hegemony

This is the 70th anniversary of the UN. It is not clear how much good the UN has done. Some UN Blue Hemet peacekeeping operations had limited success. But mainly Washington has used the UN for war, such as the Korean War and Washington’s Cold War against the Soviet Union. In our time Washington had UN tanks sent in against Bosnian Serbs during the period that Washington was dismantling Yugoslavia and Serbia and accusing Serbian leaders, who tried to defend the integrity of their country...

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Deserting Libya: The Rhetoric of British Foreign Policy

Deserting Libya: The Rhetoric of British Foreign Policy

If you care to read the British Government’s official advice to potential or actual visitors to Libya, which as at 26th September, 2015 is “Still Current”; you will find the following bleak message: Latest update: Summary – intense fighting continues in Benghazi, Sirte, Darnah and parts of southern Libya; the situation remains dangerous throughout the country. More specifically the grim picture painted by the Foreign Office continues as follows: The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise...

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