RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Do We Need To ‘Rebuild The Military’?

Do We Need To ‘Rebuild The Military’?

The Republican presidential debates have become so heated and filled with insults, it almost seems we are watching a pro wrestling match. There is no civility, and I wonder whether the candidates are about to come to blows. But despite what appears to be total disagreement among them, there is one area where they all agree. They all promise that if elected they will “rebuild the military.”What does “rebuild the military” mean? Has the budget been gutted? Have the useless weapons programs like...

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US Sends ‘Small Armada’ to Confront China as Beijing Accuses Washington of ‘Containment’

US Sends ‘Small Armada’ to Confront China as Beijing Accuses Washington of ‘Containment’

Obama's so-called "pivot to Asia" has always meant one thing and one thing only: Provoking China and threatening its sphere of influence. And luckily for Obama, the US has perfected the art of military provocation. It's now been confirmed that the US Navy has sent a "small armada" consisting of "the carrier John C. Stennis, two destroyers, two cruisers and the 7th Fleet flagship" to the South China Sea in order to "confront" China. Some might wonder why China needs to be "confronted" in the...

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Getting Intervention ‘Just Right’: The West’s Goldilocks Strategy in Libya

Getting Intervention ‘Just Right’: The West’s Goldilocks Strategy in Libya

A renewed Western military ‘commitment’ to Libya will not be enough to defeat ISIS – but it might be enough to establish the permanent military presence in North Africa the West has been hankering after ever since 1970. On 19th February, the US launched an airstrike on an ISIS training camp in Sabratha, Libya, killing an estimated 40 people. While the attack was widely reported as a ‘new front’ in the West’s ‘war on terror’, the reality is that the Western military presence inside Libya has...

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Neocon David Brooks Gets All Teary-Eyed Remembering the Good Old (Commie) Days

Neocon David Brooks Gets All Teary-Eyed Remembering the Good Old (Commie) Days

In one of his recent NY Times columns the house neocon bemoans “the force of individualism” that he says is leading to a dreaded “atomization of intellectual life.” He then gets all nostalgic over the far superior good ole days: Eighty years ago engaged students at City College in New York sat in the cafeteria hour after hour, debating [which type of communism was better]. The Trotskyites were smarter and won the debates, the Leninist faction eventually forbade their cadres from even talking...

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Lawrence Wilkerson: Sen. Richard Burr is ’Ultimate Protector’ of CIA Torture Criminals

Lawrence Wilkerson: Sen. Richard Burr is ’Ultimate Protector’ of CIA Torture Criminals

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) is “the ultimate protector” of United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) torture criminals, writes College of William & Marry Professor Lawrence Wilkerson in a powerful Thursday editorial in The Charlotte Observer. Wilkerson, an Academic Board member of the Ron Paul Institute and a retired US Army colonel, discusses in the editorial how Burr has sought to keep the US government’s torture activities hidden from public view....

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Murder Is Washington’s Foreign Policy

Murder Is Washington’s Foreign Policy

Washington has a long history of massacring people, for example, the destruction of the Plains Indians by the Union war criminals Sherman and Sheridan and the atomic bombs dropped on Japanese civilian populations, but Washington has progressed from periodic massacres to fulltime massacring. From the Clinton regime forward, massacre of civilians has become a defining characteristic of the United States of America.Washington is responsible for the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia,...

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Libya: How Hillary Clinton Destroyed a Country

Libya: How Hillary Clinton Destroyed a Country

“We came, we saw, he died,” exclaimed an ebullient Hillary Clinton, as she exulted over the horrific death of Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi, who was sodomized with a bayonet before being brutally murdered by rampaging militiamen. Visiting Tripoli, the Libyan capital, the American Secretary of State was eager to take credit for the “liberation” of yet another Muslim country by Western powers acting in concert. An extensive and quite revealing New York Times investigation (Pt. 1 here, Pt. 2...

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Ron and Bernie

Ron and Bernie

Super Tuesday may have been the beginning of the end for the Bernie Sanders campaign, but the ideas that propelled it are likely to linger for quite some time. With some writers comparing Bernie to Ron Paul (not in terms of economics and philosophy, of course, but as insurgent candidates), now seemed like an opportune moment to examine the Sanders message and legacy, and compare it to Ron’s. Like Ron, Bernie surprised all the pundits with his fundraising, polling, and electoral success. In...

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‘Plan B’ and the Bankruptcy of US Syria Policy

‘Plan B’ and the Bankruptcy of US Syria Policy

US Secretary of State John Kerry provoked widespread speculation when he referred in testimony before the Senate foreign relations committee last week to “significant discussions” within US President Barack Obama's administration about a “Plan B” in Syria. The speculation was further stoked by a “senior official” who told CBS News that options under consideration included "'military-like' measures that would make it harder for the regime and its allies to continue their assault on civilians...

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Panicked Neocon Armchair Warhawks Penning Harshly-Worded Letter on Trump Foreign Policy

Panicked Neocon Armchair Warhawks Penning Harshly-Worded Letter on Trump Foreign Policy

Neocon Max Boot's nervous breakdown...The neocons are renowned for their courage on the battlefield. There is no keyboard they are afraid to finger. No pen they won't commandeer. When the battle cry is sounded, they unhesitatingly push the "on" button at their computers and saddle up for battle. Off with the loafers and under the desk! "Caution to the wind! Bring in a wine spritzer, dammit, I'm off to waaar!" While this Institute and this column most definitely do not take a position on any...

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US Military Contractors Return In Droves to Iraq

US Military Contractors Return In Droves to Iraq

America’s mercenaries smell the blood (and the money) and are returning to Iraq.Mercs are a great thing for the US government, in that they aren’t counted as “troops,” or as “boots on the ground,” even while they are both. The Defense Department can disavow any mischief the contractors get up like, such as murdering civilians, and keep the headcount low and the body count low when things are going well, or bad. It only costs money, and that America has a bottomless pool of, as long as it being...

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Washington’s Neocon Occupation Upholds Illusion Of Choice In The Two-Party Duopoly

A good part of the country heads to the primaries today, Super Tuesday, to cast a vote for which Democrat or Republican will run for president in November. The media and the pundits make their living playing up the illusion that there is a great difference between parties and candidates, while in fact when it comes to the most critical issues there is very little space between them. Certainly when it comes to foreign policy, it matters very little whether Democrat or Republican sits in the...

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Intel Agencies: Clinton Emails Match Top Secret Documents

Intel Agencies: Clinton Emails Match Top Secret Documents

Clinton supporters, erroneously, make much out of the idea that of the many, many emails that passed through her private server, none were “marked” classified. They claim that, when in fact thousands of those same emails are indeed now marked classified, that is just after-the-fact Washington squabbling. So this new information — that America’s intelligence agencies now say the contents of some of those unmarked emails match the contents of their own classified documents — is a big deal. It...

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Reality Check: No Matter Who Wins the White House, the New Boss Will Be the Same as the Old Boss

Reality Check: No Matter Who Wins the White House, the New Boss Will Be the Same as the Old Boss

“The main problem in any democracy is that crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go out on a stage & whup their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy—then go back to the office & sell every one of the poor bastards down the tube for a nickel apiece.” ― Hunter S. Thompson Politics today is not about Republicans and Democrats. Nor is it about healthcare, abortion, higher taxes, free college tuition, or any of the other buzzwords that have become campaign slogans for...

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Do We Need To ‘Rebuild The Military’?

First They Came For the iPhones…

The FBI tells us that its demand for a back door into the iPhone is all about fighting terrorism, and that it is essential to break in just this one time to find out more about the San Bernardino attack last December. But the truth is they had long sought a way to break Apple’s iPhone encryption and, like 9/11 and the PATRIOT Act, a mass murder provided just the pretext needed. After all, they say, if we are going to be protected from terrorism we have to give up a little of our privacy and...

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US Plotting Color Revolt in Russia?

US Plotting Color Revolt in Russia?

The annual meeting of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), which is the successor organization to the Soviet-era KGB is an important occasion to take the temperature in the ‘East-West’ relations. (The Cold War cliche is becoming useful once again.) President Vladimir Putin’s customary address at the FSB meeting was the hallmark of the occasion on Friday in Moscow. The sensational part of Putin’s speech is his disclosure that the FSB is in possession of definite information that plots are...

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