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Google, YouTube, Facebook, Others, Now Using Automated Blocking of ‘Extremist’ Content

Google, YouTube, Facebook, Others, Now Using Automated Blocking of ‘Extremist’ Content

The web’s biggest content providers have started using automation to remove “extremist propaganda” videos from their sites. Censoring Content YouTube (owned by Google) and Facebook are among the sites deploying systems to block or rapidly take down Islamic State videos and other similar material, sources said, though no company would confirm the action. The technology employed was originally developed to remove copyright-protected content on video sites. It looks for “hashes,” unique digital...

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After ‘Brexit,’ Can We Exit a Few Things Too?

After ‘Brexit,’ Can We Exit a Few Things Too?

Last week’s UK vote to leave the EU may have come as a shock to many, but the sentiment that led British voters to reject rule from Brussels is nothing unique. In fact it is growing sentiment worldwide. Frustration with politics as usual, with political parties that really do not differ in philosophy, with an economy that serves the one percent at the expense of the rest of society is a growing phenomenon throughout Europe and in the United States as well. The Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump...

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Do We Really Want War With Russia?

Do We Really Want War With Russia?

War with Russia appears increasingly likely as the US and its NATO satraps continue their military provocations of Moscow. As dangers mount, our foolish politicians should all be forced to read, and then re-read, Prof. Christopher Clark’s magisterial book, ‘The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914.’ What is past increasingly appears prologue. Prof. Clark carefully details how small cabals of anti-German senior officials in France, Britain and Russia engineered World War I, a dire...

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The Brexit Vote – What Does it Mean?

The Brexit Vote – What Does it Mean?

What does it mean?Hopefully, a breakup of the EU and NATO and, thereby, the avoidance of World War III.The EU and NATO are evil institutions. These two institutions are mechanisms created by Washington in order to destroy the sovereignty of European peoples. These two institutions give Washington control over the Western world and serve both as cover and enabler of Washington’s aggression. Without the EU and NATO, Washington could not force Europe and the UK into conflict with Russia, and...

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Sen. McCain Attacks Due Process, Votes No Guns for Americans on Watch List

Sen. McCain Attacks Due Process, Votes No Guns for Americans on Watch List

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is proud to have voted to gut the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution. In a press release dated today, McCain praises himself for voting in favor of a Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) amendment to prohibit Americans from purchasing firearms if they are on the US "terror watchlist."Wrote McCain: I believe deeply that we can and must do more to keep guns out the hands of dangerous terrorists who seek to harm us... While no one would disagree with McCain's above statement,...

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Saudis Push Washington Revolt Against Obama on Syria

Saudis Push Washington Revolt Against Obama on Syria

That 51 US diplomats reproached President Obama’s Syria policy by calling for greater American military force deployed against the Damascus government was itself a remarkable sign of official dissent within Washington. But the president’s authority was further brazenly undermined when a few days later the Saudi rulers endorsed the dissenting US diplomats – while being received at the White House. Several things can be discerned here. For one, the US policy on Syria is reeling from failure. The...

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Teen Sues US Over Cavity Drug Search for Which She was Billed $575

Teen Sues US Over Cavity Drug Search for Which She was Billed $575

Ashley Cervantes, a then 18-year-old American citizen, was stopped at the Mexico border and, for some unspecified reason, perhaps related to her being young and of Hispanic ethnicity, accused by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of smuggling drugs. What Drugs? A search of her person and belongings proved fruitless, which often is a strong indicator that there are no drugs. The process involved being locked into a detention room for several hours, handcuffed to a chair, while several dogs...

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Bill Kristol: ‘We Beat Back Ron Paul and Rand Paul’

Bill Kristol: ‘We Beat Back Ron Paul and Rand Paul’

Neoconservative by birth, Bill Kristol, apparently thinks the libertarian moment is over.Kristol was in San Francisco yesterday and appeared at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco for a "conversation with" event.He fielded questions from the audience and also the moderator neocon Kori Schake, mostly about Donald Trump.At one point, he named a list of non-mainstream Republican candidates that had their moment in the sun and then faded away.This included Ron and Rand Paul."We beat back Ron...

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‘Hello, Lenin!’ Three Components of America’s Misguided Foreign Policy

‘Hello, Lenin!’ Three Components of America’s Misguided Foreign Policy

Since the end of the Cold War, American foreign policy could almost have been designed to undermine our national interests. Whether under Republican George W. Bush or Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, we have seen “regime changes” and “color revolutions,” facilitation of global jihadism while claiming to combat it, and gratuitous confrontation with post-communist Russia which was going out of its way to become our reliable ally. For those familiar with the operational code of the late...

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Fifty-One Foreign Service Officers Can't be Wrong…Or Can They? More bombs and Less Talk on Syria

Fmr US Ambassador Robert Ford meets with "moderate" terrorists in SyriaIt is ironic that fifty-one US State Department employees, perhaps overly-generously dignified in the media with the title of “diplomats,” have come out in favor of removing a foreign head of state by force. Detailing their opposition to the status quo, the signatories submitted a dissent memo through established Foreign Service channels. The document itself is classified, even though the New York Times and the Wall Street...

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Orlando: Islam or Blowback?

Orlando: Islam or Blowback?

According to the Telegraph newspaper, “Omar Mateen, the Orlando gunman, told his victims the attack was revenge for American bombing of Afghanistan, but allowed black Americans to be released because ‘they have suffered enough.’” The person who recounted what Mateen said is 20-year-old Patience Carter. According to theTelegraph article, she heard Mateen telling police on the phone that he was pledging allegiance to Isil and saying the attacks were in retaliation for America’s bombing of...

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Nazis Have Rights Too

Nazis Have Rights Too

Suffolk County, New York police arrested Edward Perkowski on Thursday after the police allegedly found in a raid of his home items including tens of thousands of dollars in cash, several guns and knives, ammunition, a bit of marijuana and illegal mushrooms, and some bomb-making instructions. Oh yeah, the town of Brookhaven condemned Perkowski’s house to boot. This appears to be yet another example of a government cracking down on people for nonviolent actions. In this case we have a...

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After ‘Brexit,’ Can We Exit a Few Things Too?

Orlando: The New 9/11?

Last week America was rocked by the cold-blooded murder of 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Unlike the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the Orlando shooter appears to be a lone gunman who, while claiming allegiance to ISIS, was not actually working with a terrorist group. About the only thing Orlando has in common with 9/11 is the way power-hungry politicians and federal officials wasted no time using it to justify expanding government and restricting liberty....

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Why Are Defense Policy Wonks So Ineffectual?

Why Are Defense Policy Wonks So Ineffectual?

“People say the Pentagon does not have a strategy. They are wrong; the Pentagon does have a strategy. It is: Don’t interrupt the money flow, add to it.” -Colonel John R. BoydFighter pilot, aircraft designer, strategist Today, America’s foreign policy is a shambles. Its primary features are (1) a perpetual war on terror, and (2) the seemingly inevitable march into a new and unnecessary cold war against Russia and China. At the same time, President Obama is leaving his successor with a budget...

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Interventionism is a Rotten Tree With Rotten Fruit

Interventionism is a Rotten Tree With Rotten Fruit

Fifty-one State Department officials are calling on President Obama to expand US interventionism in Syria by initiating a bombing campaign against the Syrian government. Apparently they’re not satisfied with the great “success” that their philosophy of interventionism has brought to Iraq, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen and the rest of the Middle East. They want the US national-security state’s death machine to bring even more death and destruction than it has already brought to that part of the...

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US Senate Votes to Legalize Kidnapping of Women (AKA: Military Draft)

US Senate Votes to Legalize Kidnapping of Women (AKA: Military Draft)

Here’s a joke for you: How many US Senators does it take to kidnap your daughter? Answer: I don’t know, but 85 of them would like to. On Tuesday the US Senate voted overwhelmingly to allow the federal government to kidnap women against their will and force them into military service, beginning January 1, 2018. This legalized kidnapping, also known as a military draft, was approved with an 85-13 vote as a part of a broad sweeping 600-billion-dollar military spending bill. The general consensus...

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