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Whitewash Won’t Cover Blair’s Guilt

Whitewash Won’t Cover Blair’s Guilt

This week’s Chilcot report on Britain’s role in the 2003 invasion of Iraq was as polite and guarded as a proper English tea party. No direct accusations, no talk of war crimes by then Prime Minister Tony Blair or his guiding light, President George W. Bush. But still pretty damning. Such government reports and commissions, as was wittily noted in the delightful program "Yes, Prime Minister," are designed to obscure rather than reveal the truth and bury awkward facts in mountains of paper. And...

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A Primer: USAID & US Hegemony

A Primer: USAID & US Hegemony

A nation is its institutions. If those institutions are overrun and no longer exist, so too does the nation itself cease to exist. Institutions range from the offices of government, to education, to agricultural and economic development, to the management of natural resources, national infrastructure including energy and transportation, and security. These are the things we think about when we think about the concept of a modern nation-state. Contrary to popular belief, the invasion and...

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Why Dallas Happened

Why Dallas Happened

Is the Dallas police shooting a false flag affair in behalf of gun control? Is it the result of a war veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder? Is the shooting the beginning of retribution for thousands of wanton police murders of US citizens in the 21st century? Or is there some other explanation?We will never know. The perpetrator is dead. The authorities will tell us whatever suits the purposes of authority.We could say that the police have brought this on themselves by their...

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The Baghdad Bombings, Islamic State, and What America Still Hasn’t Learned

The Baghdad Bombings, Islamic State, and What America Still Hasn’t Learned

The suicide bombings in Baghdad by Islamic State, timed for maximum violence, are only the latest reminders that the United States should not downplay the group. Since the wave of Islamic State suicide bombings in May – killing 522 people inside Baghdad, and 148 people inside Syria – American officials have downplayed the suicide bombing strategy as defensive. Brett McGurk, the Special Presidential Envoy in the fight against Islamic State, said the group “returned to suicide bombing” as the...

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‘FBI’s Failure to Prosecute Clinton is Essentially a Political Coup’

‘FBI’s Failure to Prosecute Clinton is Essentially a Political Coup’

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has basically said the upcoming presidential election belongs to Hillary Clinton, and we really needn’t do much more than wait out the clock until November, former State Department official Peter Van Buren told RT. The FBI recommended on Tuesday no charges be brought against Hillary Clinton, despite the confirmation the e-mails she used via an insecure server contained classified data. However, FBI Director James Comey called the Democratic presidential...

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Programmed to Kill: The Growing Epidemic of Cops Shooting Dogs

Programmed to Kill: The Growing Epidemic of Cops Shooting Dogs

Almost two years after the firestorm that took place in Ferguson, Missouri, when a white police officer shot an unarmed black teenager and militarized police descended in a brutal show of force to quell local protests, not much has really changed for the better. Unarmed Americans are still getting shot by police with alarming regularity. SWAT teams are still bursting through doors, terrorizing families and leaving lives and property shattered. And the military industrial complex is still...

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Is NATO necessary?

Is NATO necessary?

Britain's vote to quit the European Union was a rude jolt to the encrusted world order. Now that the EU has been shocked into reality, NATO should be next. When NATO leaders convene for a summit in Warsaw on Friday, they will insist that their alliance is still vital because Russian aggression threatens Europe. The opposite is true. NATO has become America’s instrument in escalating our dangerous conflict with Russia. We need less NATO, not more. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was...

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On July 4th Demand Freedom, Don’t Celebrate The State

On July 4th Demand Freedom, Don’t Celebrate The State

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate the July 4th holiday we should remember that we are not celebrating the state, but rather commemorating an act of secession from an oppressive government. We are celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain – a daring move by the Founders inspired by a desire for liberty. Thomas Jefferson famously said, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” That does not only mean that we should be prepared to defend...

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America Should Exit From NATO and the National Security State

America Should Exit From NATO and the National Security State

In its reporting on Brexit, the New York Times asks an interesting question: “Is the post-1945 order imposed on the world by the United States and its allies unraveling, too?” Hopefully, it will mean the unraveling of two of the most powerful and destructive governmental apparatuses that came out of the postwar era: NATO and the US national-security state. In fact, although the mainstream media and the political establishment elites will never acknowledge it, the irony is that it is these two...

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Confessions Of A War Propagandist

Confessions Of A War Propagandist

In explaining Donald Trump and the train wreck of the Republican Party, neoconservative contempt has targeted cultural rot, immigrant haters, and according to the the National Review, prescription drug addicted hillbillies. These poor, dumb racists have latched on to a celebrity shyster who has no conservative principles and worst of all, no understanding of international affairs. No self-reflection is even considered by neoconservatives or their strongest pro-war allies, evangelical...

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Stop Giving Chickens Away, Bill Gates

Stop Giving Chickens Away, Bill Gates

Bill Gates’ philanthropic efforts are usually greeted with near-universal praise from people who believe he is a great humanitarian, but Bill Gates knows very little about sustainable, intelligent development. Bolivia to Bill Gates: Go to Hell and Take Your Chickens with You The billionaire recently sought to donate 100,000 chickens to impoverished countries. The leftist government of Bolivia, one of the nations to receive the poultry, refused the donation, describing Gates’ gift as...

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Obama’s ‘New Beginning’ was the Beginning of the End

Obama’s ‘New Beginning’ was the Beginning of the End

It’s been seven years since Obama delivered his famous speech at Cairo University in June 2009, which at the time was quite ironically heralded as the “new beginning” since it was believed that it would open a new page in the US relations with the Middle Eastern and North Africa. Back then, this speech was perceived as an actual program that Obama would be following, therefore many Muslim states embraced Obama’s vision as a game changer. According to this “new beginning” speech, Obama was...

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RPI Conference Announcement: Paul and Rockwell Together Again in DC!

Here's one great reason to visit the US capital this September: Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell will be back together again in Washington, D.C., speaking at the RPI "Peace and Prosperity 2016" conference! Lew Rockwell, the founder and CEO of the Mises Institute and editor of LewRockwell.com, was also Dr. Ron Paul's first Congressional chief of staff (1978-1982). We are so honored that Lew has agreed to return to what we know is not one of his favorite places -- the "belly of the beast" -- to speak...

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The Syria ‘Dissent’ Memo and US Bureaucratic Pressure Strategy

The Syria ‘Dissent’ Memo and US Bureaucratic Pressure Strategy

The memorandum by 51 State Department officials calling for US military intervention in Syria last week has been treated in news media coverage as a case of dissent from existing Syria policy by individual officials involved in Syria policy. But the memo has all the earmarks of an initiative that had the blessing of the most senior officials in the department – including Secretary of State John Kerry himself - rather than having been put together by individual officials entirely on their own....

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The Magnitsky Hoax?

The Magnitsky Hoax?

Sergei Magnitsky was a Russian lawyer hired by an Anglo-American investment fund operating in Moscow to investigate the apparent diversion of as much as $230 million in taxes due to the government. He became a whistleblower after discovering that the money had been stolen by the police, organized crime figures and other government officials. After he went to the authorities to complain he was unjustly imprisoned for eleven months. When he refused to recant he was both beaten and denied medical...

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‘We the Prisoners’: The Demise of the Fourth Amendment

‘We the Prisoners’: The Demise of the Fourth Amendment

“Our carceral state banishes American citizens to a gray wasteland far beyond the promises and protections the government grants its other citizens… When the doors finally close and one finds oneself facing banishment to the carceral state—the years, the walls, the rules, the guards, the inmates…the incarcerated begins to adjust to the fact that he or she is, indeed, a prisoner. New social ties are cultivated. New rules must be understood.”—Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic In a carceral...

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