Most ordinary Americans do not have the slightest idea how much suffering, hardship, and/or (in more fortunate cases) just disappointment has been caused by the intrusive foreign policy of practically of all recent US administrations in many parts of the world, including in countries such as mine. There has been much absurd hysteria recently over allegations of Russia hacking and influencing the November presidential elections in America. These are ridiculous allegations whose sole purpose is...
Featured Articles
A Billion Dollars of Federally Funded Paranoia
by James Bovard | Feb 3, 2017 | Featured Articles
When it comes to mindless excess in the war on terror, it is difficult to compete with the 70+ fusion centers bankrolled by the Department of Homeland Security. They began to be set up around the nation shortly after 9/11 as federal-state-local partnerships to better track terrorist threats. But the centers have been a world-class boondoggle from the start.Fusion centers have sent the federally funded roundup of data on Americans’ private lives into overdrive. As the Brennan Center for Justice...
Trump Team Gone Wild: Now UN Ambassador Threatens Russia!
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 2, 2017 | Featured Articles
What a week in US foreign policy! First President Trump approves a commando raid in Yemen that was a total fiasco, leaving one US soldier and scores of innocent women and children dead. Then Trump's Iran-obsessed National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, hijacks a White House Press conference to put Iran "on notice" over its legal testing of a missile and the false claim that it is involved in the Yemen war. But today marks an own-goal hat trick! Today, President Trump's Ambassador to the...
What Will Rex Tillerson Inherit at the State Department?
by Peter van Buren | Feb 2, 2017 | Featured Articles
As Secretary of State, what will Rex Tillerson inherit at the State Department?The media has been aflame recently trying to stretch the facts — personnel changes and some unhappy employees in the midst of a major governmental transition — to fit the narrative of a State Department on the verge of collapse. But while rumors of the State Department’s demise are largely exaggerated, the organization may yet find itself shunted aside into irrelevance.There has been a lot of hot-blooded talk about...
Ukraine – Coup Government Tries To Sabotage US-Russia Rapprochement
by Moon of Alabama | Feb 1, 2017 | Featured Articles
Fighting in east Ukraine has restarted. This is an attempt by "deep state" forces to prevent any rapprochement between the US and Russia under the new Trump administration.The west-Ukrainian forces under command of the coup government of President Poroshenko started a large attack against the Russian supported Ukrainian self-defense forces in Donetsk and Lugansk governate.A ceasefire arranged after the Minsk II agreement provided for demilitarized zones along a line of separation. The...
Like Saudi Arabia, Israel Has a Soft Spot for Sunni Extremism
by Brian McGlinchey | Jan 31, 2017 | Featured Articles
Thanks to last summer’s release of 28 pages detailing a variety of links between 9/11 hijackers and Saudi government officials—and the October leak of a 2014 email from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declaring the Saudi government was directly supporting ISIS—it’s increasingly clear that the US government’s depiction of Saudi Arabia as a vital ally in the “war on terror” is dishonest. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia isn’t the only supposed “ally” whose official depiction as a steadfast...
Rule by Brute Force: The True Nature of Government
by John W. Whitehead | Jan 31, 2017 | Featured Articles
The torch has been passed to a new president.All of the imperial powers amassed by Barack Obama and George W. Bush—to kill American citizens without due process, to detain suspects indefinitely, to strip Americans of their citizenship rights, to carry out mass surveillance on Americans without probable cause, to suspend laws during wartime, to disregard laws with which he might disagree, to conduct secret wars and convene secret courts, to sanction torture, to sidestep the legislatures and...
Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.
by Glenn Greenwald | Jan 30, 2017 | Featured Articles
Nawar al-Awlaki, killed by US, Jan. 29th.In 2010, President Obama directed the CIA to assassinate an American citizen in Yemen, Anwar al-Awlaki, despite the fact that he had never been charged with (let alone convicted of) any crime, and the agency successfully carried out that order a year later with a September, 2011 drone strike. While that assassination created widespread debate – the once-again-beloved ACLU sued Obama to restrain him from the assassination on the ground of due process and...
The McCain Malady
by Charles Goyette | Jan 30, 2017 | Neocon Watch
You know you are in the presence of an emotional affect when there is not even the pretense of rationality to someone’s crazed outburst, not so much as a veneer or patina of sensibility.But then John McCain has always been like that, hot-headed and short-fused.Still, in his response to Trump’s executive order on refugees, McCain’s deep disturbance is plain for all to see. The Senator’s hometown newspaper headlined its account this way:“McCain calls ban good for ISIS propaganda.”Here’s the...
A Better Solution Than Trump’s Border Wall
by Ron Paul | Jan 30, 2017 | Featured Articles
Just one week in office, President Trump is already following through on his pledge to address illegal immigration. His January 25th executive order called for the construction of a wall along the entire length of the US-Mexico border. While he is right to focus on the issue, there are several reasons why his proposed solution will unfortunately not lead us anywhere closer to solving the problem.First, the wall will not work. Texas already started building a border fence about ten years ago....
About That Trump – Putin Phone Call…
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 29, 2017 | Featured Articles
Making good on campaign promises to improve relations with Russia after eight years of a building new Cold War, President Donald Trump spoke by phone with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, over the weekend. Is this the beginning of a thaw and where do US/Russia relations go next? Should we expect sanctions lifted soon? Is a joint US/Russia operation in Syria on the horizon -- and would that be a good thing? RPI's Daniel McAdams speaks with RT on what might be to come...
The End Of Mingling – ‘Moderate Rebels’ Join Al-Qaeda In Syria
by Moon of Alabama | Jan 28, 2017 | Featured Articles
Lots of confusion about the infighting in the "rebel" held Idleb governate in Syria, the situation is now clearing up. After other tricks, like renaming the group, did not work to deceive al-Qaeda finally pulled back the veil. It is no longer hiding between the "moderate rebels" but is now (again) a clearly identifiable groups. Groups near to al-Qaeda integrated with it, other groups split with significant parts joining the al-Qaeda organization. Qalaat Al Mudiq @QalaatAlMudiqN. #Syria: Tahrir...
Did the CIA Ruin Classical Music for the Masses?
by Adam Garrie | Jan 28, 2017 | Featured Articles
As both a classically trained musician and an audiophile, the 1950s and 1960s was something of a golden age of recorded music.It was at this time that some of the most remarkable conductors of the 20th century were invited to make recordings on new stereophonic technology, whose sonic qualities equal and in some cases surpass that available in the 21st century. Marketed to eager consumers in the west on super hi-fidelity reel-to-reel tapes or more commonly high quality stereophonic LPs, it was...
Trump Bull in the Mideast China Shop
by Eric Margolis | Jan 27, 2017 | Featured Articles
President Donald Trump is getting ready to plunge into the burning Mideast with all the zeal and arrogance of a medieval crusader. The new administration’s knowledge of the region is a thousand miles wide and two inches deep.Reviving a truly terrible idea originated by know-nothing Congressional Republicans, Trump proposes US-run safe zones in Syria for refugees from that nation’s conflict. The president went out of his way to insist that such safe zones would spare the United States from...
Those ‘Resignations’: What Really Happened at the State Department
by Peter van Buren | Jan 27, 2017 | Featured Articles
Yesterday at the State Department five officials resigned or retired. Another one today.The media has gone near-insane, claiming State is crumbling in protest under the Trump administration. This is not true. What happened at State is very routine.Leaving the Department are head of the Management Bureau Pat Kennedy, Assistant Secretary of State for Administration Joyce Anne Barr, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michele Bond, Ambassador Gentry O. Smith, director of the Office...
The Syrian People Desperately Want Peace
by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) | Jan 26, 2017 | Featured Articles
As much of Washington prepared for the inauguration of President Donald Trump, I spent last week on a fact-finding mission in Syria and Lebanon to see and hear directly from the Syrian people. Their lives have been consumed by a horrific war that has killed hundreds of thousands of Syrians and forced millions to flee their homeland in search of peace.It is clear now more than ever: this regime change war does not serve America’s interest, and it certainly isn’t in the interest of the Syrian...
German Foreign Minister: 'We Are At War With Russia…'
With the sudden about-face of the US and Germany on sending heavy tanks to Ukraine, the world finds itself bizarrely transported back in time to WWI or WWII. German tanks with...
German Foreign Minister: 'We Are At War With Russia…'
Jan 25, 2023
With the sudden about-face of the US and Germany on sending heavy tanks to Ukraine, the world finds itself bizarrely transported back in time to WWI or WWII. German tanks with...
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