It seems notably fortuitous that the world is now distracted with the ongoing actions surrounding President Trump - whether in Quebec tweet-slamming PM Trudeau, or in Singapore ahead of his historic summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un.We say "fortuitous" since it offers UK PM Theresa May some breathing room as her dramatic, quickly determined, and globally propagandized claims that Russia was the culprit for the poisoning of the Russian ex-agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter; remain...
Featured Articles
Trump/Kim Meeting Shows Value of Policy Over Politics
by Ron Paul | Jun 11, 2018 | Featured Articles
When President Reagan met with Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik, Iceland, on October 11, 1987, it helped put into motion events that would dramatically change the global system. A line of communication was fully opened with an enemy of decades and substantive issues were on the table. Though the summit was initially reported as a failure, with the two sides unable to sign a final agreement, history now shows us that it was actually a great success that paved the way to the eventual end of the...
Atlantic Council: Pro-NATO Pressure Group Uses Distortions to FIght ‘Disinformation’
by Bryan MacDonald | Jun 9, 2018 | Featured Articles
Fueling hysteria about "Russian disinformation," "Russian meddling," and "Russian propaganda" has quickly become a lucrative pastime. Now NATO’s Atlantic Council has gathered the leading proponents under one umbrella."Russian’s everywhere, everywhere Russians" – that’s long been the mantra of NATO’s propaganda wing, the Atlantic Council. And, since 1961, the American lobby group’s raison d’être has been to convince the world that Moscow presents an existential threat to the rest of Europe.And...
Still Waiting for Evidence of a Russian Hack
by Ray McGovern | Jun 8, 2018 | Featured Articles
If you are wondering why so little is heard these days of accusations that Russia hacked into the U.S. election in 2016, it could be because those charges could not withstand close scrutiny. It could also be because special counsel Robert Mueller appears to have never bothered to investigate what was once the central alleged crime in Russia-gate as no one associated with WikiLeaks has ever been questioned by his team.Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity — including two “alumni” who...
For Lasting Peace, President Moon Must Lead South Korea Out of America’s Orbit
by Stu Smallwood | Jun 7, 2018 | Featured Articles
It didn’t take much for the leaders of the two Koreas to put an end to the decades-long culture of crisis pervading the Korean Peninsula. With a phone call, a quick drive to the North Korean side of the Demilitarized Zone, and a public embrace, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un emphasized the absurdity of the barrier wedged between a people with a common history, culture and language.It was the United States’ aversion to diplomacy that encouraged...
Will Trump Fire John Bolton Next?
by Tyler Durden | Jun 6, 2018 | Neocon Watch
After he nearly scuttled the historic talks with North Korea by hinting that Kim Jong Un could face a fate similar to former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, National Security Advisor John Bolton is being sidelined by President Trump ahead of the historic June 12 summit in Singapore, CNN reports.According to the report, several senior administration officials have lost their patience with Bolton and his hawkish approach to North Korea, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who has pushed to...
Law Prof. Jonathan Turley Tells Senators Proposed AUMF Would ‘Put Our Endless War on Autopilot’
by Adam Dick | Jun 6, 2018 | Congress Alert
George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley, at a Wednesday hearing of Sen. Rand Paul's Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management, presented written testimony arguing that a proposed authorization for use of military force (AUMF) sponsored by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-TN) (S.J.Res 59) “would literally put our endless war on autopilot.”In his written testimony, Turley...
Syracuse National Security Program Director Registers as a Saudi Foreign Agent
by Brian McGlinchey | Jun 6, 2018 | Featured Articles
The director of a national security program at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs has registered with the US Department of Justice as an agent of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is first to report.In his registration statement, retired US Army Colonel Bill Smullen, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, indicated he has agreed to provide “public relations support” to the Saudi embassy for compensation initially projected at...
The Emergency Destruction of American Liberty
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Jun 6, 2018 | Featured Articles
Emergencies are the time-honored method by which people lose their freedom. That’s because public officials use emergencies as a way to acquire totalitarian powers, under the rationale that they need such powers to keep people “safe.” Of course, officials usually make it clear that the totalitarian powers will only be “temporary.” As soon as the emergency is over, they say, the powers will be canceled and things will return to normal.During emergencies, much of the citizenry becomes afraid,...
Sen. Paul to Hold Hearing on ‘Unauthorized War’s Effect on Federal Spending’
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 4, 2018 | Congress Alert
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced today that on Wednesday, June 6th, he will be holding a hearing on the enormous costs of the endless wars which continue to be fought under the 2001 Congressional Authorization for the Use of Military Force passed after the 9/11 attacks. According to a press release from Paul's office, the hearing "will explore both the financial impact and the constitutional implications of open-ended war under the existing Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) and...
Homeschooling Protects Children from Violence and Marxism
by Ron Paul | Jun 4, 2018 | Featured Articles
The February mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida prompted many parents to consider homeschooling. This is hardly surprising, as the misnamed federal “Gun-Free Schools” law leaves schoolchildren defenseless against mass shooters. Removing one’s children from government schools seems a rational response to school shootings.School shootings are not the only form of violence causing more parents to consider homeschooling. Many potential homeschooling parents are concerned about the...
‘Real’ Assassin Arrested In Staged Kiev Hit Linked To Ukrainian Intelligence As Official Story Unravels
by Tyler Durden | Jun 4, 2018 | Featured Articles
The Ukrainian government's staged assassination of anti-Putin journalist Arkady Babachenko has taken an even stranger turn, as evidence has emerged that his would-be "Russia-ordered" assassin and the man who supposedly hired him, both say they worked for Ukrainian counterintelligence, casting serious doubt on the official story.To review, Ukrainian authorities announced last Tuesday that Babachenko had been assassinated after returning home from the store. On Wednesday, Babachenko appeared at...
‘The Best Interests of the People’: Ex-US Top Spy Clapper Justifies Election Interference
by RT | Jun 3, 2018 | Featured Articles
Fret not, people of the over 80 countries where the US has interfered in elections – it was done in your “best interests,” according to former head of US Intelligence James Clapper.Clapper, who famously lied about the NSA mass surveillance program before it was revealed by Edward Snowden, is back in the media spotlight, promoting his new book, Facts and Fears.The tome promises readers "Hard truths from a life in intelligence." However, perhaps the more interesting insights are on Clapper’s...
Bill Browder Escapes Again
by Philip Giraldi | Jun 3, 2018 | Featured Articles
There was some good and bad news last week. The good news was that William Browder, a London-based investor and dedicated foe of Russian President Vladimir V. Putin was arrested by the Spanish police on Wednesday. The bad news is that even though Russia has on six occasions requested Browder’s arrest through Interpol for tax fraud, the Spanish national police determined that Browder had been detained in error because the international warrant was no longer valid and released him.Interpol, an...
Justice Dept Told Trump Syria Attacks Were ‘Legal’
by Jason Ditz | Jun 2, 2018 | Featured Articles
In April, the US fired a large number of missiles at multiple sites across Syria, supposedly in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack. The Justice Department told president Trump before the attacks that this would be perfectly legal.New documents released on the matter told Trump that he didn’t need Congressional authorizationto attack Syria in April because attacking them was “in the national interest,” and Syria was so unlikely to retaliate that it wasn’t technically a war.A lot of...
A Nation That Doesn’t Know War: America Celebrates Memorial Day
by Philip Giraldi | Jun 1, 2018 | Featured Articles
Wednesday, May 30th, was Memorial Day in the United States. The commemoration began in 1868 shortly after the American Civil War, when townsmen in several communities came together to decorate the graves of the fallen on the last Monday in May. The practice began in the northern states but soon spread to the south and the annual remembrance ceremony soon took on the name Decoration Day. As wars proliferated in the twentieth century the commemoration eventually lost its association with the...
Totalitarian UK Parliament Goes FULL STALIN On Russell Brand!
Forget evidence, trials, or the presumption of innocence: for the UK Parliament It's "sentence first—verdict afterwards." Culture Committee Chair Caroline Dinenage sent letters...
Totalitarian UK Parliament Goes FULL STALIN On Russell Brand!
Sep 21, 2023
Forget evidence, trials, or the presumption of innocence: for the UK Parliament It's "sentence first—verdict afterwards." Culture Committee Chair Caroline Dinenage sent letters...
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