RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Republicans’ Responsibility for Socialism’s Comeback

Republicans’ Responsibility for Socialism’s Comeback

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos survey, 70 percent of Americans, including about 50 percent of Republicans, support Medicare for all, the latest incarnation of single-payer health care. Republican support for a health plan labeled “Medicare for all” is not surprising considering that Republican politicians support Medicare and that one of their attacks on Obamacare was that it would harm the program. Furthermore, the biggest expansion of Medicare since its creation — the Part D...

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The Dike Breaks – Netherland Ends Support For ‘White Helmets’ Terrorist Propaganda

The Dike Breaks – Netherland Ends Support For ‘White Helmets’ Terrorist Propaganda

The Netherlands just announced that it is ending its support for al-Qaeda's propaganda gang, the "White Helmets". It also ends its support for the so called Free Syrian Police. Last week the Netherlands shut down its "non lethal" support for the Free Syrian Army after Dutch news organizations found that members of these groups were accused of terrorism by their General Prosecutor.According to the Volkskrant daily (in Dutch), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ended the support for the White...

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The Bluffer’s Guide to Bombing Syria

The Bluffer’s Guide to Bombing Syria

The propaganda mills of the British and American governments – spokespersons, media, think tanks – are working overtime churning out ‘talking points’ to justify the upcoming large scale bombing of Syria on the pretext of use of prohibited weapons. Here is a guide from a former insider to the top dozen of these lies. 1. There are more babies than jihadis in Idlib. As it happens this gem of moral blackmail is untrue. There are twice as many jihadis (about 100,000) as babies (0-1 year) (55,000)....

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Trump Is Still No Closer To Impeachment. At What Point Do Russiagaters Lose Faith?

Trump Is Still No Closer To Impeachment. At What Point Do Russiagaters Lose Faith?

Mueller isn’t going to find anything in 2017 that these vast, sprawling networks wouldn’t have found in 2016. He’s not going to find anything by ‘following the money’ that couldn’t be found infinitely more efficaciously via Orwellian espionage. The factions within the intelligence community that were working to sabotage the incoming administration last year would have leaked proof of collusion if they’d had it. They did not have it then, and they do not have it now. Mueller will continue...

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Trump’s Reckless Hostility Unites China and Russia

Trump’s Reckless Hostility Unites China and Russia

Good work Mr. President! You have now managed to lay the groundwork for a grand Chinese-Russian alliance. The objective of intelligent diplomacy is to divide one’s foes, not to unite them. This epic blunder comes at a time when the US appears to be getting ready for overt military action in Syria against Russian and Syrian forces operating there. The excuse, as before, will be false-flag attacks with chlorine gas, a chemical widely used in the region for water purification. It appears that the...

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“President Trump’s New Pax Americana” – Col.Douglas Macgregor Speaks at RPI Media & War Conference

Do we have any reason at all to hope for a less militaristic foreign policy under President Trump? Col. Macgregor has seen war up close - he led the charge against the Iraqi Republican Guard in the 1991 Iraq war - and he's had enough of the US empire. In his Media & War speech he offers a way out of the neocon militarism that dominates Washington:

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Defeat the Deep State – or Lose Your Freedom!

Defeat the Deep State – or Lose Your Freedom!

The crisis is upon us, and yet hardly anyone outside of a few old-fashioned liberals sees it. Their view is obscured by the Brobdingnagian figure of Donald J. Trump towering over us all as left and right battle it out in his shadow. Yet the real battle, and the actual combatants, are obscured by this spectacle. The Deep State – i.e. the constellation of national security agencies and private actors who have directed and maintained our globalist foreign policy since the end of World War II –...

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Syrian Rebels Preventing Refugees from Leaving Idlib as Russian Forces Prepare Final Offensive

Syrian Rebels Preventing Refugees from Leaving Idlib as Russian Forces Prepare Final Offensive

As Russian and Syrian forces prepare an offensive to take the last remaining rebel stronghold, some refugees from Idlib province say Syrian rebels are stopping their families from fleeing the fighting."We were forced to exile from our homes and our country because of the terrorists of Jabhat Al Nusra and Daesh [Islamic State]," one 53-year-old refugee, Ahmad, said.He said he had been in Lebanon's Bar Elias camp in the Bekaa Valley for five years. All the refugees in this part of the camp are...

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Barack Obama’s Return Just Reminds Us How He Fueled the Distrust That Led to Donald Trump

Barack Obama’s Return Just Reminds Us How He Fueled the Distrust That Led to Donald Trump

Former president Barack Obama is back. He kicked off a series of campaign appearances last week with a blistering attack on the Trump administration and said the Republican Party had “embraced a rising absolutism.” President Donald Trump deserves plenty of harsh criticism, but Obama’s indictment is akin to the kid who killed his parents and then sought mercy from the judge because he was an orphan. Obama declared that “the biggest threat to our democracy is cynicism.” He also called for “a...

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Neocons Plan: War in Syria, then Iran

Interviewed Tuesday by host Sharmini Peries at The Real News, Lawrence Wilkerson, a College of William & Mary professor and former chief of staff for United States Secretary of State Colin Powell, warned that “the neoconservative agenda” for an escalated United States war on Syria followed by war on Iran has had a “resurrection” in President Donald Trump’s administration. Regarding talk about the US taking military action in Syria in response to potential allegations of the use of chemical...

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US Destroyer Enters Mediterranean As Syria Tensions Build; Carrier On Standby

US Destroyer Enters Mediterranean As Syria Tensions Build; Carrier On Standby

An American battleship, the USS Bulkeley destroyer, has reportedly entered the Mediterranean and is headed for Syria, equipped with over 50 Tomahawk missiles. This deployment comes after previous reports of the attack submarine USS Newport News (SSN-750) arriving in the Mediterranean, and after the arrival Tuesday of A U.S. Marine Corps small attack carrier full of F-35B stealth jets, the USS Essex, in the Middle East region as detailed by the military website, Task and Purpose.The Russian...

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Bringing Down a President

Bringing Down a President

If anyone doubted that the top level of the intelligence agencies in Washington have dedicated themselves to ousting President Donald Trump, the past two weeks should have demonstrated precisely how such a plan of action is being executed. First came the leaked accounts of chaos in the Trump Administration derived from the Bob Woodward book Fear: Trump in the White House.Then a New York Times op-ed entitled “I am part of the resistance inside the Trump administration” written by one Anonymous...

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Dutch Government Faces Outcry over Reported Support for Syrian Rebels

Dutch Government Faces Outcry over Reported Support for Syrian Rebels

The Dutch government faced a storm of protest from lawmakers on Monday after a news report said it supported a Syrian opposition group which Dutch prosecutors had labelled a "terrorist" organisation.Parliamentarians demanded answers after the report aired by the national public broadcaster said the Netherlands gave "non-lethal assistance" (NLA) to 22 armed opposition groups battling Syrian government forces.The television programme, which worked together with the respected Trouw newspaper,...

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What I Don’t Like About Life in Post-9/11 America

What I Don’t Like About Life in Post-9/11 America

“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”―Edward Abbey, American author Life in a post-9/11 America increasingly feels like an endless free fall down a rabbit hole into a terrifying, dystopian alternative reality in which the citizenry has no rights, the government is no friend to freedom, and everything we ever knew and loved about the values and principles that once made this country great has been turned on its head. We’ve walked a strange and harrowing...

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Butina prosecutors wrote their own James Bond novel with sex allegations – and the media loved it

Butina prosecutors wrote their own James Bond novel with sex allegations – and the media loved it

US prosecutors who wrongly accused Russian ‘foreign agent’ and gun activist Maria Butina of trading sex for influence peddled their own cheap James Bond fan fiction. No matter how incorrect, the media lapped it up.Butina’s request to be released until the time of her trial was declined by US District Judge Tanya Chutkan on Monday. Chutkan ruled that the Russian activist is to remain in jail until she’s tried on the charges of acting as an unregistered agent for a foreign government. Butina has...

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Target Syria

Target Syria

It’s official. The Syrian Army assisted by Russian air support is closing in on the last major pocket of terrorists remaining in the country in the province of Idlib near Aleppo. The United States, which has trained and armed some of the trapped gunmen and even as recently as a year ago described the province as “al-Qaeda’s largest safe haven since 9/11,” has perhaps predictably warned Syria off. The White House initially threatened a harsh reaction if the Bashar al-Assad government were to...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Syria’s Drone Future

Over at the American Conservative, Phil Giraldi alerts us to the US administration's plans for the "day after" in Syria, if US assistance to the Syrian insurgents finds them...

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