RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

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Suspicious Timing of Mueller’s Latest ‘Russiagate’ Indictment

Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced Friday a new indictment in his seemingly endless "Russiagate" investigation. This time a 44 year old accountant from St. Petersburg, Russia, was indicted for attempting to meddle in US elections by trying to "create and amplify divisive social media and political content" on social media. The Russian woman is said to work for Russian oligarch Yevgeniy Prigozhin, who it is claimed owns the Internet Research Agency, Ltd. RPI's Daniel...

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Facebook Sells Disabled Iraq Vet $300,000 In Ads, Then Deletes His Influential Pages

Facebook Sells Disabled Iraq Vet $300,000 In Ads, Then Deletes His Influential Pages

Facebook banned several pages operated by disabled by Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, after he says he spent $300,000 on advertising. The social media giant removed without warning Kolfage's Right Wing News and Military Grade Coffee Company (which donates 10 percent of all profits to veteran organizations), in a site-wide effort to crack down on "misinformation" on the network.Right Wing News alone had over 3 million followers at the time of its banning. According to his new wesbite, Kolfage,...

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US-Russian Exchanges Gather Momentum

US-Russian Exchanges Gather Momentum

If a single exchange stood out during the tense interview of President Trump with the CBS News 60 Minutes on Sunday — Washington Post listed 8 of them — I would say it was when he tried to filibuster Lesley Stahl over the topic of ‘Russian meddling’ in the American elections. Stahl kept taunting Trump but all she’d get was Trump repeating, ‘But China also meddled in the US elections.’ When she pointed out that she was asking about Russia, Trump repeated calmly, “And I think, frankly, China is...

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How the Corporate State Murders Free Speech

How the Corporate State Murders Free Speech

If you read anything today, read Andre Damon’s analysis of the concerted effort by the state and its corporate partners—the very essence corporatism, fascism as Mussolini described it—to once again dominate the narrative as it did before the internet and the web.Damon critiques a paper put out by the Atlantic Council. The author, John T. Watts, a former Australian Army officer and consultant to the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security, writes that in order for the state to...

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Tucker Carlson’s Marijuana Malarkey

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In August, Tucker Carlson declared at his Fox News show that it would be an act of war on the United States for the Mexico government to cease engaging in a war on heroin. Carlson even supported his wacky conclusion by pointing to drug overdose deaths in America, despite those deaths in fact being multiplied because of the US war on drugs. On Wednesday, Carlson was back at his show spouting drug war nonsense — this time expressing his dread of marijuana legalization that kicked in this week...

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Killing Jamal Khashoggi Was Easy. Explaining It Is Much Harder

Killing Jamal Khashoggi Was Easy. Explaining It Is Much Harder

Getting to the bottom of the Jamal Khashoggi disappearance is a bit like peeling an onion. It is known that Khashoggi entered the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul on October 2nd to get a document that would enable him to marry a Turkish woman. It is also known, from surveillance cameras situated outside the building, that he never came out walking the same way he entered. The presumption is that he was either killed inside or abducted, though the abduction theory would have to be based on a...

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The People ‘Stopping Election Interference’ Are the Ones Who Are Actually Rigging the Election

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In the World of American Politics, One Khashoggi Is Worth One Million Yemeni Lives

In the World of American Politics, One Khashoggi Is Worth One Million Yemeni Lives

At this point we can only assume that the Turkish version of events regarding the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi is true. As always, I’m open to being proved wrong, and it’s certainly incumbent upon Ankara to release the audio evidence of which they claim to be in possession (though this, should it come out, will naturally be dismissed by the Saudis as fabricated or doctored), but the list of plausible alternative scenarios currently stands at zero. Khashoggi went into the Saudi consulate...

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Sen. Lindsey Graham’s New Regime Change Target: Saudi Arabia

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has long been among the most vehement advocates of foreign intervention in the United States Senate, supporting US interventions for “regime changes” across the world. Now Saudi Arabia has joined the list of countries where Graham has demanded regime change. Interviewed Tuesday morning at the Fox News show Fox & Friends, Graham declared that Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman “has got to go.” While proclaiming in the interview that he has been Saudi...

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No More Dissident Voices: Succumb to Facebook & Twitter’s Demands or Get Banned (or Both)

No More Dissident Voices: Succumb to Facebook & Twitter’s Demands or Get Banned (or Both)

A recent purge by Facebook and Twitter of a host of independent media sites has pushed thousands of people out of work and has killed one of the most effective forms of expressing political dissent. On Thursday last week, Facebook purged more than 800 pages and accounts, accusing them of engaging in “inauthentic behaviour” and violating Facebook’s anti-spam policies. According to a statement released by Facebook on its website, many of these pages were: using fake accounts or multiple accounts...

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Believe women: Apply Congress’ Christine Blasey Ford test to TSA’s female victims

Believe women: Apply Congress’ Christine Blasey Ford test to TSA’s female victims

In the uproar over Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, many members of Congress declared that women have a “right to be believed.” Unfortunately, Congress is ignoring legions of women who have been sexually abused thanks to the immunity Congress provides to federal agents. But a federal appeals court may grant relief despite Washington's negligence.Congress gives the Transportation Security Administration almost $8 billion a year and does nothing...

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Pro-Life Students Attacked at Ryerson University in Latest Assault on Free Speech

Pro-Life Students Attacked at Ryerson University in Latest Assault on Free Speech

We have been following the increasing violence seen on college campuses, particularly directed against conservative and pro-life speakers. The latest incident occurred at Ryerson University in Ontario where a video captured Ryerson Student Gabriela “Gabby” Skwarko attacking two members of Toronto Against Abortion (TAA). Skwarko works for the school’s Office of Social Innovation. The video below shows a violent and unprovoked attack to stop an act of free speech on campus.Skwarko, a member of...

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Ten Years After the Last Meltdown: Is Another One Around the Corner?

Ten Years After the Last Meltdown: Is Another One Around the Corner?

September marked a decade since the bursting of the housing bubble, which was followed by the stock market meltdown and the government bailout of the big banks and Wall Street. Last week’s frantic stock market sell-off indicates the failure to learn the lesson of 2008 makes another meltdown inevitable. In 2001-2002 the Federal Reserve responded to the economic downturn caused by the bursting of the technology bubble by pumping money into the economy. This new money ended up in the housing...

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Why The Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone

Why The Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone

This week, the alternative media purge was boldly advanced in a coordinated effort to silence people who dissent from establishment views. It’s just one more step toward a monopoly on information by those who hate freedom. At this rate, they’ll soon have unquestioned access to the minds of more than 2 billion people. And this should terrify everyone who wants to be free to question the status quo and to seek a wide range of information. Hundreds of alternative media site administrators logged...

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Max Boot: The Purists of NeverTrumpers

Max Boot: The Purists of NeverTrumpers

While there doubtless exists exceptions to the rule, the Trump era has made it painfully clear to those who are willing to look that, generally speaking, the left is devoid of principle. For example, during George W. Bush’s tenure in the White House, the American (and European) left was vociferously “anti-war.” Most Democrats in Congress voted in favor of the invasion of Iraq, but once Americans began to recognize the war for the unmitigated debacle that it was, Democrats, being the crassest...

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Britain on the Leash with the United States – But at Which End?

Britain on the Leash with the United States – But at Which End?

The “special relationship” between the United States and the United Kingdom is often assumed to be one where the once-great, sophisticated Brits are subordinate to the upstart, uncouth Yanks.Iconic of this assumption is the mocking of former prime minister Tony Blair as George W. Bush’s “poodle” for his riding shotgun on the ill-advised American stagecoach blundering into Iraq in 2003. Blair was in good practice, having served as Bill Clinton’s dogsbody in the no less criminal NATO aggression...

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US Combat Troops To Gaza? Say It Aint So, Joe!

Media is reporting that President Biden is about to deploy some 2,000 US troops to the Gaza region in response to the recent unrest between Israel and Hamas. An additional 2,000...

Peace & Prosperity Blog

The Rise of SWAT

In a KERA Radio interview this week, investigative reporter Radley Balko provides an informative overview of the the history of police SWAT teams in the United States. Balko...

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