RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Libya’s Peace Process Dies in Palermo

Libya’s Peace Process Dies in Palermo

“Resounding flop” was the verdict of Italy’s former prime minister Matteo Renzi on this week’s Libya peace conference held in Palermo. He’s not wrong. The conference hosted by Italy’s new government achieved the remarkable feat of making Libya’s tensions worse, not better. Acrimony broke out between the parties, and Turkey’s delegation walked out, its vice president Fuat Oktay accusing unnamed States of trying to "hijack the process.” Some sources in Palermo suggested, yet to be verified, that...

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DoJ Filing Mistakenly References Sealed Criminal Charges Against Assange

DoJ Filing Mistakenly References Sealed Criminal Charges Against Assange

In a truly astounding misstep, the United States Attorney’s Office in Eastern Virginia filed a document that referenced an indictment against the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. The filng in an unrelated court filing seems to confirm that charges are pending or planned against Assange but the Justice Department will only say that “The court filing was made in error.” The charges would raise serious first amendment questions over whether it is a crime to publish hacked emails if you were not...

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The Return of Marijuana Amendments

The Return of Marijuana Amendments

In January, when Democrats assume the majority at the United States House of Representatives, we should witness the return of something that has been absent from the legislative body for years — House floor debates and votes on amendments to roll back the US government’s war on marijuana.Since June of 2016, the House Rules Committee, under the leadership of Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), has blocked any proposed amendments to roll back marijuana prohibition from reaching the House floor for...

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Deception in North Korea? Nope, But a New Flavor of Neocon

Deception in North Korea? Nope, But a New Flavor of Neocon

What is the state of diplomacy on the Korean peninsula? Are we again heading toward the lip of war, or is progress being made at an expected pace? Are there Asian Neocons fanning the flames for conflict in Pyongyang much as others did with Baghdad? A year ago, in November 2017, John Brennan estimated the chance of a war with North Korea at 20 to 25 percent. Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, said the odds were 50/50. The New York Times claimed we were “slouching...

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America Has No Peace Movement – Blame the ‘White Supremacists’

America Has No Peace Movement – Blame the ‘White Supremacists’

The United States of America has no peace movement even though the country has been mired in unwinnable wars since 2001 and opinion polls suggest that there is only lukewarm support among the public for what is taking place in Afghanistan and Syria. This is in part due to the fact that today’s corporate media virtually functions as a branch of government, which some might refer to as the Ministry of Lies, and it is disinclined to report on just how dystopic American foreign and national...

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The Korean War: The Moral Bankruptcy of Interventionism

The Korean War: The Moral Bankruptcy of Interventionism

An article in Sunday’s New York Times entitled “Remembering the Forgotten War” demonstrates perfectly the moral bankruptcy of the philosophy of foreign interventionism. Calling for the Korean War to become more highly remembered, the author, Hampton Sides, extols some of the popular justifications for subjecting US troops to death, injury, and maiming in the Korean War. Hampton tells the story of a veteran named Franklin Chapman, who is still alive. Hampton was sent to fight in Korea, was shot...

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Urgent: Republican Dirty Dealing on Yemen Vote Today

Urgent: Republican Dirty Dealing on Yemen Vote Today

The Republican House Leadership is playing dirty. Rather than allow a "privileged resolution" come to the floor on President Trump's continued military involvement in Yemen, the Rules Committee is expected to vote today that “the War Powers Act does not apply to H.Con.Res. 138."Under the 1973 War Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548), Members of Congress can force a Floor vote on any presidential move putting US troops into battle situations without Congressional approval after a period of 90 days....

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US Midterms Expose Russia Hacker Myth

US Midterms Expose Russia Hacker Myth

Don’t hold your breath for it, but there should be an abject apology coming from US politicians, pundits, media and intelligence agencies. For months leading up to the midterm elections held last week, we were told that the Kremlin was deviously targeting the ballot, in a replay of the way Russian hackers allegedly interfered in the 2016 presidential race to get Donald Trump into the White House. Supposedly reliable news media outlets like the New York Times and heavyweight Senate panels were...

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Beltway BS on ‘Speaking Truth to Power’

Beltway BS on ‘Speaking Truth to Power’

Lying and piety go together in Washington like ham and eggs. After 9/11, a profusion of government falsehoods on Iraq and other topics ravaged official credibility. The political class responded with an endless profusion of promises to “speak truth to power.” Unfortunately, there are far more Washingtonians praising honesty than there are honest politicians. According to Wikipedia, “Speaking truth to power is a nonviolent political tactic, employed by dissidents against the received wisdom or...

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Melania Trump Kneecaps Top Bolton Aide

Melania Trump Kneecaps Top Bolton Aide

Hooray for First Lady Melania Trump! In a refreshingly - and shockingly - frank statement, the relatively quiet First Lady has issued a statement through her spokeswoman today making it clear that top National Security Council aide Mira Ricardel needs to hit the bricks. Ricardel, Deputy National Security Adviser under John Bolton, is said to have "berated people in meetings, yelled at professional staff, argued with the first lady and spread rumors about [Defense Secretary] Mattis." But...

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World War I Homage – A Triumph of Lies and Platitudes

World War I Homage – A Triumph of Lies and Platitudes

World leaders gathered in Paris on Sunday under the Arc de Triomphe to mark the centennial anniversary ending World War I. In an absurd way, the Napoleon-era arc was a fitting venue – because the ceremony and the rhetoric from President Emmanuel Macron was a “triumph” of lies and platitudes. Among the estimated 70 international leaders were US President Trump and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, each sitting on either side of Macron and his wife. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was also...

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America Should Have Skipped the War, Not Just the Ceremony

America Should Have Skipped the War, Not Just the Ceremony

This weekend the Donald took some heavy duty flack from liberals, Dems, the MSM and harrumphing patriots for canceling his appearance at a wreath laying ceremony at the famous WWI battle site at Belleau, France owing to inclement weather. For instance, former Secretary of State, John Kerry got himself worked into high dudgeon: Mr. Kerry criticized the president’s decision on Twitter, saying that the weather “shouldn’t have stopped an American President”. “President @realDonaldTrump a no-show...

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Brennan and Clapper Should Not Escape Prosecution

Brennan and Clapper Should Not Escape Prosecution

Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the longtime chairman of the Judiciary Committee, made a dramatic announcement Nov. 1 that should lead to jail time for both former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. As reported, but widely overlooked amid the media focus on the midterm elections, Brennan ordered CIA hackers to intercept the emails of all potential or possible intelligence community whistleblowers who may have been trying to contact the...

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Dirty Little Secret: ‘Think Tanks’ are Among Top Culprits in Media Disinformation Crisis

Dirty Little Secret: ‘Think Tanks’ are Among Top Culprits in Media Disinformation Crisis

Most consumers are unaware off the mainstream media’s dirty little secret. Think tanks are increasingly taking advantage of tight news budgets to influence the press agenda in favor of their sponsors. Decades ago, these outfits generally operated as policy advisories. Although, some were comfortably enumerated ‘retirement homes’ for distinguished public servants or intellectuals. However, in modern times, they have become indistinguishable from lobbying firms. With the budgets to match. On the...

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President Trump’s Iran Policy – Is It ‘Normal’?

President Trump’s Iran Policy – Is It ‘Normal’?

It’s not often that US Government officials are honest when they talk about our foreign policy. The unprovoked 2003 attack on Iraq was called a “liberation.” The 2011 US-led destruction of Libya was a “humanitarian intervention.” And so on.So, in a way, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was refreshingly honest last week when, speaking about newly-imposed US sanctions, he told the BBC that the Iranian leadership “has to make a decision that they want their people to eat." It was an honest...

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US Directs Iran to Act Like a ‘Normal’ Country. What is a Normal Country?

US Directs Iran to Act Like a ‘Normal’ Country. What is a Normal Country?

After reimposing crippling sanctions on Iran this week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened that Iran should “act like a normal country, or see its economy crumble.” But, how exactly does a “normal” country act? Since the dictat was issued from Washington DC, it seems only fair to start there. Is the United States itself a “normal” country? What makes a “normal” country as opposed to an “abnormal” one? Foreign Policy If the US is indeed a “normal” country, there is a lot we can glean...

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Speaker Johnson And The DC Meltdown

After weeks of rancor and chaos, the US House finally has a new Speaker, Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson. Conservatives are cheering and Democrats are wailing. But will...

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