RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Good Riddance to The Weekly Standard

Good Riddance to The Weekly Standard

I greet the demise of The Weekly Standard with great joy.Just hours after Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution in October 2002, an opinion column in the Washington Post propagated The Weekly Standard line that, “having explained why war is necessary,” a case that had been made with “an impressive clarity of presentation and lucidity of argument,” President Bush had become “a war leader.”Despite the fawning description by war celebrant William...

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‘New World Order’ Wine Pompoured into a Pro-‘Sovereignty’ Rhetorical Bottle

‘New World Order’ Wine Pompoured into a Pro-‘Sovereignty’ Rhetorical Bottle

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo began his December 4 speech in Brussels at the German Marshall Fund with “a well-deserved tribute to America’s 41st president, George Herbert Walker Bush,” whom he praised as “an unyielding champion of freedom around the world.” It was fitting that he did so. The heart and soul of Pompeo’s remarks extolling the return of “the United States to its traditional, central leadership role in the world” were little more than a rehash of Bush the Elder’s aggressive...

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The Maria Butina Case Is Not About Spying

The Maria Butina Case Is Not About Spying

Two things stand out in this week’s plea deal of Maria Butina, the Russian citizen branded by US media as an “accused spy.” The description of her offense by federal prosecutors doesn’t mention any link to Russian intelligence services and the plea agreement says she’s willing to cooperate with the US authorities despite knowing she’ll almost certainly be deported to Russia. These peculiarities make Butina’s a strange case. The 30-year-old gun-rights activist and former graduate student at...

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US Demands Europe to Join Its War Against Russia

US Demands Europe to Join Its War Against Russia

In recent decades, the US Constitution’s clause that requires a congressional declaration of war before invading any country, has been ignored. Furthermore, ever since 2012 and the passage by Congress of the Magnitsky Act sanctions against Russia, economic sanctions by the US Government have been imposed against any company that fails to comply with a US-imposed economic sanction; a company can even be fined over a billion dollars for violating a US economic sanction. And, so, sanctions are...

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British Spies Infiltrated Bernie Sanders’ Campaign?

British Spies Infiltrated Bernie Sanders’ Campaign?

The Integrity Initiative, a British pseudo-NGO tasked with running anti-Russian propaganda operation, was recently exposed. Further digging into it revealed a much wider operation. It seems to involve a mole British spies inserted into the Bernie Sanders campaign.Three weeks ago internal budget proposals and member lists of the Integrity Initiative were posted anonymously on some website. We discussed those in detail under the headline: British Government Runs Secret Anti-Russian Smear...

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Rep. Thomas Massie Talks Marijuana

Rep. Thomas Massie Talks Marijuana

In a fascinating new interview with Kyle Jaeger at Marijuana Moment, United States House of Representatives Member and war on marijuana critic Thomas Massie (R-KY) talks about marijuana.In the interview, Massie contends that Republicans may have maintained their House majority if leadership had allowed on the House floor legislation leaving marijuana law up to the states. Massie believes that a floor vote would have resulted in the approval of such legislation. Massie also discusses the hemp...

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Averting World Conflict with China

Averting World Conflict with China

As most readers know, I’m not a casual political blogger and I prefer producing lengthy research articles rather than chasing the headlines of current events. But there are exceptions to every rule, and the looming danger of a direct worldwide clash with China is one of them.Consider the arrest last week of Meng Wanzhou, the CFO of Huawei, the world’s largest telecom equipment manufacturer. While flying from Hong Kong to Mexico, Ms. Meng was changing planes in the Vancouver International...

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Federal Judge Orders Mueller To Turn Over Flynn Material

Federal Judge Orders Mueller To Turn Over Flynn Material

In a surprising move, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered Mueller late Wednesday to turn over all of the government’s documents and “memoranda” related to Flynn’s questioning. This follows a Flynn filing that described an effective trap set by agents who encourages him not to bring a lawyer and left inconsistencies unaddressed in what has been described by critics as a “perjury trap.” I have practiced in front of Judge Sullivan for years and he is a respected judge who has a keen eye...

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Rep. Thomas Massie Condemns ‘Illegal and Unconstitutional Action’ to Prevent Vote on Yemen War

Speaking Wednesday on the US House of Representatives floor, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) explained how the House leadership, through the House Rules Committee, on Tuesday night violated both the US Constitution and the War Powers Act in taking action to prevent a debate and vote on whether the US military should continue to be involved in the ongoing war on Yemen. This “illegal and unconstitutional action,” Massie describes, includes in the farm bill rule to be considered in the House a...

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Celebrating another Regulatory Conviction in the Anti-Russia Brouhaha

Celebrating another Regulatory Conviction in the Anti-Russia Brouhaha

The mainstream press is tipping its glasses in exultation over the latest regulatory conviction in the anti-Trump, anti-Russia brouhaha. This one comes in form of a upcoming guilty plea by a 28-year-old Russian woman named Maria Butina. Her crime? Failing to register as a foreign agent of the Russian government.The press is reporting how Butina has infiltrated the conservative movement by dating a GOP operative, making contacts with the Heritage Foundation, the NRA, the National Prayer...

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In the Eyes of the State, We are All Russian (Bots) Now

In the Eyes of the State, We are All Russian (Bots) Now

Last September a very informative paper was published by the neoconservative Atlantic Council. In connection with this institution are such important public figures as Collin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Henry Kissinger. The paper, written by John T. Watts, summarizes the main conclusions drawn at this year’s Sovereign Challenges Conference in Washington, DC. The text allows for a deep look into some of the minds of the American elite and their allies. Its reading is therefore highly...

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Mueller’s Investigation is Missing One Thing: A Crime

Mueller’s Investigation is Missing One Thing: A Crime

A baby born when Robert Mueller started his investigation would be talking by now. But would she have anything to say?We last looked at what Mueller had publicly—and what he didn’t have—some 10 months ago, and I remained skeptical that the Trump campaign had in any way colluded with Russia. It’s worth another look now, but first let’s give away the ending (spoiler alert!): there is still no real evidence of, well, much of anything significant about Russiagate. One thing that is clear is that...

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Too Much Partisanship in Washington? No, Too Much Bipartisanship!

Too Much Partisanship in Washington? No, Too Much Bipartisanship!

Washington is once again gripped by the specter of a government shutdown, as Congress and President Trump negotiate an end-of-year spending deal. A main issue of contention is funding for President Trump’s border wall. Sadly, but not surprisingly, neither Congress nor the administration is fighting to cut, or at least not increase, spending.Federal spending has increased from 3.6 trillion dollars to 4.4 trillion dollars since Republicans gained control over both chambers of Congress in 2014....

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The ‘America Last’ Express Hurtles On: Saudi Arabia, INF, Ukraine

The ‘America Last’ Express Hurtles On: Saudi Arabia, INF, Ukraine

As the façade of 2016 Candidate Donald Trump’s promised “America First” continues to crumble away, the baked-into-the-cake pathologies of the foreign and security policy “experts” who monopolize President Trump’s administration plunge forward along their predetermined paths. Any realistic notion of American national interests comes last after the priorities of – well, pretty much everyone else with leverage in Washington. Case in point, let’s start with Saudi Arabia and all the breast-beating...

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Nikki Haley To Be Replaced By Blonde Version Of Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley To Be Replaced By Blonde Version Of Nikki Haley

When UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced her upcoming resignation from the position, establishment loyalists spent the day awash with grief that the Trump administration was losing one of its remaining moderate Republican voices. “Nikki Haley, ambassador to the United Nations, has resigned, leaving the administration with one less moderate Republican voice,” tweeted the New York Times, without defining what specifically is “moderate” about relentlessly pushing for war and starvation sanctions...

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What the ‘Neocon Chickenhawks’ Have Wrought

What the ‘Neocon Chickenhawks’ Have Wrought

The 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice to end World War I has generated a lot of discussion and articles about the so-called “Great War.” Most of the neocon chickenhawks who so eagerly led us into the disastrous war in Iraq seemingly want to be regarded as modern-day Winston Churchills. They might be very surprised to read Scott Berg’s great biography of Woodrow Wilson, which quotes Churchill as saying: “America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World...

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