RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

The Mattis Dilemma

The Mattis Dilemma

The resignation letter of Secretary of Defense James Mattis that was published last Thursday revealed much of the Deep State mindset that has produced the foreign policy catastrophes of the past seventeen years. Mattis, an active duty general in the Marine Corps who reportedly occasionally reads books, received a lot of good press during his time at Defense, sometimes being referred to as “the only adult in the room” when President Donald Trump’s national security and foreign policy team was...

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Senate Report on Russian Interference Was Written by Information Warriors Behind Alabama ‘False Flag’ Operation

Senate Report on Russian Interference Was Written by Information Warriors Behind Alabama ‘False Flag’ Operation

On December 17, two reports detailing ongoing Russian interference operations commissioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee were made public. They generated a week’s worth of headlines and sent members of Congress and cable news pundits into a Cold War frenzy. According to the report, everything from the Green Party’s Jill Stein to Instagram to Pokemon Go to the African American population had been used and confused by the deceptive Facebook pages of a private Russian troll farm called the...

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Syria Withdrawal Enrages the Chickenhawks

Syria Withdrawal Enrages the Chickenhawks

President Donald Trump’s order to withdraw from Syria has been greeted, predictably, with an avalanche of condemnation culminating in last Thursday’s resignation by Defense Secretary James Mattis. The Mattis resignation letter focused on the betrayal of allies, though it was inevitably light on details, suggesting that the Marine Corps General was having some difficulty in discerning that American interests might be somewhat different than those of feckless and faux allies like Israel and...

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Was Jim Mattis the Last ‘Adult’ in Trump’s Room?

Was Jim Mattis the Last ‘Adult’ in Trump’s Room?

The idea Mattis was the “adult in the room,” the moral and intellectual restraint on Trump’s evil wishes, is tired. We’ve been recycling that one for two years and more now, as various “adults” were christened as such and rose and fell in the eyes of the media — Flynn, McMaster, Tillerson, Kelly, and now Mattis (the media regards Pompeo and Bolton as “dangerous” and thus not adults. Nobody else seems to make the news.) Despite these adults’ irregularly scheduled regular departures, there has...

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Troops Out of Syria and Afghanistan? That’s a Good Start!

Troops Out of Syria and Afghanistan? That’s a Good Start!

We all had a big shock this week when, seemingly out of the blue, President Trump announced that he was removing US troops from Syria and would draw down half of the remaining US troops in Afghanistan. The president told us the troops were in Syria to fight ISIS and with ISIS nearly gone the Syrians and their allies could finish the job.All of a sudden the Trump haters who for two years had been telling us that the president was dangerous because he might get us in a war, were telling us that...

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Fallout Of Trump’s Syria Withdrawal – Why Erdogan Does Not Want To Invade

Fallout Of Trump’s Syria Withdrawal – Why Erdogan Does Not Want To Invade

President Trump's strategic decision to withdraw US troops from Syria creates some significant fallout. The US and international borg is enraged that Trump ends an occupation that is illegal under international as well as US domestic law. "That's un-American!"Defense Secretary James "Mad Dog" Mattis resigned from his position effective February 28. He disagreed with the president's decision. It was the second time in five years that an elected commander in chief had a serious conflict with...

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Did Someone Slip Donald Trump Some Kind of Political Viagra?

Did Someone Slip Donald Trump Some Kind of Political Viagra?

This has been an extraordinary week. After two years of getting rolled by the Washington establishment, it seems that President Donald Trump woke up and suddenly realized, “Hey – I’m the president! I have the legal authority to do stuff!” - He has announced his order to withdraw US troops from Syria. - His Defense Secretary James Mattis has resigned. There are rumors National Security Adviser John Bolton may go too. (Please take Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with you!) - He announced a start...

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US Leaves Trail of Bitterness in Syria

US Leaves Trail of Bitterness in Syria

On December 17, Ankara was notified of President Trump’s decision on troop withdrawal from Syria. During an earlier phone conversation between him and President Recep Erdogan on Dec 14, Trump had pointedly asked and elicited a positive response from the Turkish leader as to whether Turkey would have the capability to eliminate the remnants of the ISIS in the Syrian tract east of the Euphrates in the event of a US withdrawal from Syria. Erdogan reportedly “reaffirmed” Turkey’s commitment to...

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CrossTalk: Enforced Speech

As western society moves from things you should not say to things you must say or face severe consequences, are we at war with freedom of speech and thought itself? What happens when the concept of "group rights" supplants the rights of the individual? Are we slipping down the slope of tyranny? RPI's Daniel McAdams joins a panel discussion on the destruction of language on RT's Crosstalk:

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To Help Legalize Marijuana, US Congressional Leadership Can Get Out of the Way

To Help Legalize Marijuana, US Congressional Leadership Can Get Out of the Way

Momentum is strongly behind the United States government ending its war on marijuana. From states legalizing medical and recreational marijuana to the increasing majority support among Americans for full marijuana legalization, countrywide legalization is more and more seeming inevitable. Indeed, I would not be surprised to see the US government legalize marijuana within the next four years. But why not this year or even this week? What is delaying congressional action to legalize? A major...

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Trump Shocker: ‘We’re Leaving Syria!’ Does He Mean It?

President Trump shocked Washington this morning when he Tweeted confirmation of rumors that he would order the removal of US troops from Syria. According to his spokesperson, the order has already been given. The neocons are not happy, with Sen. Lindsey Graham Tweeting that removing troops is an "Obama-like" move. Will Trump's own staff rebel? What about the fine print? Are we really leaving?

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The Disgrace of Maria Butina’s Prosecution

The Disgrace of Maria Butina’s Prosecution

Some anti-Russianites and Trump critics are saying that the guilty plea by 30-year-old Russian citizen Maria Butina confirms that the Russian government was meddling in the 2016 presidential election. It’s true that Russia might well have been helping Donald Trump, who was committed to establishing friendly relations with Russia, defeat Hillary Clinton, who was committed to maintaining a relationship of anger, animosity, and hatred toward Russia. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that Butina’s...

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US Leaders Allowing Ukraine to Pull Them into Global War

US Leaders Allowing Ukraine to Pull Them into Global War

George Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel was right – Again: The only thing the human race learns from history is that it learns nothing from history.In 1914,the British Empire, largest in human history and one of the longest-lasting, charged into World War I to defend “gallant little Belgium” whose King Leopold over the previous 30 years had carried out one of the longest, largest genocides of all time, killing 10 million people in the Congo.Germany, wealthiest, most prosperous nation in Europe,...

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The ‘Integrity Initiative’ – A Military Intelligence Operation, Disguised As Charity, To Create The ‘Russian Threat’

The ‘Integrity Initiative’ – A Military Intelligence Operation, Disguised As Charity, To Create The ‘Russian Threat’

The British government financed Integrity Initiative is tasked with spreading anti-Russian propaganda and thereby with influencing the public, military and governments of a number of countries. What follows is an contextual analysis of the third batch of the Initiative's internal papers which were dumped by an anonymous Friday. Christopher Nigel Donnelly (CND) is the co-director of The Institute for Statecraft and founder of its offshoot Integrity Initiative. The Initiative claims to "Defend...

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Troops Out of Syria and Afghanistan? That’s a Good Start!

Why The Senate Vote to End Yemen War is So Important

Last week something historic happened in the US Senate. For the first time in 45 years, a chamber of the US Congress voted to pull US forces from a military conflict under the 1973 War Powers Act.While there is plenty to criticize in the War Powers Act, in this situation it was an important tool used by a broad Senate coalition to require President Trump to end US participation in the Saudi war against Yemen. And while the resolution was not perfect – there were huge loopholes – it has finally...

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A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — So She Lost Her Job

A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — So She Lost Her Job

A children's speech pathologist who has worked for the last nine years with developmentally disabled, autistic, and speech-impaired elementary school students in Austin, Texas, has been told she can no longer work with the public school district after she refused to sign an oath vowing that she “does not” and “will not” engage in a boycott of Israel or “otherwise tak[e] any action that is intended to inflict economic harm” on that foreign nation. A lawsuit on her behalf was filed early Monday...

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Lindsey Graham On Gaza: 'Kill 'em All!'

After Israel's bombing of a Gaza refugee camp this week killed scores of civilians, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN that there should be "no limit" on the number of civilians...

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