The 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice to end World War I has generated a lot of discussion and articles about the so-called “Great War.” Most of the neocon chickenhawks who so eagerly led us into the disastrous war in Iraq seemingly want to be regarded as modern-day Winston Churchills. They might be very surprised to read Scott Berg’s great biography of Woodrow Wilson, which quotes Churchill as saying: “America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World...
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Are US Weapons Fueling The Hamas Offensive?
After US weapons in the hands of Hamas fighters have surfaced on several videos, questions are being asked about how they got there. Were they shipped from Afghanistan, where the...
Are US Weapons Fueling The Hamas Offensive?
After US weapons in the hands of Hamas fighters have surfaced on several videos, questions are being asked about how they got there. Were they shipped from Afghanistan, where the...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
Mother Agnes Mariam: ‘Footage of Syria Chemical Attack is a Fraud’
Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib, mother superior of St. James Monastery in Qara, Syria, told RT today that she has evidence that the video footage currently being shopped around by...
Should Administration’s Syria Lies be Revealed to Us?
Two very commendable Members of the House of Representatives over the past week have each made some reference to White House manipulation of intelligence in the classified...
No Evidence? No Problem. Release Youtubes!
As US government whistleblower Thomas Drake Tweeted today, the "US has no evidence in public of scientific samples or intel info proving use of sarin gas or by Syrian...
War Propagandists: The Curious Case of Elizabeth O’Bagy
Yesterday we wrote about the Institute for the Study of War's Elizabeth O'Bagy, the Syria "expert" who recently wrote that the CIA assessment that the Syrian opposition was by...
Syria’s Nayirah Moment: The Lies That Build the Case for War
Followers of the lies that lead us to war will well remember one of the late Congressman Tom Lantos's more sinister (and for Lantos that is saying much) manipulations of US...
Don’t Miss Buchanan — ‘Just Who’s War is This?’
Patrick Buchanan is at his firey and controversial best today with a must-read column on the coming US attack on Syria and those foolishly pushing a war that will surely backfire...
Ron Paul on Mike Gallagher’s Radio show 9/4
Listen to Ron Paul on Mike Gallagher's radio show yesterday, discussing Syria, etc.
Obama’s Syrian Allies Bombard Christian Village
Church and Monastery of St. Takla, Maaloula, Syria Obama's allies in Syria -- those who will directly benefit from the coming US airstrikes -- stepped up their genocide against...
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