The Donald has been on a red hot twitter rampage, and he's completely justified. Actually, we didn't think the Russian Collusion Hoax could get any stupider until we saw the New York Times' Friday evening bushwhack. The trio of authors, apparently self-tortured victims of the Trump Derangement Syndrome, actually had the gall to print a story in the once and former Gray Lady of journalistic rectitude which was nothing more than an ugly smear on the sitting President of the United States—one...
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He’s BAAACK! The Ghost Of John McCain Haunts GOP Debate
All of a sudden the Republican Party has returned to its 2002, neocon-dominated warmongering.
He’s BAAACK! The Ghost Of John McCain Haunts GOP Debate
All of a sudden the Republican Party has returned to its 2002, neocon-dominated warmongering.
Peace & Prosperity Blog
Exposing the Prison Profiteers
As would be expected in the nation with the highest incarceration rate in the world, the US prison-industrial complex is large and powerful. Yet, the companies that gain from the...
Govt. Shutdown, Ron Paul’s Chevette, and More: McAdams with Taylor on Radio
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The Washington Post yesterday carried the extraordinary story of two Marine generals fired after a 2012 Afghan insurgent attack on Camp Leatherneck/Camp Bastion in Afghanistan's...
Daniel McAdams on the Tom Woods Show
What a treat it was for me to spend part of my day on the radio with the great Tom Woods! On his Show today, we discussed Syria, John McCain and the neocons, Iran, the Ron Paul...
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Daniel McAdams
Guatemala President Otto Fernando Pérez Molina Praises Marijuana Legalization
Guatemala President Otto Fernando Pérez Molina in his speech Thursday before the United Nations General Assembly praised the marijuana legalization bill progressing through the...
UN Agreement Reached on Syria; Obama Warhawks Defeated on Every Count
Samantha Power In a stunning blow to the "humanitarian interventionists" of the Obama administration and another boost for Russian diplomatic efforts, the five permanent Members...
Brazil President Dilma Rousseff Condemns US Mass Spying before UN General Assembly
Brazil President Dilma Rousseff started the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly with fireworks Tuesday, using her first speaking position among national...
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