RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Iraq Redux: Trump’s Venezuela ‘Regime Change’ Another Pack of Lies

Iraq Redux: Trump’s Venezuela ‘Regime Change’ Another Pack of Lies

(Note: This is from an RPI exclusive weekly update to our subscribers. Are you subscribed? It's free and we'll never sell/loan your name!)It has been just over a week since I last wrote to you, at the time just before Trump's Venezuela regime change operation hit the mainstream media. I warned that his recognition of an unelected politician as president and his dedication to install that politician with violence if necessary would constitute the worst mistake of his presidency. Since that...

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NBC News, to Claim Russia Supports Tulsi Gabbard, Relies on Firm Just Caught Fabricating Russia Data for the Democratic Party

NBC News, to Claim Russia Supports Tulsi Gabbard, Relies on Firm Just Caught Fabricating Russia Data for the Democratic Party

NBC News Published a predictably viral story Friday, claiming that “experts who track websites and social media linked to Russia have seen stirrings of a possible campaign of support for Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.” But the whole story was a sham: the only “experts” cited by NBC in support of its key claim was the firm, New Knowledge, that just got caught by the New York Times fabricating Russian troll accounts on behalf of the Democratic Party in the Alabama Senate race to manufacture...

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Bolton: I’ll Send Maduro to Gitmo

Bolton: I’ll Send Maduro to Gitmo

On Friday, the neocon running Trump’s foreign policy, John Bolton, threatened to send the elected president of Venezuela to the indefinite torture camp at Guantanamo.Maduro should be relieved. The previous neoliberal regime in DC had the disfavored leader of Libya assassinated, but not before NATO-backed Islamists sadistically raped him with a bayonet. The longer Maduro resists, the more likely a variation of the above scenario will play out in Venezuela. Indefinite detention without charge is...

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‘Moral disgrace’: EU Parliament lectures world on rule of law, then destroys legality in Venezuela

‘Moral disgrace’: EU Parliament lectures world on rule of law, then destroys legality in Venezuela

It’s a moral disgrace when the EU Parliament, which lectures the world on the need to respect the rule of law, uses legal language to tell lies about the legality of the situation in Venezuela, and to destroy that legality. Exciting news from France: Marine le Pen is the country’s new president. After the Macron regime plunged the country into political crisis, Mrs Le Pen took the oath of office on Place de la Concorde on Friday before a small crowd of gilets jaunes (yellow vests) specially...

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‘I Oppose Interventionism, But-‘ But Nothing. Don’t Be A Pro Bono CIA Propagandist.

‘I Oppose Interventionism, But-‘ But Nothing. Don’t Be A Pro Bono CIA Propagandist.

In a recent interview with The Corbett Report, the Ron Paul Institute’s Daniel McAdams spoke disdainfully of those ostensibly anti-interventionist libertarians who picked this moment of all times to loudly and aggressively condemn Venezuela’s president Maduro, just as the US power establishment is ramping up its campaign to topple the Venezuelan government. “All of a sudden now there are millions of Venezuela experts in America, and many of them could not point Venezuela out on a map five days...

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Twitter Bans 2,000 Pro-Maduro Accounts As Demands For Regime Change Escalate

Twitter Bans 2,000 Pro-Maduro Accounts As Demands For Regime Change Escalate

On the evening before National Security Advisor John Bolton reiterated that "all options [including, presumably, military intervention] are on the table" regarding the situation in Venezuela, Twitter announced that it had joined the US-backed coup by taking down 2,000 accounts that it said were engaged in a "state-backed influence campaign", according to RT. In a blog post, Twitter said it removed 1,196 accounts located in Venezuela which it deemed to "appear to be engaged in a state-backed...

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Venezuela Coup Attempt Part Of A Larger Project – Military Intervention Likely To Fail

Venezuela Coup Attempt Part Of A Larger Project – Military Intervention Likely To Fail

The Trump administration has launched a large political project to remake several states in Latin America. The Wall Street Journal headlines: US Push to Oust Venezuela’s Maduro Marks First Shot in Plan to Reshape Latin America The Trump administration’s broader aim is to gain leverage over Cuba and curb recent inroads in the region by Russia, Iran and China The plan includes regime change in Venezuela, Nicaragua and eventually Cuba. The removal of any Russian or Chinese interest is another...

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Trump and the MAGA Crowd Embrace the Neocon Plan for Venezuela

Trump and the MAGA Crowd Embrace the Neocon Plan for Venezuela

Is it fair to call MAGA neocon lite, or possibly MAGAcons? The fact so few of these establishment labeled “white nationalists” had anything to say about Trump’s illegal bombing of Syria, or the death toll from his war against ISIS, leads me to believe they enthusiastically support intervention in foreign nations, most recently Venezuela. They are not opposed to these illegal actions, which leads one to believe they subscribe to the neoliberal religion, or at least are not opposed to it. From...

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The US Government’s Love of Foreign Dictatorships

The US Government’s Love of Foreign Dictatorships

Lest anyone be tempted to believe that President Trump and other US interventionists are intervening in Venezuela because of some purported concern for the Venezuelan people, let’s examining just a few examples that will bring a dose of reality to the situation. This latest intervention is nothing more than another interventionist power play, one intended to replace one dictatorial regime with another. Egypt comes to mind. It is ruled by one of the most brutal and tyrannical military...

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Venezuela in Flames

Venezuela in Flames

There is a familiar smell about what is taking place vis-à-vis Venezuela. The official US government line is that the sanctions against the country and the decision to recognize the head of its national assembly Jose Guaido as interim president is based on a flawed election won by populist Nicholas Maduro last May. Guaido was reportedly promised US support for his soft coup by no less than Vice President Mike Pence in a phone call the night before he declared himself acting president while the...

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Duopoly Distemper: Media and Democrats Attack Schultz For Even Considering A Third Party Run

Duopoly Distemper: Media and Democrats Attack Schultz For Even Considering A Third Party Run

The exploration of former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz of a possible third party candidacy has been welcomed by many who have long seen our dysfunctional politics as a result of the duopoly of power in the country in the hands to just two parties. People want change and that is highly unlikely to occur in our current system. That is precisely why Schultz has been met with a torrent of criticism by the media and Democrats for even suggesting a third party run. The spin is that he is handing the...

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Mystery of the Venezuelan Gold: Bank of England is Independent of UK Govt – But Not of Foreign Govts

Mystery of the Venezuelan Gold: Bank of England is Independent of UK Govt – But Not of Foreign Govts

Pirates don't have to look like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. They can fly the Union Jack rather than the skull and crossbones. They can be called the Bank of England rather than the Jolly Roger. The 'Old Lady of Threadneedle Street' is a port in a stormy world for all kinds of countries in which to moor their national wealth. And it's not even necessarily voluntary. After the fall of the communist regime in Albania, I had a brief tenure as joint chairman of the Britain-Albania...

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Terrorism at the Service of ‘Regime Change’. How the West Gets Hit by Its Own Former ‘Useful Freedom Fighters’

Terrorism at the Service of ‘Regime Change’. How the West Gets Hit by Its Own Former ‘Useful Freedom Fighters’

The Times of London recently published an apologetic story about some “Chechen battalion” that it likes. This special military unit is fighting on the side of Ukrainian troops near the port of Mariupol on the Azov Sea and is headed by a bearded Chechen with a huge dagger inscribed with the words “Death to Separatists.” The Times describes this seemingly bloodthirsty gentleman in a positive light. An enemy of my enemy There is one good reason for that. The author of the story, British...

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Trump’s Latest Neocon Adviser Assigned Task of Overthrowing Maduro in Venezuela

Trump’s Latest Neocon Adviser Assigned Task of Overthrowing Maduro in Venezuela

Donald Trump is no different than his predecessors. During the campaign, he said whatever he had to in order to get elected. He promised to close down the neocon foreign wars and also fight the “deep state” by draining the swamp. Obama also promised to end the neocon wars, but that was said with the same insincerity as his predecessor, George W. Bush, who said in 2000 he wasn’t into nation building and foreign entanglements. It is now obvious, with the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s...

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If The World Understood Sovereignty, It Could End All Our Problems

If The World Understood Sovereignty, It Could End All Our Problems

My own Australia has of course joined the chorus of US lackeys who are refusing to recognize Venezuela’s only legitimate and elected government, recognizing instead the presidency of some guy named Juan who decided to name himself Venezuela’s president with the blessing of the United States government. A statement from our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marise Payne, reads as follows: Australia recognises and supports the President of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, in assuming the position...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Behind the Saudi Crack-Up

Behind the Saudi Crack-Up

RPI Director Daniel McAdams has written an article for RT on the latest Saudi/US split -- what's behind it? What's going on with the Saudis?Writes McAdams: It was a great scene...

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