(Note: This is from an RPI exclusive weekly update to our subscribers. Are you subscribed? It's free and we'll never sell/loan your name!)It has been just over a week since I last wrote to you, at the time just before Trump's Venezuela regime change operation hit the mainstream media. I warned that his recognition of an unelected politician as president and his dedication to install that politician with violence if necessary would constitute the worst mistake of his presidency. Since that...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
The Great American Spy Caper
Poor James Clapper. The Director of National Intelligence -- a superfluous position born of the Intelligence Community's failures on 9/11 -- was again dragged before Capitol...
Does Anyone Believe Obama Did Not Know?
So Sen. Feinstein as Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, did not know what the NSA did and does? Is this some sort of sick joke? Agencies like the NSA, CIA,...
Religious Tolerance of McCain’s Syrian Allies
Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to the pages of the Washington Post over the weekend to pound sand over President Obama's refusal to invade Syria and...
Ron Paul’s Push to End War on Pain Doctors — Fresh Attacks!
The US Food and Drug Administration's announcement Thursday that it supports adding more pain medications to Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act is a critical step in...
Behind the Saudi Crack-Up
RPI Director Daniel McAdams has written an article for RT on the latest Saudi/US split -- what's behind it? What's going on with the Saudis?Writes McAdams: It was a great scene...
David ‘Curveball’ Albright Is Back With More ‘Scary Iran Stories’
David Albright of ISIS (AKA the "Institute for Scary Iran Stories") has never seen an alarmist allegation about Iran that he did not amplify in another somber "Iran is weeks...
McCain Taken Down Over Support for Al-Qaeda
No more wool over their eyes, Americans continue to demand answers from political leaders like Senator John McCain over the US "we have always been at war with Eastsaia" policy...
Syrian Chemical Weapons Facilities Under Rebel Control?
One of the U.S. government’s main arguments for why we are supposed to have concluded that Syrian government forces were responsible for the August chemical weapons attack in...
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