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Mike Pompeo Says the US is a Force for Good in the Middle East. No, Really!

Mike Pompeo Says the US is a Force for Good in the Middle East. No, Really!

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the US a “force for good” in the Middle East. A closer look at the evidence reveals this to be the greatest lie ever told in the era of “fake news.” “The good news is this: The age of self-inflicted American shame is over, and so are the policies that produced so much needless suffering,” Pompeo said to an audience at the American University of Cairo, Egypt on Thursday. “In just 24 months, the United States under President Trump has reasserted its...

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After the Shutdown of ‘The Weekly Standard’ Neocons Grab Lefty Money to Stay Alive

After the Shutdown of ‘The Weekly Standard’ Neocons Grab Lefty Money to Stay Alive

The neocons are back in action with a new media outfit after the collapse of The Weekly Standard.A new online news site, The Bulwark, was launched on Monday.It features many neocons from the recently shut down TWS.Charles Sykes, formerly a contributing editor at The Weekly Standard, is editor-in-chief, Bill Kristol founder of The Weekly Standard, is editor-at-large, a position he recently held at TWS.Other TWS staff joining The Bulwark include Rachael Larimore, Jim Swift, Benjamin Parker,...

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Trump Foreign Policy for 2019 – Is it for real or more bait and switch?

Trump Foreign Policy for 2019 – Is it for real or more bait and switch?

Never before has any presidential administration been as all over the place in terms of national security and foreign policy as is that of Donald J. Trump. Indeed, one might well argue that there is no overriding policy at all in terms of a rational doctrine arrived at through risk versus gain analysis of developing international situations. Instead, there has been a pattern of emotional reactions fueled by media disinformation supplemented by “gut feelings” about a series of ultimately...

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LinkedIn Co-Founder Who Bankrolled Russian Bot “False Flag” Also Funded Left-Wing Midterm Meddling

LinkedIn Co-Founder Who Bankrolled Russian Bot “False Flag” Also Funded Left-Wing Midterm Meddling

An online disinformation campaign conducted by a former Obama administration official leading up to the 2018 midterm elections was bankrolled by left-wing tech billionaire Reid Hoffman, according to the Daily Caller's Peter Hasson. Hoffman, who co-founded LinkedIn, admitted in December to funding American Engagement Technologies (AET) - which is currently embroiled in a "false flag" scandal stemming from the 2017 Alabama special election. Now, AET and its founder Mickey Dickerson have come...

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Return of the Neocons

Return of the Neocons

Two years ago, as Donald Trump ascended to the presidency, you might have thought that, if nothing else, neoconservatives had finally been put out to pasture. In the campaign, Trump had blasted the neocons’ signature policy, the war in Iraq, as a “big fat mistake,” and repudiated their ostensible program of turning nations into liberal democracies. He paid no political price with voters, and probably the opposite, as white evangelicals once drawn to George W. Bush’s “freedom agenda” flocked to...

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Business As Usual: More Weapons To The Saudis

With the killing of opposition journalist Khashoggi safely out of the headlines and with the House refusing to hold a vote on US involvement in the Yemen war, the Trump Administration is back to its Plan A: Sell more weapons to the Saudis as the Saudis annihilate Yemen. The latest is a $200 million missile "defense" deal. Will the Democrat-controlled House reverse former Speaker Ryan and hold a vote on US participation in the Yemen war?

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John Bolton Taps Iran Regime Change Advocate

John Bolton Taps Iran Regime Change Advocate

John Bolton, national security advisor, is tapping Richard Goldberg of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) for a key post. FDD President Mark Dubowitz confirmed the hire on Twitter late Monday: “Couldn’t think of anyone better than my @FDD colleague @rich_goldberg to join NSC to maximize the maximum pressure campaign against the Islamic Republic of Iran.” The White House has not yet publicly commented. The story was first reported in Jewish Insider . Goldberg has locked his...

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Mattis: One More General for the ‘Self Licking Ice Cream Cone’

Mattis: One More General for the ‘Self Licking Ice Cream Cone’

Before he became lionized as the “only adult in the room” capable of standing up to President Trump, General James Mattis was quite like any other brass scoping out a lucrative second career in the defense industry. And as with other military giants parlaying their four stars into a cushy boardroom chair or executive suite, he pushed and defended a sub-par product while on both sides of the revolving door. Unfortunately for everyone involved, that contract turned out to be an expensive fraud...

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Cuban Crickets Blamed For Brain-Melting Sonic Embassy Attacks

Cuban Crickets Blamed For Brain-Melting Sonic Embassy Attacks

Forget Vladimir Putin and hi-tech microwave weapons, the mystery behind US Embassy workers in Havana suffering from "sonic attacks" has apparently been solved. The culprit of the mystery ailments which include damaged hearing, vision, cognition, balance and sleep? According to a new study from the University of California, Berkeley, the mysterious noise heard by dozens of embassy workers may have been crickets. [A] new study indicates that the culprit behind this debacle is in fact… a cricket....

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New Studies Show Pundits Are Wrong About Russian Social-Media Involvement in US Politics

New Studies Show Pundits Are Wrong About Russian Social-Media Involvement in US Politics

The release of two Senate-commissioned reports has sparked a new round of panic about Russia manipulating a vulnerable American public on social media. Headlines warn that Russian trolls have tried to suppress the African-American vote, promote Green Party candidate Jill Stein, recruit “assets,” and “sow discord” or “hack the 2016 election” via sex-toy ads and Pokémon Go. “The studies,” writes David Ignatius of The Washington Post, “describe a sophisticated, multilevel Russian effort to use...

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Trump’s Neocons Reverse His Syria Withdrawal Plan

Trump’s Neocons Reverse His Syria Withdrawal Plan

I’m starting to wonder whether President Trump has any power over US foreign policy at all. Many people believe that the US president is just a figurehead, with actual foreign policy firmly in the hands of the deep state. Trump’s latest dramatic U-turn on pulling troops from Syria certainly feeds such theories.When President Trump announced just a couple of weeks ago that the US was removing its troops from Syria and possibly reducing troops from Afghanistan, the neocons, the media, the...

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Some Confucian Calm, Please!

Some Confucian Calm, Please!

The United States and China look like two punch-drunk prizefighters squaring off for a major championship fight. They have no good reason to fight and every reason to cooperate now that both their stock markets have been in turmoil. Six hundred point market swings down and then up look like symptoms of economic nervous breakdown. Factions in both nations are beating the war drums, putting presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping under growing pressure to be more aggressive. Trump shoulders much...

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‘Secret’ Evidence Vindicates Michael Flynn’s ‘Treasonous’ Dinner With Putin

‘Secret’ Evidence Vindicates Michael Flynn’s ‘Treasonous’ Dinner With Putin

Over the last month we have learned much more about the circumstances surrounding the departure of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about a conversation with then-Russian ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak; one on December 29, 2016 in which Flynn urged the Russians to "refrain from escalating the situation in response to sanctions that the US had imposed against Russia," and another conversation in...

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‘The Machine of Perpetual War Acceptance’: Veteran NBC Journalist Resigns in Protest Over One-Sided Coverage

‘The Machine of Perpetual War Acceptance’: Veteran NBC Journalist Resigns in Protest Over One-Sided Coverage

This week I published a column on how the Democratic Party seems to have jettisoned many of its defining values to simply become the anti-Trump party. The best example of that transformation is the automatic opposition to Trump’s decision to pull troops out of Syria and other countries. At the same time, liberal media outlets like CNN and MSNBC have been airing continual experts denouncing the “hasty” withdrawal. Now veteran NBC award-winning journalist William Arkin has resigned in protest of...

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US Defeat in Syria is a Crisis of Empire

US Defeat in Syria is a Crisis of Empire

The US lost in Syria. Donald Trump finally had the courage to admit that to the world when he ordered the pull out of all US troops there. Syria was to be the sparkling jewel in the Empire of Chaos’ Crown. A masterstroke of realpolitik which would advance every major US, Israeli, and Saudi objective while thoroughly destabilizing the Levant and setting the stage for wiping out Iran and eventually Russia. If the Assad government fell Syria would become something worse than Libya. It would...

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Christmas Colors Light Up a Diverse Syria as Peace & Stability Return – and the West Barely Noticed

Christmas Colors Light Up a Diverse Syria as Peace & Stability Return – and the West Barely Noticed

Damascus Old City, people thronged to the streets to celebrate Christmas 2018. © Vanessa BeeleyChristmas celebrations have literally radiated out across Syria and western media was curiously silent in the face of such displays of unity and solidarity among Syria's diverse peoples. Syrians saw off the year 2018 under a glittering canopy of festive lights and elaborate decorations adorn the streets of many cities, towns and villages throughout much of the country. Izraa, a town in the southern...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Behind the Saudi Crack-Up

Behind the Saudi Crack-Up

RPI Director Daniel McAdams has written an article for RT on the latest Saudi/US split -- what's behind it? What's going on with the Saudis?Writes McAdams: It was a great scene...

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