The US has threatened to revoke visas for members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague should they so much as investigate any criminal actions of American military personnel. The United States has never been a member of the ICC and considers it without authority over matters related to Americans or allies conducting joint operations. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a scathing rebuke Friday following ICC statements that it would look into possible US war crimes in...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
American Dictatorship, NSA Court Decision, and More: Daniel McAdams and Jay Taylor
RPI's Daniel McAdams is with Jay Taylor on the VoiceAmerica network discussing: Snowden, American dictatorship, NSA court decision, are hackers legitimate, the Washington Post's...
Dennis Kucinich for Ohio Governor?
Larry Durstin offers some speculation at the Cleveland Leader about Dennis Kucinich, an RPI Advisory Board Member, running for Ohio Governor: Dennis Kucinich: With Ed...
The Real ‘Blame America’ Crowd
The Washington Post’s Walter Pincus loves to protect his sources in the Intelligence Community. In an awkward attempt to cast aspersions on the NSA leakers and the journalists...
Saudis to Buy French Weapons For Lebanon Army
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced yesterday that it would extend $3 billion to the Lebanese army to purchase weapons from France. This is no garden variety foreign aid. This...
McAdams’ Year-End Chat With Jay Taylor
RPI's Daniel McAdams looks back over the year in foreign policy and civil liberties with VoiceAmerica Radio's Jay Taylor. What does the rest of the world think of US spying, the...
Judge Napolitano Applauds, Explains NSA Ruling
As usual, Judge Andrew Napolitano, an RPI Advisory Board Member, explains clearly and eloquently the real importance of US District Court Judge Richard Leon's ruling that the...
Judge Andrew Napolitano Explains Court Ruling on NSA, Describes Conspiracy Against US Constitution
In interviews Monday and Tuesday, Judge Andrew Napolitano explains the Monday United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruling that certain US National Security...
Jay Taylor and RPI’s Daniel McAdams: What in the World?
RPI's Daniel McAdams once again joins Jay Taylor on his excellent "Turning Hard Times Into Good Times" radio program. The two discuss the recent NSA ruling, Ukraine, new spy...
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