It appears I have rattled some cages. I recently appeared on RT to talk about how the United States weaponizes the dollar and wields it like a billy club to advance US foreign policy objectives. I specifically mentioned how the US can use the dollar-denominated SWIFT payment system as a tool and the threat that this kind of economic warfare poses to the US domestic economy. A couple of days after the interview, I got a somewhat contentious email from Voice of America asking for my comment...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul Praises States’ Nullification of US Marijuana Prohibition
Ron Paul, Wednesday on Fox Business’ The Independents, praises state governments’ nullification of marijuana prohibition. Paul, though, proceeds to warn against the taxation...
Ukraine Deteriorates: Daniel McAdams With Jay Taylor
In Ukraine over the weekend, eastern Ukrainian oblasts Donetsk and Lugansk held referenda to decide whether they would declare independence from Kiev. RPI's Daniel McAdams...
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Looking at the Washington Post and Rare, one has to wonder if today is Lie about Ron Paul in Headlines Day. First, the Washington Post published an article with the headline “Ron...
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Pussy Riot on Capitol Hill
Just when you thought their 15 minutes of fame was up, the women of Pussy Riot have made their way to Capitol Hill and into the hearts of (some) US lawmakers. They also posed for...
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