Several US citizens have been questioned by the FBI and threatened with arrest for their participation in New Horizon, a public media conference held each year in Iran. The interrogations and threats are the result of orders apparently delivered by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Sigal P. Mandelker, a militantly pro-Israel lawyer with longstanding ties to right-wing political networks. Mandelker was reportedly involved in brokering the infamous Florida deal that...
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We Made It To A Million!
This week marked a milestone for the Ron Paul Institute's Facebook page. For the first time in our short 15 months of existence we chalked up one million people reached over a...
The Border and The Border Kids — Ron Paul and Charles Goyette Podcast
The real reason we have this mess on the border — with thousands of kids streaming over — says Ron Paul, is foolish government policies on both sides of the border. Most of the...
Ron Paul: Don’t Blame Putin For Malaysian Jet Shoot Down
RPI Chairman Ron Paul was on NewsMax today to discuss yesterday's apparent shooting down of a Malaysian Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine. While the US media and the Obama...
Dennis Kucinich: Congress Should Recognize That Palestinians Exist
One of the few regrets I have in not being a member of the 113th US Congress is that I was not present in the House chambers to oppose H.Res.657, which passed by a voice vote,...
Ron Paul: ‘Who Are the Real Isolationists?’
Who are the real isolationists? Ron Paul tells Fox Business it is those who demand sanctions on Russia, Cuba, Iran, and any other country that does not follow the dictates of...
Tired of US Spying, Germany? Here’s Some Good Advice…
Germany is reeling from ongoing revelations about the extent of the US spying operation against the country, as at least two spies have been uncovered burrowed into German...
Is NATO The Ghost of Brezhnev? Daniel McAdams Back on Jay Taylor Show
What's going on with Eric Cantor and Israel? RPI's Daniel McAdams is back with Jay Taylor this week to discuss the violence in Gaza and Israel's American cheerleaders, NATO's...
Dennis Kucinich: Americans ‘Have to Break the War Culture’
In an engaging, wide-ranging interview with Peter Z. Scheer at Truthdig, RPI Advisory Board Member Dennis Kucinich expanded on his statement earlier this month on Democracy Now...
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