RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

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DC’s Atlantic Council raked in funding from Hunter Biden’s corruption-stained employer while courting his VP father

DC’s Atlantic Council raked in funding from Hunter Biden’s corruption-stained employer while courting his VP father

With its relentless focus on corruption in Russia and Ukraine, the Atlantic Council has distinguished itself from other top-flight think tanks in Washington. Over the past several years, it has held innumerable conferences and panel discussions, issued a string of reports, and published literally hundreds of essays on Russia’s “kleptocracy” and the scourge of Kremlin disinformation. At the same time, this institution has posed as a faithful partner to Ukraine’s imperiled democracy, organizing...

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“‘Am I going to get shot again.’”—2-year-old survivor of a police shooting that left his three siblings, ages 1, 4 and 5, with a bullet in the brain, a fractured skull and gun wounds to the face Children learn what they live. As family counselor Dorothy Law Nolte wisely observed, “If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.” And if children live with terror, trauma and...

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Twitter Targets Hong Kong in US-backed Regime Change Operation

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BREAKING: US Working With Russia to Handover Patrols Between Turkish and Syrian Armies in Manbij

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Finding a Vaccine for the Impeachment Derangement Virus

Finding a Vaccine for the Impeachment Derangement Virus

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.Once intelligent people are talking about actual civil war in America. This began after Trump retweeted a pastor saying impeachment would cause a “civil war-like fracture in this Nation.” Never mind that it was a retweet, and never mind that the original statement used “like” to make a comparison. The next headline was set: Trump Threatens Civil War If He’s Impeached. Newsweek quoted a Harvard Law professor saying that the “threat” alone made Trump impeachable....

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Washington’s Sum of All Fears: Kurdish Militants Cut a Deal with Damascus

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Last night, Kurdish officials in northeastern Syria issued a statement that an agreement has been reached with the government in Damascus allowing the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to takeover key strategic positions along the Syria’s northern border with Turkey. Not surprisingly, cheers can he heard from Damascus to Moscow, and Tehran too, while leaving Washington’s foreign policy blob visibly moaning in agony. The reality of the situation is that Turkey sprung a trap set by Damascus and its allies....

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Turkey Beats the War Drums

Turkey Beats the War Drums

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The Plague of Western Adventurism in Syria

The Plague of Western Adventurism in Syria

The Russian and Turkish leadership attended a summit in Ankara on September 16th, 2019, where the two leaders agreed to cooperate in Syria. Besides such cooperation, Mr Erdogan and Mr Putin also committed to the future of the Turkstream pipeline. And at the MAKs air show, Mr Erdogan expressed his great interest in the potential purchase of SU-35 fighter jets, and perhaps the SU-57 when it becomes operational. Consider too, the additional element of NATO member Turkey’s S400 defensive missile...

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Empty Desks at the NSC

Empty Desks at the NSC

Looks like President Trump finally realizes that he is working in a snake pit. When he took office on January 20, 2017, he left an enormous cadre of Obama/Hillary sycophants in place. He could have (and should have) moved them out and reassigned them to the bureaucratic equivalent of Siberia. But he did not. Take the case of Tina Kaidanow, who headed up the Bureau of Counter Terrorism when Trump took over. Rather than asking for her resignation she was put in as the number two person in the...

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Why Gilligan’s Island May be the Answer to Police Brutality

Why Gilligan’s Island May be the Answer to Police Brutality

I retired from the NYPD and moved to Florida like many NYC policemen and firemen do- there is no state income tax here and it doesn’t snow. I decided I needed a job so I worked for a local Sheriff’s office for three years. Policemen always have their hands full when they deal with emotionally disturbed persons (EDP’s in NYPD parlance). It was no different in south Florida. While working in Florida I had seen many incidents where an EDP was wrestled into handcuffs, pepper sprayed, or even shot...

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Sanctioning Away Free Speech: Americans Meet With Iranians at Their Peril

Sanctioning Away Free Speech: Americans Meet With Iranians at Their Peril

The issue of the United States waging what seems to be a global war by way of sanctions rarely surfaces in the western media. The argument being made by the White House is that sanctions are capable of putting maximum pressure on a rogue regime without the necessity of having to go to war and actually kill people, but the reality is that while economic warfare may seem to be more benign than bombing and shooting the reality is that thousands of people die anyway, whether through starvation or...

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Investigation Of Biden-Enriching Burisma Opened Months Before Zelensky Even Elected: Report

Investigation Of Biden-Enriching Burisma Opened Months Before Zelensky Even Elected: Report

A new report from recent Fox News hire John Solomon tosses gasoline on the dumpster-fire narrative at the heart of an impeachment inquiry launched after a CIA officer filed a whistleblower complaint, alleging President Trump abused his office by "pressuring" the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter for corruption. According to Solomon, a new document "shows that Ukrainian officials had opened a new probe into the firm linked to Hunter Biden months before President...

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Syria: Another Forever War Beckons

Syria: Another Forever War Beckons

An explosion of criticism had erupted in Congress and the news media in response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw a small contingent of US troops stationed in northern Syria. Those forces served as a (mostly symbolic) barrier to Turkey’s ambitions to conduct a military offensive against Syrian Kurdish forces there. Ankara has now initiated that offensive. Republican hawks and Trump’s automatic adversaries among congressional Democrats are united in excoriating his decision. Much of...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Mr. Cantor Goes to Wall Street

Mr. Cantor Goes to Wall Street

Hightailing it out of the United States House of Representatives after losing his reelection effort in the Republican Party primary is paying off well for uber war advocate and...

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