RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Those hoping the non-interventionist cause would be given some real muscle if a couple of oligarchs who've made fortunes from global interventionism team up and pump millions into Washington think tanks will be sorely disappointed by the train wreck that is the Koch/Soros alliance. The result thus far has not been a tectonic shift in favor of a new direction, with new faces and new ideas, but rather an opportunity for these same old Washington think tanks, now flush with even more money, to...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

New leaks shatter OPCW’s attacks on Douma whistleblowers

For the past year, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has been roiled by allegations that it manipulated an investigation to falsely accuse the Syrian government of a chemical weapons attack. An OPCW report released in March 2019 lent credence to claims by Islamist militants and Western governments that the Syrian military killed around 40 civilians with toxic gas in the city of Douma in April 2018. The accusation against Damascus led to US-led military strikes on...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

More Lies on Iran: The White House Just Can’t Help Itself as New Facts Emerge

Admittedly the news cycle in the United States seldom runs longer than twenty-four hours, but that should not serve as an excuse when a major story that contradicts what the Trump Administration has been claiming appears and suddenly dies. The public that actually follows the news might recall a little more than one month ago the United States assassinated a senior Iranian official named Qassem Soleimani. Openly killing someone in the government of a country with which one is not at war is, to...

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Thousands Killed in ‘Reconstruction’ Mission Show it’s High Time for US to Get Out of Afghanistan

Thousands Killed in ‘Reconstruction’ Mission Show it’s High Time for US to Get Out of Afghanistan

A recent report shows over 2,000 people were killed outside of combat during the US “reconstruction” of Afghanistan. Yet President Donald Trump campaigns on ending that and other endless US wars, without actually doing so. By a conservative estimate from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), 2,214 people were killed and 2,921 wounded in the course of “reconstruction or stabilization” mission, between its beginning in April 2002 and the end of 2018. Another 1,182...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Hollywood Goes Full Blacklist and Fails to Grasp the Irony

In the wake of the latest Hollywood buffoonery displayed at the Oscars, I think it is time for the American public to denounce in the strongest possible terms the rampant hypocrisy of sanctimonious cretins who make their living pretending to be someone other than themselves. Brad Pitt, Joaquin Phoenix and Barbara Streisand pop to mind as representative examples. All three are eager to lecture the American public on the need for equality and non-discrimination. Yet, not one of the recipients of...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

US Lies and Deaths in Afghanistan

Last December the Washington Post published secret Pentagon documents showing the official lies that have undergirded the US war on Afghanistan for the past 18 years. The opening paragraph of the article puts the matter bluntly: “A confidential trove of government documents obtained by The Washington Post reveals that senior US officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign, making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Democrats Ignore Trump’s Real Violations

This week the latest Democratic Party attempt to remove President Trump from office – impeachment over Trump allegedly holding up an arms deal to Ukraine – flopped. Just like “Russiagate” and the Mueller investigation, and a number of other attempts to overturn the 2016 election.We’ve had three years of accusations and investigations with untold millions of dollars spent in a never-ending Democratic Party effort to remove President Trump from office.Why do the Democrats keep swinging and...

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Step to Nuclear Doomsday: US Puts Low-Yield Nukes on Submarines in Response to Made-up Russian ‘Escalate to Deescalate’ Strategy

Step to Nuclear Doomsday: US Puts Low-Yield Nukes on Submarines in Response to Made-up Russian ‘Escalate to Deescalate’ Strategy

The US has deployed “low-yield” nuclear missiles on submarines, saying it’s to discourage nuclear conflict with Russia. The move is based on a “Russian strategy” made up in Washington and will only bring mass annihilation closer. In a statement released earlier this week, US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood announced that “the US Navy has fielded the W76-2 low-yield submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) warhead.” This new operational capability, Rood...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Did Washington Use a False Pretext for its Recent Escalation in Iraq?

In a key piece of actual extensive, on-the-ground reporting, the New York Times’s Alissa Rubin has raised serious questions about the official US account of who it was that attacked the K-1 base near Kirkuk, in eastern Iraq, on December 27. The United States almost immediately accused the Iran-backed Ketaib Hizbullah (KH) militia of responsibility. But Rubin quotes by name Brig. General Ahmed Adnan, the chief of intelligence for the Iraqi federal police at the same base, as saying, “All the...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

The President Who Was Expelled from His Own Party

In his book Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty, Ivan Eland ranked John Tyler as the best American president of all time. (The Marxist Left that dominates the American academic history profession usually ranks him near the bottom). Eland’s ranking is so at odds with the hard-Left history profession because their criteria give higher scores to presidents who spend and tax the most, consolidate the most power in Washington, D.C., oppress civil liberties...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Why Both Republicans and Democrats Want Russia to Become the Enemy of Choice

One of the more interesting aspects of the nauseating impeachment trial in the Senate was the repeated vilification of Russia and its President Vladimir Putin. To hate Russia has become dogma on both sides of the political aisle, in part because no politician has really wanted to confront the lesson of the 2016 election, which was that most Americans think that the federal government is basically incompetent and staffed by career politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell who should...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Democrats Failed to Impeach Trump, But They Won’t Give Up Trying – It’s All They’ve Got

Even before Donald Trump was elected US president, Democrats began talking about impeachment. Now that it has failed, will they finally accept the result of the 2016 election? Don’t get your hopes up. Trump’s acquittal in the Senate on Wednesday was a foregone conclusion, given as it takes two thirds of the senators present to convict. The only way for 20 Republicans to switch sides was for the House case to be open and shut – something that only Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California) and...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Acronym group that sabotaged Iowa caucus birthed by billionaire who funded Alabama disinformation campaign

At the time of publication, the winner of the state’s Democratic Party caucuses is still unknown. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the clear winner in virtually every exit poll, is currently ahead in votes. Yet somehow Pete Buttigieg, a favorite of the party establishment who was unknown to most voters until last year, has claimed victory. The force accused of sowing the confusion and disarray surrounding the first Democrat Party contest of the 2020 election season is a dark money Democratic nonprofit...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Claims that John Bolton's book disclosures are 'top secret' ring hollow

Ever since the 9/11 attacks, Republicans and Democrats have conspired to keep Americans increasingly ignorant of what the federal government does. The number of secret federal documents skyrocketed, and any information classified was treated like a political holy relic that could not be exposed without dooming the nation. Ironically, the fate of the Trump presidency may hinge on perpetuating the unjustifiable secrecy now pervading Washington.  John Bolton wrote a book about his experiences as...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

US Uneasy as Iraq Gets New Prime Minister

In happier times, Washington and Tehran might well have zeroed in on Mohammed Tawfik Allawi as their consensus candidate for the post of Iraq’s prime minister.  Why not? He was opposed to Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship — although, unlike most Shia politicians who fled from Saddam’s tyranny, he never lived in Iran but chose UK.  However, unlike his famous (notorious) cousin Iyad Allawi who also lived in exile in the UK and whom the US handpicked to head the first government during its occupation...

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The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Do We Need the First Amendment?

Many years ago, I was giving a lecture on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to a class at a public high school here in Virginia. During the course of my talk, I made the following statement: “The First Amendment does not give people the right of free speech.” I asked the students whether my statement was correct or incorrect. Everyone immediately told me that I was wrong. They said the First Amendment did in fact give people the right of free speech. I held my ground. I said it didn’t,...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

In Praise of Grover Cleveland

In Praise of Grover Cleveland

Jesse Ventura released this week his new podcast conversation with Ron Paul. It is a pleasure to hear Ventura engage Paul in an unrushed, wide-ranging examination of United...

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