The former Supreme Court Justice Jonathan Sumption, QC, has denounced the police response to the coronavirus, saying the country is suffering 'collective hysteria'. This is an edited transcript of his interview with BBC Radio 4's World at One programme earlier today. BBC interviewer Jonny Dymond 'A hysterical slide into a police state. A shameful police force intruding with scant regard to common sense or tradition. An irrational overreaction driven by fear.' These are not the accusations of...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
As Civilian Deaths Mount in Yemen, US Pledges Saudi Attackers More Support
Saudi fighter planes continue to attack neighboring Yemen in hopes of re-installing ousted Yemeni president Mansur Hadi and putting down the rebellion that forced him to depart....
When it’s OK to Bomb Your Own People
One of the chief US/UK justifications for their regime change policy in Syria is the claim that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is "bombing his own people." While in fact the...
Norman Singleton Discusses the Terrible Way the PATRIOT Act Became Law
Norman Singleton, who worked for years as the legislative director for former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), provided a very revealing account on Tuesday of the terrible way the PATRIOT...
The Interventionist Holocaust
This month, the Physicians for Social Responsibility released a report on the number of Afghanis, Iraqis, and Pakistanis killed in the ten year US "war on terror." Titled "Body...
Melkite Church Patriarch: Please Stop Bombing Us
Patriarch Gregoire III LahamMelkite Catholic Church Patriarch Gregoire III Laham of Damascus, Syria, has a message for those who continue to intervene in Syria's tragic four year...
Why Washington Provides Neither Peace Nor Prosperity
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Twelve Years After Start of Iraq War, Neocons Still on Top
Obama blames the rise of ISIS and al-Qaeda in Iraq on US military action against Iraq in 2003. So what is his solution? More military action against Iraq! And what if ISIS...
RPI’s McAdams on Ukraine’s New Special Operations Law
What are the implications of a new law passed by Ukraine's parliament making it legal for Kiev to undertake special operations in the breakaway east? Will this open the door for...
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