In the early days of the COVID-19 panic—about three weeks ago—it was common to hear both of these phrases often repeated: - "The fatality rate of this virus is very high!" - "There are far more cases of this out there than we know about!" The strategy of insisting that both these statements are true at the same time has been used by politicians to implement "lockdowns" that have forced business to close and millions to lose their jobs. For instance, on March 12, Ohio Department of Health...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
US Funded Industrial Park in Afghanistan Found With Only One Business and No Electricity . . . And Missing Records
We have yet another example of how we are wasting billions of dollars in Afghanistan where a combination of incompetence and corruption continues to drain the US treasury. This...
Are We Really Winning Against ISIS?
When President Obama welcomed Iraqi prime minister Abadi to Washington last week he glowed with optimism over the US fight against ISIS. The US is making "serious progress"...
VA Sending Veterans’ Mental Health Information to the FBI to Aid Gun Restrictions
A February 2012 memorandum of understanding between the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) lays out a process...
Don’t Take Our Raisins! An Introduction to American Takings Law
With the United States Supreme Court hearing oral arguments Wednesday in Horne v. Department of Agriculture — a case concerning the application of the US Constitution’s Fifth...
Ukraine’s American Finance Minister Asks John McCain for Weapons
When the US-installed government of Ukraine went shopping for a finance minister last year, it found an American woman who had not only spent a good deal of time in Ukraine but...
Ron Paul: ‘NATO’s an Entangling Alliance We’d Be Better Off Without’
Speaking Monday on the Alan Colmes Show, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Chairman Ron Paul discussed the danger the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) poses to...
More Repercussions From US/European Militarism
Over the weekend, a ship filled with migrants capsized off the coast of Libya. Hundreds of people, fleeing from the Middle East and Africa were reported to be on this ship and...
US to Widely Export Killer Drones
Here’s one of those “Now what could possibility go wrong?” stories. Drones for Everyone Reversing years of restricted sales of America’s robot drone killers, the Obama...
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